Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 2)

So true @Mrgreenthumb . There are so many different aspects to this problem. I would say that the broken immigration system is just one more tentacle that the beast that big corp created uses for it’s benefit.


Hehe I love the US we have the ability to speak our minds and that makes it all worth it.

You crack me up :+1: in a good way.

Immigration isn’t broken working just fine. Not working for the workers in US but working fine :+1:


The main problem I have is the 12 years it took for a legal immigrant to become a citizen. She was smart, knew the constitution better than anyone I know, went to college on her fathers dime (not government grants that I know of), jumped through all their hoops for TEN to TWELVE years before being allowed to become a citizen. All the lawyers, paperwork to file and classes… costed their family a ton of cash.
This was a good person, living with a productive family doing everything right. Why the hell did it take a kid over 10 years to prove her worthiness to become a citizen if the system isn’t broken.
Undocumented workers will never legally make as decent a living as documented workers and when one becomes a citizen… well they have rights and must be paid accordingly. For that reason, I believe, the US Government keeps them spinning in the system for so damn long. That is why I call the system “broken”. It’s not really, it’s just intentionally set up that way for (again) the profit of big business that put profit above treating people decent.
If a person enters the country legally and then shows that they are productive, law abiding people that are adding to the community and country, are learning our language and how our system of governance works and plan to build a decent life in the US then I say let them stay and make a life for themselves. More power to them in my opinion.
You are right though. It isn’t “broken”, it’s completely intentionally set up and working just fine, if you don’t give a shit about good people and their welfare.

Now, having said that, if someone starts out their life in the US by breaking the law to enter illegally they need to be arrested and sent right back to the country they crossed over from. The Mexican government should have 8,000,000+ criminals deposited right at their border with troops to make sure they don’t turn North. Every single one. No matter the age, sex, health… They all need to go back where they came from.

Again just the opinion of one who has seen the system “work”.


good luck with that, farms use migrant labour (illegals)


True they do and need the work. But there are work visa that they should be able to get EASILY. They should be allowed to apply and get one as soon as possible. If they don’t have problems with the law, let them stay and work. The more the merrier! But just set up a fair system and if they are not worthy of being here (trouble makers) send their asses back and bar re-entry. That simple.

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You may be missing my point- food gets on people’s plates because of these illegals, because they’re able to be exploited by farm owners and big ag.

Deport them all and you’re gonna have problems with your food supply chain. There isn’t some quick fix here, really.


Again… millions of legally obtained work visa’s could be given out. It could be a four year permit or whatever. They can come in by the millions and that would be a good and necessary thing for our country and them. Just do it legally is all I’m saying.
They apply by the millions, are given permits by the millions and do the work of millions… legally without any hassles. They benefit, the country benefits farmers benefit and it’s all done legal. The difference is, we know who they are and for the most part, what kind of people they are by their actions while here.
Send them away if they are criminals. You’d have their paperwork and know just exactly who is who and all that.

Exploited is the right word.


What you’re describing would take years, and the government / business owners aren’t willing to do it. They’d rather paint illegal immigrants as criminals and huge problem makers and then act tough on crime. They aren’t going to issue work visas for legal migrant workers when they can just exploit illegals and then exploit you by telling you they’re going to get rid of the illegals but then never manage to do anything about it.


And how many years have they had to do it right and still the system is set up cruelly by our government and big Ag.
That is the “brokenness” I spoke of. Maybe the wrong word was used but the fact is they have had years to do something right and didn’t because it didn’t work to satiate their greed.


Definitely true there.


I just wanted to say get well soon to @Kgrim , I had a few TIAs about twenty years ago and I have no lasting negative effects, I hope that gives you some hope.

I’ve just read the posts from the last week or so, This thread should come with a beard porn warning. Good work brothers.


So are you part of the bushy brotherhood Igor? lol


How very kind of you.
I hope so too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@shag if I’m putting too much of my 2c’s up on your thread, let me know. I don’t want heat brought down on your thread for my opinions. I’m not normally out there with my thoughts for that reason.


I thought it was a reasonable discussion for the most, @MoBilly . You’re pointing out that people struggle to become legitimate members of the system and that this is extremely unfair to them. I pointed out nuances of the current political and economic mechanisms that might not be immediately recognizable.


True. We have a civil conversation and I love that. But it only take one person to get a burr under their saddle and flag a post. That’s the world we live in now. Offense isn’t just taken when offense is intended, it’s invented for fun by some.


Not at all myfriend.
I truely think the problems happen when we lose respect for our brothers.
So if everyone can remain respectful of one another we should be good.

I agree!
I thank you all for being respectful of one another.! :wink:


Some people just can’t respect other people’s views or opinions on topics that are being discussed and not debated. :wink::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


We live in a very polarized reality where people experience different things in addition to being told different things.

As I discussed earlier for example, there are state actors out there attempting to make our everyday conversations and altercations even more heated. Because divide and conquer works best from within.

So i find that a lot of things need to be carefully discussed, or even avoided.


I will vote for the former any day. An open minded person who will, thoughtfully, exchange views without rancor is a person worth knowing in my opinion. Even if our opinions differ greatly.