Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 2)

Lions working on the secondary alright!

. Also help the o-line and possibly a diamond in the rough RB.

Terrion Arnold is said to be the best CB in the draft.
Ennis Rakestraw was on my list for CBā€™s.
Giovanni Manu is a beast of a man, but super raw, but he has the feet of a dancer.
Sione Vaki is our new secret weapon for fake kicks ect, among other things.
Meki Wingo is a James Huston type.
Christian Mahogany was considered a #2 guard until he was injured.

So I would say it was a pretty good draft.
The Lions have gotten a lot better and will be a lot better this coming year.

I never thought I would say thisā€¦
I predict we win the Superbowl this year. :astonished:

What does Swami-Smacky have to say? @SmackyMcSmackers


I might have to put a preseason bet on lions winning it all.:thinking:. Last year the odds pay out would have been better.

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Oh no your speaking in tongues again :joy::joy::crazy_face:

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Good morning Islanders,
Hope you all are doing well today. Havenā€™t been on much lately, dealing with a slight health issue, but itā€™s all worked out, and Iā€™m OK.
Havenā€™t been all too busy in Reapers Glass Shop, things are kinda slow, have a TON of work coming Q3 & Q4 this year.

The mock up for the ā€œFruitā€ computer giant is complete for the new series of ā€œVintage Eā€ stores, coming to a store near you, LOL

Another set of ā€œCustomā€ doors waiting for the special cladding, these are heading to the Bahamas.
Hope all you Islanders have a wonderful day, and once again, Iā€™m OK and ALMOST back to normal.


I know a bunch of us were wondering where you had gotten off to, @Kgrim. Health issues can be difficult to predict. Iā€™m so happy to hear that youā€™re okay and ā€œnearly normal.ā€ I hate applying the word ā€œnormalā€ to myself! HA!

I know weā€™re all really glad youā€™re feeling better! :+1:


Thanks @mota, really appreciate it.
Iā€™m still recovering from the TIA (Mini Stroke). I was good for a few weeks after, but it finally caught up with me. A whole lot of testing, poking, prodding, enough blood draws to give someone a transfusion and trying to work and keep my stress level down, changes in blood pressure meds, etc. I have 1 more week of this stupid heart monitor then I can get rid of that, and should be done with all the ā€œtestingā€. Still have no clue why it happened, but, the Neurologist says Iā€™m ā€œclinicallyā€ good, no loss of motor function, muscles etc.
I guess I should have said Iā€™m feeling a lot like my old self, and not ā€œnormalā€ LOL


I had a stroke almost seven years ago. I never lost consciousness, and only lost the ability to walk for a couple of hours. The stroke was on the right side of my brain, so it affected the left side of my body. Iā€™ve felt like Iā€™ve had ā€œpins and needlesā€ on the left side of my entire body ever since, however, the feeling has diminished somewhat over time. What I lost most noticeably was fine motor control. I think Iā€™m at between 80% and 90% recovered in that area. Immediately after my stroke, for example, I couldnā€™t make a fist with my left hand. Using my right hand I could push my fingers into a fist, but I couldnā€™t do it using just my left. Thatā€™s easy for me to do now, but it took time.

Yeah, keeping stress at a minimum was something my doc stressed too.

In any event, Iā€™m glad that youā€™re feeling better!

Now whereā€™s that bong?!


Glad to hear your recovering!!!
So, this ā€œincidentā€ started on a Friday night around 9:30, I was asleep on the couch, had my left arm hung out because Ranger is a needy pup sometimes and needs me touching him to fall asleep. I woke up to my left arm asleep like itā€™s done 1,000 times before, but, when I sat up, it was literally like someone chopped my body in half with a giant shot of Novacaine. Checked my BP, all good, no slurred speech, no loss of motor function, no droopy face, no other symptoms other than numbness which resided in a few minutes. So, I really didnā€™t think much of it to tell ya the truth. Well, 3 episodes later about 9:30am I told Maria, hey babe, you better take me to the hospital, and onward we went. Had about a 20 second bout on the way there, still, no other symptoms, but could feel my BP rising because I started to get a little worried. Got to the ER, told them what was going on, INSTANT freak out from ER. Onto CT scan in under 7 minutes, all clear, said not a ā€œstrokeā€ BP outrageous. 1 10 second episode in ER, nothing showing on monitors. Admitted, under observation. 8:00am all kinds of heart testing, all clear.
9:30am off to MRI, once again all clear. They screwed with my meds and BP would t come down. Told Maria, bring me some gummies and my pain meds, because they wouldnā€™t give me any, explained to the nurse, once my wife gets here, I will get my BP down. 50mg of gummies, my pain meds, and POOF, within 15 minutes, BP back to normal. Now, after numerous Dr visits, and a trip to the neurologist, still donā€™t have an answer yet, thatā€™s why Iā€™m wearing this heart monitor, to watch my heart because he thinks I may have gone into A Fib and not known it, and sent red blood cell clot to my Brain.
So we will see once this report gets filed.
I TOTALLY get the pins and needles feeling, still have some residual in my forefinger and thumb, but itā€™s more like a buzzing compared to the pins and needles feeling of ā€œsleepingā€ extremities.
And itā€™s underlying, I can feel fine details just fine, but with the buzz in the background, itā€™s gotten better, but Iā€™d say itā€™s 95% back to normal.
Iā€™m hoping the change in BP meds, the brainwave scan, and 4 weeks of this damn heart monitor show at least something, LOL


Awesome to get old not! Owell makes a person start to prioritize more and realize that you have to appreciate the people and puppies because they depend on us and want us around. I have one of those needy pups to and at 11yrs he still sleeps between mommy and daddy. @Kgrim


Hey brother @shag ! Those seeds arrived today! Thank you once again for these and Iā€™ll be tagging you when I get some wet. :slight_smile:


@mota and @Kgrim glad to hear you both are doing well.

@Kgrim glad to hear you are back to work.
I just thought you were working your ass off like ya doā€¦

No one knows you like yourselfā€¦maybe your wifeā€¦ :rofl:
I am gonna be in your area more this summer I will have to drop by and see you.
Or if you stop by my place that is cool too.
Maybe a BBQ is in order.
Maybe we can get @Bobgrows to attend too.
When she is not traveling the world that isā€¦ :rofl:
In other words I hope to see ya soon.

Dog lovers are good people, cause dogs is good peopleā€¦ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you for the report my friend, I hope those are just what you were looking for.
I found his work very unique and his sativaā€™s are very fast.
I have not seen 1 other person with those seeds but I do know only a few got them.
You may wanna make some seeds if you have the room.
The breeder is pretty cool and probably would not mine if you handed out a few to your friends.


@shag sounds good my friend, youā€™ve pretty much gotta go bye the house anyhow, LOL
Let me know a little bit ahead of time, Iā€™ll fire up the smoker and do some ribs or something.
On another note, I bought a 5 gallon Hypochlorus acid generator, so youā€™re welcome to a batch if you need it.
Yeah, work is slow right now until Q3-Q4, just little things.
Iā€™m feeling much better and ALMOST back to feeling like my ā€œold selfā€


Good to hear, no cliff diving for at least a couple of weeks just to be safe. :wink:

Nice buy, that stuff is handy.
I have been shut down but I just popped a few seeds so I hope I donā€™t need any but I will let you know.
Thank you kindly my friend. :slightly_smiling_face:


Iā€™ll definitely give that some consideration. :thinking:
Thanks again.


He was a hell of a find. Gonna be a special teams ace, especially given the rule change for kickoffs.

I donā€™t hate any of the picks. Definitely filled some needs for now & the future.

My buddies who are Bears fans are questioning the rationale of drafting a punter out of Iowaā€”based on their offense, that dudeā€™s already got some significant miles on his foot.

I heard ESPN has Detroit and Kansas City headed to New Orleans this year.


Biofortification of staple crops can be done through conventional crop breeding, agronomic practices (such as through application of fertilizers), or genetic modification (GM) .

What is the new name for GMO?

Instead of using the more popular term ā€œGMOs,ā€ food manufacturers should now use ā€œbioengineeredā€ or ā€œderived from bioengineeringā€ as per the new federal standard.Mar 18, 2024


Just picked up a new toy.
It will patrol the island perimeter to keep out the riff-raff.

Manta Ray Underwater Drone

I figured we could use it for skiing when are bored.
I traded some weed for it. :grinning:


Do you think food is important?
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates was Americaā€™s largest farmland owner with more than 260,000 acres.

China held 349,442 acres in 2022.


Underwater stealth technologyā€¦ I wonder why they would develop that?? :thinking: