Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 2)

It’s illegal for the U.S. military to conduct psychological operations on Americans .

Have you seen the army has a new recruitment video?

Lt. Col. Steve Crowe, commander of the Special Forces Recruiting Battalion, hopes the talk around the recruitment videos will help inspire people who are interested in this line of work.

“From a tactical level, the psyop mission is extremely hard to show and tell,” he said. “And it’s the job in Army special forces that recruiters say is the hardest to fill.”

The Army has struggled with its recruitment goals, falling about 15,000 soldiers short for the last two years, the outlet reported.

“I think what he does with ‘Ghost in the Machine’ is it tells you what psychological operations is, and shows you it, without telling you in words,” Crowe said. “You watch the video and you’re like, okay, this is how I’ll influence and change behavior.”

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Also the ever rising obesity in young people so even those who want to join can’t meet the requirements.:person_facepalming:. We need more processed foods and corn syrup in our diets.


To be real, military psychological operation are quaint today in the face what our domestic academic, media and political establishments have been running against us for decades now. Joseph Goebbels would truly be in awe of what they have been able to pull off …
Psych Ops
You’d be surprised (but should not be) how many of these folks I worked with in the 90s that ended up well paid civilians working at Michigan State University funded by an unprecedented billion dollar political campaign in 2008.

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Basic Training used to shed all that baby fat off a person right quick but that was back when it wasn’t like going to a Boy Scout jamboree. When they started pampering recruits they did a disservice to every one of them they sent, unprepared, into war. Not to mention the damage they’ve done to the strength of our military as a whole by lowering standards and coddling.


As we rightfully allow for civilian control over our military, sadly none have been held accountable for their Psych Ops against our military. @MoBilly What you stated is correct, but I’d also take aim at the DC lawyers control over our troops in combat via the bullshit lawfare of Rules of Engagement. These kids were being shot at in Afghanistan and Iraq by combatants that simply chose to run knowing the bullshit RoE does not allow for pursuit. This training of DEI instead of combat readiness as you give their weapons and ammo to foreign countries in recent years is just beyond me …


I very much agree. My dad was training recruits when things began to really change. You should have heard what he thought about the feds forcing compliance to the rules they put in place. He wasn’t a cursing man but he used some choice phrases my mom told me never to repeat. lol


I never realized/appreciated how lucky we were that the kids I went into Operations Desert Shield and Storm with threw lawn darts and rode in the back of pickups down the freeway growing up ;-)~


This world is not what it used to be …that is for sure.
Danger was everywhere as a child, but somehow we survived.

Someone said we don’t need to do anything but remove the warning labels and the world would be a different place. :rofl:

I was just chatting about planned obsolesence and how this kinda fan would last 100 years.
Not much protection but I still have all my fingers… :thinking:


Imagine what a ladder would cost today without all those warning labels/legal costs?!?


Mr Gillette ruined the world. First, disposable razor blades, then manufacturers saw that and you get disposable appliances… He created a disposable world. lol


Awe man, it was probably something juicy too… :rofl:


I’ve ridden in the back of pickups with some great boys and girls that grew up right. I’d trust many of them to watch my back in a bad situation. There’s just something about country life that prepares a person to survive and see that your buddy does too.
I was on my phone so I didn’t respond yesterday. Glad I remembered this morning.


Looking at that avatar’s face full of serious fuzz (I’m guessing that’s you), I’d say I’m not the only one who hasn’t bought into all of that scraping the hair off your face bullshit. It’s a very sophisticated thing to do, but also particularly uncivilized. I prefer to be civilized.

Took this just a moment ago -

I guess I could have picked a darker shirt. More beard than my avatar (yes, that’s me a few years ago) might suggest. The resemblance is so clear! :wink:


I think the new guys coming out are in bad spot. Our media is blowing up on the males as being the ones that are causing all the problems for females and it is working. Women aren’t making any more but they are working and trying to have a family and job,heck no stress at all hehe. Women have to choose whether to have a career or kids and media is shoving that expectation down their throats and they aren’t buying into it. Census is showing that population for blacks and whites are going to decline and Latino populations are on the rise 17%. We are having doubts whether we can keep the long term economy going with these drops in the demographics and even with all the people coming in still are struggling keeping the population on the increase or even steady. Happening all over the world. Sure seems you can hide a lot when you are starting all these fires to keep people from focusing on the real situations. I think through distractions and creating problems the ones creating this stress can capitalize on the confusion by taking advantage of stressed out angry scared people. Psychopaths Dream!

Maybe with people becoming more scarce then we might not be so disposable?


Instead of the government running psyops

What concerns me is the blatant foreign propaganda and interference that is being constantly glossed over.

The whole world is in economic shit, yet the population of our countries shift blame to the executive leader instead of capitalism and politics as a whole. They seek to replace said leaders with worse ones, or to start a “revolution” despite having representation and the ability to vote.

Shooting people won’t create better leaders… it’s a whimsical fantasy that has been inflamed by foreign actors.


We have been taught that the government runs the show not the people or constitution. Weak stupid fat people are easy to control, the barnyard is full of these types. Breed out or get rid of the bulls or heifers that are feisty and breed the easy going Cowslips and get rid of the trouble causing ones! Oh heck the feisty ones make good soldiers not the fat peaceful Cowslips :wink:. Hmmm drones anyone? sorry @shag just having fun kinda pulls all the barnyard fun together by crazy autistic boy!


You generalize more than I’d like but it’s true. We are taught that the system and politicians are separate instead of part of our culture and getting involved. I understand why politics is a private thing but it’s become a point of pride to some that they are not “into” politics. Well, your landlord, your boss, your bank, your mayor, your police chief, all these people are “into” politics and use it to their advantage.


Someday soon we’ll start to ponder
What on Earth’s this spell we’re under
We made the grade and still we wonder
Who the hell we are


Also, notable shoutout to the barbie movie for saying be true to yourself instead of following society’s expectations

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This is by design, there is a ton of evidence that lowing the population is intentional.

I suspect it has to do with AI and automation.
I have been in airport sized auto plants with just a handful of people running the whole show.

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