Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 2)

Thanks for the heads up. It’s been so long since I signed on there, my account was probably closed/booted or it was because the site was having issues. I’ll have to try again in a little bit.

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You remember this? Oldy but a goodie.


I’m curious

Did you guys realize don’t look up is about climate change?


Wow, thank you so much for posting that! My son and I watched it together about six months ago.

While I have a couple of technical quibbles with the movie, overall it’s one of my favorite movies of all time. I particularly love the scene where Hank has that falling saw and cuts the union rep’s father’s desk in two. And don’t get me wrong, I’m pro-union, but it’s a great scene!

As for my issues with the movie, my biggest problem is that the movie takes place so far up an imaginary river. Here’s the problem; no matter what river it is, that far upriver there simply is no tidal effect, so Joe Ben couldn’t have drowned as depicted, and that’s certainly one of the most emotional scenes in the entire movie, imo. And there are a lot of emotional scenes.

If you haven’t seen this movie, you’re missing a fabulous film. And @Cactus has so generously posted! Thank you!!


A satire, no less!


I watched with my dad since he grew up and myself working in the timber. The scence where the McCollah chain saw bogs out really upset my dad and he yelled in the movie “That’s a dam McCollah for You!” The rest of the audience laughed a little but they really felt the scene even more; everyone in the town was tied to the sawmill and for the community it really hit home how important it was to everyone trying to get by. Yes I was quite young back then but it was very impactful. Bonanza and all that era was magical and I still remember what it was like to live in those simpler times.

Well biggest trick was pulled by the corporations was to get rid of the unions and ultimately the middle class by farming it out to foreign countries since profit was more important than the flock that it was suppose to protect. We traded freedom for commerce so we have to live with the consequences and such. Never going to see any jobs farmed out from the medical community for they know what happens when you let the money machine grind through the middle and leave the victims in the wake.


May I ask if this is satire based on today’s trends or literal. Thanks.

If you mean a satire of the current situation where people refuse to acknowledge reality, absolutely.

Denial is a powerful thing.

I’m just glad I live this far north. Climate migration is gonna be pretty real in 10 to 20 years.

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Reality is it a satire?


Above is from what i call BTCOL before the children of lies took over anything .gov

We work more for less especially the younger generation. It’s a double wammy now imo as you see the graphs edge i.e today we work more produce less and make less…because we are yes giving free corrupt loans and regulations that benefit only the super corps but also because there’s too many people in govt and a trend upwards of money going to useless people to do or make useless shit no one wants.
P.S before anyone compares me to that pos yuval harriecarrie no one is useless, they are made that way by bad people.

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If the climate getting hit by a apocalyptic event of a asteroid hitting the earth then yes. Same idea of the dinos were wiped out by an asteroid or the 3 ice ages(I think not sure) were caused by large asteroids as well. So yes it is unless you have a different point of view I’d love to hear it please. Not being passive aggressive I really would like to see what you are seeing or have read

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That doesn’t really contradict the effect of climate change. If what this says is true, we are making the problem worse. Why would we want to make the problem worse when we clearly can barely deal with it?

Says it’ll start cooling off in 20 years. How do you think 20 years of warming up every summer is gonna go?

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Exactly why make the problem worse? So lets stop making people poor and wars n shit and use out oil n resources n brains to produce more energy cut all the co2 bs and use the new money and freedom to invest in people and then they can “combat climate change” just like they did global cooling in the 70s and won. Cool? (No pun intended)


The impact event is an allegory for climate change, and the film is a satire of government, political, celebrity, and media indifference to the climate crisis.[6][7]

This movie came from my burgeoning terror about the climate crisis and the fact that we live in a society that tends to place it as the fourth or fifth news story, or in some cases even deny that it’s happening, and how horrifying that is, but at the same time preposterously funny.[12]

— Adam McKay, writer, director, and producer of Don’t Look Up


Here’s a prediction: The sun’s current active phase is expected to wane in 20 to 40 years, at which time the planet will begin cooling. Since that is when most of the greenhouse emission reductions proposed by the UN and others are slated to come into full effect, the “greens” will see that cooling and claim, “See, we warned you and made you take action, and look, we saved the planet.”

Of course, they will have had nothing to do with it.

© National Post 2007


I agree with all of that. Stop wars, stop exploiting people, focus on improvement


I love the fact we can both answer the question of how much co2 is in environment at least.

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The problem is you think it has no effect. Lots of researchers and scientists disagree. It has a clear measurable effect. Even if the sun is compounding the problem instead of just the co2, that is still a significant problem. We have an amazing amount of tech and research and money. The only reason to depend on technology that produces co2 emissions is because the rich and powerful don’t want to give up their profits. Curious that you seemed to support that.