Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 2)

Global warming is real for we would not have gotten out of the last ice age without it or at least that is the way I see it. 10,000+ years ago, no cars no coal, so I guess it is part of the cycle imo…

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Then again, people nowadays will rail against any sort of positive change if they don’t understand it.

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I love self checkout because I don’t have to talk to anybody :upside_down_face:

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This is what will disrupt everything and the petroleum companies are starting to see the writing on the wall. China can’t attack us for we are feeding them and they are making our useless crap we can’t live without. Wars hmmm, Oh Money!


Hey China and Russia are part of this say whuuu?


People aren’t ready for nuclear because they still think it’s the 1970s



Yup. It does.

After taking 300 level Thermodynamics class and seeing n reading two sides problems n solutions i can tell without a doubt that the carbon climate propoganda is just utter corrupt bullshit and a bastardization of math n science like thise stupid hockey sticks from that quack


I didnt know the answer to this.

Ill go away now cheers


Iter is a fusion reactor and produces heat no fission reactions that produce radiation. Fusion Baby runs on water that is why Exxon is getting nervous! No radiation Very Safe and unlimited!


Agreed the earth on its own history proven by us has gone through massive heating and cooling cycles. They have done this well before industrialization and all the bs we’ve done since. No doubt this is accelerating the process but it is the Earth’s process none the less. Thinking we can in any stop it is crazy. Now stopping doing all the shit that is speeding it up is definitely something a people can do but it seems to cost $ not make $.


It only seems to cost money because our rich overlords prefer to pass the costs on to us because they cañ


Glad it’s going up mate, cheers

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Hey we don’t raise taxes we raise tariffs on China and they pass the expense onto us :laughing: where do you think the inflation comes from. Didn’t Trump raise the Tariff on the Chinese and then Biden comes in and all the prices jump and we blame it on the pandemic when in reality China raised its prices and we all paid the price for an indirect tax? Fning brilliant and the Americans still think there are two parties LOL!

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Too easy to blame China

I blame any billionaire, corporation, etc

Here in canada we are doing a huge boycott of Loblaw’s.

These companies, Walmart, Amazon, loblaws, Sysco, nestle, you name it, they will squeeze us like stones until we bleed

Easy to blame the leader, blame other countries, blame ourselves

It is these companies. Dupont poisoned and got a slap on the wrist. Strikes get broken up because it’s easier than forcing companies to pay

These dudes get rich and then call others pedophiles on social media if their feelings are hurt

Why are people poor? Because the money is going to these parasitic fucks


China makes a vast majority of our stuff and since the corporations are just merely traders since we have lost so much of our production all we need to do is raise the tariffs on their stuff coming in and the government gets its’ cut and since China needs to make money it raises it prices. US and China win and stupid Americans pay more since they have no choice, that is my point. US government is the one causing the issues China is just doing business and Americans don’t have any choice because the Unions and large manufacturing is secondary. JMO

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These workers ask for the treatment they deserve, and get told no, and then have to risk their entire livelihoods to get treated slightly better!

How’s that OK


I would blame both governments and the corporate interests involved

China is never just doing business. But they aren’t the only bad actor involved

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If you look at the stuff China does they are absolutely bad actors. Canada has been having problems with them. USA gov doesn’t use any Chinese networking equipment for a reason.

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My point more so is that these governments are self interested and only serve us to the extent we force them to. Across the board.

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This was a big issue for Canada with china’s “hostage diplomacy”