Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 2)

So we have established one thing, we need to stand united for we see what big money and big government do. We can’t let governments have free run for left to their own devices they become very Psychopathic and can rationalize and kind of behavior and hide it under a convenient narrative and pass out free money and concessions to keep the masses appeased.


Absolutely man.

I think government is required for stuff like hospitals, firemen, food safety, stuff like that. Disaster management, infrastructure.

But our votes are meant to allow us to hold them accountable, and most people find it too complex or difficult to really dig into what’s going on. Which is intentional in a lot of ways. But we are the ones who have to hold the people in charge accountable


What was interesting for me to find out was that John McCain did a lot for deaf people.

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Picking up what you are laying down and I think we need to keep our eyes on these little things that keep us humble and honest for the future belongs to our children not some stockholding A-hole that can’t get past these things


Someone was surprised that I said everybody should turn up and vote, regardless of who they vote for

I said

Just because we support different things doesn’t mean I don’t believe in democracy. The point is people should stay involved. To abandon our rights is to be exploited.


If you look at both parties they are both on board with taking things away from us by getting people on the other side up in arms to agree with them.
I will take their guns away hmmm?
I will take womens rights away hmmm?

Don’t have to agree with other peoples choices but you have to let them make their own choices as well as they have to allow you to make your own choices
Vote for the person who says you are adults you can make your own choices and since you elected me I must follow or get my ass replaced by somebody representing us not my contributors. Only the rich or paid for can run for office that is why we don’t get good representation!


Anybody can run for office

Problem is getting the funds or support as you mentioned

That’s why we need to be more aware of how our representatives get elected


Real transparency, :wink: aren’t we a couple of dreamers, oh well the fight must go on and education frees the mind so the ass will follow.

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I do not think it is too farfetched of a dream

Accountability takes effort and conviction

Many people give up because simply because they don’t believe it’s possible. What if I said that is what they are supposed to think?


Before a black man got elected, most people didn’t think it was possible


I think I need to be quiet for I am not sure if the rest of the kids are liking the rants of an autistic with no filter and it tends to scare the rest of the group.


2 autistics with no filter, what could go wrong


The parties are fluff. They are the same creature on either side of the coin. Lobbist donate to both parties cause there is slight variations but they can all agree on screwing us to make themselves and their cronies richer. It’s really disgusting how the government went from for the people to take and decieve the people for $$$ at any cost. “it’s a shite state of affairs tommy!”
Who knows this reference or quote?


I think that’s mostly true

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I am sitting back and just watching this battle with the corporations going after each other like the college basketball playoffs. Each one getting eliminated as the other over powers and takes their stuff, 1592654037251


Only be one*

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Someone made it stick by saying

There can only be nyaa,

Not the other way around

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nyaa =? You are auty too, what you think is hardest thing for you? I can’t read very fast and can’t tell if somebody is making fun of me? I share too much and come across as superior and aloof. Which I don’t have enough personality to be superior but don’t know what that means and aloof is just my way of saying you scare me until I can get use to you or I can’t remember your name no matter how many times I tell you tell me unless I assign a number to you so that I can remember 4 = Dave? And I have the most edit on simple stuff


Oh nyaa is just like, Japanese or internet slang for a cats meow

For me… I would say that I’m very lonely, find it hard to make friends with others, and struggle with people not respecting my needs or boundaries.

What I seem to gather is that I pass as a neurotypical person for the most so they expect me to make up for what I’m missing, which I am not capable of doing, because I am disabled

People don’t want to give you allowances if they think you’re high functioning enough


I also struggle with missing social cues