Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 2)

I don’t remeber it bothering me, but it has been years since I used it.
I do remember JA took over the smell and taste completely.

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Hey islanders chance for a $110 credit for seedsman and free nutes from Athena.

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The cannabis industry, and more particularly the area of cannabis seeds, is potentially entering a new era, and the use of advanced breeding is to be expected. I was under the impression that triploid plants were sterile? Is this assumption correct? Lots of scammers with Phd’s thnking sterile seeds and autoflowers are the ticket. For F’s sake, not going to support that scam! All you guys/girls will definitely be buying bland hybrids that won’t get you there from cartel if you give up your genetics. Triploids for the masses and keep paying for whatever they decide they want to give the uninformed! Brewing industry couldn’t do this for you can malt your own grain and grow your own hops.

Keep growing shit tons of seeds and teach people how to grow, that is freedom and yes it is not as convenient and requires work but hey you have a purpose and something you made to be proud of. I don’t listen to something that evil, just plain bullcrap for it encourages people not to trying something that could give them a healthy outlet and teach them to take care of something and then ultimately themselves. Support your seed makers that grow fertile seeds that is your freedom and growing your own stuff your purpose.


You can mate triploids with other triploids iirc

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As I understand it you can breed with triploids, just not very successfully; whether you’re trying to breed them with other triploids or euploid plants, the problem is the same. With an odd number of chromosomes, most of the time you’re going to end up with gametes that are neither haploid nor diploid, but somewhere in the middle. Each cell division has to go the same way, resulting in a perfect haploid and a perfect diploid, for that particular seed to succeed. For cannabis, it’s around 1/1000 chance due to the number of chromosomes.


Can You Cross Triploid and Diploid Cannabis Plants?

Technically, yes. A breeder could cross diploid and triploid parent strains. However, the results probably wouldn’t be worth the effort, as their unequal amount of chromosome sets can disrupt the normal reproductive process. On top of that, triploids are almost always sterile, meaning there’s only a very tiny chance that they’ll go to seed to produce offspring.

What Are the Downsides of Triploid Genetics for Growers

Triploid cannabis plants certainly boast some impressive benefits. They offer a seedless crop, bigger yields, large buds, and more cannabinoids. However, these cultivars largely remain confined to research laboratories for the time being. Plus, they also have some downsides. Their incredibly low fertility means that growers will have to indefinitely maintain a line of clones in order to maintain a progeny that they like. Inevitably, this demands resources such as space, lighting, and nutrients.

On top of this, triploid varieties are hard to create. They require knowledge of plant genetics and the ability to create tetraploid strains as parent stock. Realistically, the vast majority of small-scale growers lack the resources and knowledge to make their own triploid genetics.

Thinking this might be a way around the hermphrodism that occurs in the plants; I think we can do better jmo.


@TheMan13 @SHSC-1 @crownpoodle @Bobgrows @Kind024
And anyone else interested.

Zlabs has finished its update and zoot is working on bringing the site back up.


Godspeed :+1:


:+1: :+1: :+1: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Yep Yep

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Good deal,
Maybe that’s why I haven’t been able to sign into my account there for quite some time???
Thanks for the update @shag

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Is this copied from RQS? Lol
Googly “cannabis triploid results materials”
For scientific studies.

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Forgot to mention the one i have methly jas liquid from a small agro additive seller in ebay.
The smell is very faint and leaves no permanent smell or taste in the buds.
What were u using?

Probably, rqs puts legit info on their site for SEO purposes

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I hope they get it back going. Good folks there. I was fairly lost when I got to Z-labs. I learned a lot from the men and women there. Bugs me I can’t remember names very well.

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Yes! Not everyone wants to read those dam boring ass articles where the links don’t work. Was the data incorrect or am I missing something? I could try to explain it but then everyone would be confused so this was more of yeah I get it. Sometimes you just want to know what time it is not build a dam clock jmo.


Ok this one has pictures :slight_smile:

These ones aare scarrry :fearful: n borings:


ZLabs alright heard good things can’t wait to meet the hood people there


Right on! I’m down. I feel like I’m drifting around without an anchor when the Lab is closed.

Beam me up shaggy!


Naturally Occurring Triploidy in Cannabis

In this study, we delved into the intriguing phenomenon of natural triploidy in Cannabis sativa, demonstrated within a diverse set of 13 cannabis genotypes. Our ploidy determination analysis revealed a clear contrast in the DNA content between triploid and diploid individuals, with a 40% increase in the FL2-A fluorescence measurement, affirming the presence of triploidy in the cannabis genome. Crucially, our investigation identified natural triploids in a substantial majority of the examined genotypes, particularly in the DHN1 selfing population, but this could be a consequence of random variation. These findings underscore the prevalence of natural triploidy in cannabis populations and emphasize its relevance in the field of cannabis genetics. It is apparent that future investigations should delve deeper into the mechanisms underpinning triploidy in cannabis and its potential implications for cannabis breeding and cultivation practices. Of particular importance is the need to explore triploid cannabis sterility and seed development, shedding light on the reproductive biology of the species and helping to develop truly seedless individuals. In sum, the discovery of natural triploidy in cannabis opens up exciting avenues for further research, offering insights that may revolutionize the cannabis industry and its scientific understanding.




Folks today really seem to love their GMO products.
Something about a plant having tiger genes or what ever, just seems un-natural to me. :thinking:

Did you guys see they are selling GMO meat now?

In 2015, agency officials granted the first approval for a genetically engineered food animal, a line of Atlantic salmon modified to grow to market size in half the time of conventional salmon.

In December 2020, the agency also approved a genetic alteration in pigs that eliminates a sugar molecule known to trigger a rare allergy in humans, and those pigs may be sold for medical uses and meat.

Cows are next, coming to a plate near you…LOL,to%20be%20raised%20for%20food.

Let thy food be thy medicine…or thy poison. :face_vomiting: