Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 2)

planet is over populated, there is not enough food to support the population. Times are a changing either make adjustments or starve

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Ya how about the lab grown meat. They use cancer cells to make it cause it grows fast. That canā€™t be good to consume.


Yeah I heard that the labs are wanting to use this new kind of stuff, canā€™t remember the name but I think it was something, I found a link to it seems promising jmo?


Come get your green wafersā€¦image

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At first I thought this must be wrongā€¦
But they can use tumorous cells so who knows really.

lab-grown meats are created using immortalized cell lines

Immortalized cell lines are either tumorous cells that do not stop dividing or cells that have been artificially manipulated to proliferate indefinitely and can thus be cultured over several generations

(BELIEVER Meats Breaks Ground on Largest Cultivated Meat Production Facility in The World) the 200,000-square-foot facility will be the largest cultivated meat production center in the world


I guess my question is, does eat mutated meat give you cancer?

If a cow has a tumor in it, and I cook that and eat it, am I getting cancer now?

Seems kinda unlikely? Itā€™s not exactly an infectious disease right?

@SHSC-1 @crownpoodle @Kgrim @Bobgrows @TheMan13 @Kind024
I am sure I missed someoneā€¦

The lab is back up and running but currently limping along.

Quote Zoot:

Sorry for the delays getting this site back up but i have been taking care of family matters. šŸ™

That said, we had a large number of uploads, over 634 images, in a single day to the server that were in violation of Dutch Law. I was given notice but assumed it was bullshit so i decided to ignore it. Next thing i know the site is down and i was locked out.

End result is that all attachments and images stored on the server have been erased. This is a huge loss and i am looking to see if i can somehow retrieve them some way???


Iā€™ll get on, or try to shortly. Thanks @shag . I have time to participate. My issue is time management.

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Wow, what a mess that .NL url has become. The sites activity/active members have really dropped of in recent years (like most canna forums today) and this will not help that matter there. Godspeed to Zoot and Z-Labs ā€¦


While eating red meat is associated with cancer there is no evidence to support that eating cancerous meat causes cancer. Might be gross though.

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Trueā€¦ The test subjects havenā€™t lived long enough to provide any statisticsā€¦ yet.
You see, thatā€™s the problem. These people come up with an idea, figure out how to make it happen and then introduce it to millions of people with the approval of bought and paid for officials that will say itā€™s safe. I can hear them now, ā€œSure it might cause cancer but thereā€™s no proof of it yet and weā€™ll make billions before itā€™s exposed. Our money supply is secure as long as they keep breedingā€.


I agree with your position. Like Thalidomide, by the time the research, which is likely to be paid for by the meat producers to ensure findings that meet their needs, is in itā€™ll be too late.

My statement was more of a targeted response to @leetdood.

I will say that, regarding protein in general, we need to find creative ways to meet the needs of ever-growing populations. One example is the expanded harvesting of insects.

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You can have my share of them insects :spider: my friend! Everything has a place in this world :earth_americas:, but not in my mouth or stomach! :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile: :wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


When you figure out how to gut and clean a grasshopper, Iā€™llā€¦ noā€¦ I still wouldnā€™t.


I love crawfish! Just sayingā€¦

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Crawfish :lobster: are not insects! :joy::joy::joy:


I bread and fry the tails. The rest is a no go for me.


I agree with you šŸ«µ @MoBilly! Not to much of a shell :shell: eating man :man_standing: myself, but I think :face_with_monocle: granny from the Beverly Hillbillies smoked :dash: them! :joy::joy::joy: :wink::+1::facepunch::ok_hand::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Their claws rarely have enough meat. Iā€™m not into sucking their heads

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