Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 2)

I agree

It’s just that as you said, any random person can wander in and get upset

As a Canadian, I am pretty left wing

I find it increasingly harder to discuss politics on a practical level with anybody, because as i mentioned earlier, a lot of people seek to put blame on the executive leader instead of seeing the problems system wide and the complex interactions involved.

This doesn’t mean I support the current leaders. But it means I have to break down things extremely carefully to someone who suggest what we just vote the current leader out and put the popular alternative right in. This person, typically, is extremely resistant to hear that things could be worse.


Without option or people thinking :face_with_monocle: outside the box :package: we would never better things. Ideas :bulb: come from discussions on topics and ideas. We are lucky :four_leaf_clover: to all have options on the betterment for all and try to stay respectful of others thoughts, views, opinions, and contributions to a conversation that is call progress. :ok_hand::wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


A little off topic …


Love Bill hicks

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I guess I’m not what the extreme right would consider right and the same on the left. lol
I was a Democrat most of my life (to my dad’s embarrassment lol) so I agree with a lot of their views. But I saw the weakness and corruption for what it was finally. I didn’t blindly go to the far right though. I observed, more clearly, that both sides were wrong thinking for the same and different reasons. If you know what I mean. I also became aware that the “expendable souls” on both sides of the issues were nothing more than pawns on a chess board to those who truly deserve our hatred.
We are what we are because we’ve lived what we’ve lived. Hopefully that evolution continues for me for a while yet. lol

But I can talk to someone no matter what “side” they’re on concerning a subject without hatred entering in. I know we’re both being used by the same beast. We have at least one thing in common. Maybe we should build on that…
Makes sense to me.


United we stand! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The powers that be say I don’t like that.

But I do.

Plants to care for. Catch y’all later.
Great conversation.


Just remember dick Cheney basically called the population of the USA chattel.
Remember Chris Christy was a huge player in the derivatives market that lead to the 2008 crash
Lot of stuff needs to change, so that the people at the top aren’t the only ones benefiting.

A part of the undocumented workers no one talks about is social security. They obtain social security numbers and pay into a system that’ll never pay out to them.
A woman was checking in to her social security as she got close to taking hers. Discovered 12 additional people paying in on her number


We had known illegal mexicans working in the concrete industry.
I asked how it workes, they told me they give someone else’s social.

I thought to myself, hmmm, maybe I need a few of those folks paying into my pension ect.

I never did, but I had thoughts about it.

I believe social security is capped as far as payout so where does the extra money go? :thinking:

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investment - payout = Insurance.
“We’d hate to see anything bad happen.”

1 Like,impose%20no%20such%20hiring%20restrictions.

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I knew that was coming when it was in the news a couple weeks back.
It sucks.


In trouble for not hiring people that aren’t citizens.

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That is when you know you are in opposite world. :upside_down_face:

Next thing you know you will get sued for not employing known terrorists. :wink:
After all, they are people too. :sunglasses:
And none of those terrorist types are coming here, naw never. :shushing_face:

Into the fund which will increase its solvency


You would think, but every year they say it is failing.
With all these illegal folks putting extra in, there should be more going in than going out.

Pay going in isn’t very much

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Happy bday Mrs.noob


Happy Birthday to the Mrs. Hope y’all have a great day.


Happy Birthday Mrs. Noob :birthday::balloon::gift: