Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 2)

Superior can mean you come across as you think you are right, which I think autistic people tend to do as a lot of us are very blunt… I’ve had people call me a smart ass and know it all


Yep I am in agreement; I am just as ignorant as the next and I get upset if I hurt person feelings when I don’t mean to; like you say Blunt is a good word. I talk like I know stuff but just think or see things this way. I get it wrong a lot with feelings but my wife knows what is in my heart and it overwhelms her when I am so blunt when I tell her how much I care for her and she just kinda cries because what I am saying really touches her but I just tell her that is how I feel. Have you ever seen Neil Brennan, people think he is funny but I find him very sad and truthful and that is how my wife figured me out with the help of her mother who is trained psychologist. She thought I would be upset when she suggested that I have this and I said thank goodness I don’t have to pretend to be normal for the expectation drives me crazy for I don’t know what normal stuff is and when I think I do my wife says no go to this lane instead. I think I am doing better but I have no hope of ever being anything but different.


You are disabled; not sure what that means but I know I should not ask but I don’t think that matters you are what we are so all good. Not sure if that is right response but I think we all have this in a way but… thanks for sharing your mind with me.


Well I am deaf, and I view autism as a social disability

It also comes with stuff like dyspraxia and sensory issues

I feel like disability has a negative connotation that’s not really needed

Will look up Neil Brennan now


Yes I have bad hearing and I can’t read directions I have my wife read them and I can understand what she says and can build stuff. I just look at the pictures and then put it together, I like math and science and obviously I am obsessing with genetics. I kind of regret not going into this field but I am still happy with what I did. People are too confusing and I don’t understand some of the struggles but through their struggles I gain closeness for even though I don’t understand it there is this bond that they have that makes me feel safe when I finally trust them; I get hurt a lot but that is changing some but I will still get taken advantage of but I don’t care I usually only lose what I don’t need and gain what I didn’t expect. Funny Yin/Yang part of life I think. I am not sure if I am saying too much but it is late and I have good people here that know I am off center but I feel safe here for people look after each other here. Yeah not special but different and I want people to be safe and happy and most of all loved and appreciated. Probably sound stupid and mushy but I have been on the other side and I like the light.


I think that was a very nice and thoughtful thing of you to say. Very human and touching. If anybody doesn’t like it, that might be their issue.


Thanks for talking with me and sharing this has been very nice. Well I am tired but look forward to what you have to say. Good night Leet :grinning:


Good night @Cactus


@420noob Trainspotting! Just watched again over this past winter

Well, we will soon hit the solar maximum, the high point of solar activity.
We have experienced a warming trend for the last 10+ years.
For the next 10+ years after the maximum we are expected to experience a cooling trend.

Are we presently closer to a solar minimum or maximum?

We are currently experiencing Solar Cycle 25 and as it stands, predictions from the World Data Center for the Sunspot Index and Long-term Solar Observations (SILSO) at the Royal Observatory of Belgium indicate a maximum between mid-2024 and the end of 2025.May 1, 2024

Think about this…

If we block out the sun for the next 10-20 years like we plan on doing and then we hit the lowest point of the solar minimum could that bring on a little ice age?

Solar activity has been rapidly decreasing since around 1980. The current cycle, Solar Cycle 24, has been marked by the lowest activity in over 100 years.



I must commend you gents for being respectful of one another dispite your disagreements.


@Cactus and @leetdood you are some of the finest people I have met here.

Embrace being different, cause you would not want to be the same as some.
I say…


You are funny! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Yes I like the diversity that everyone brings, yes I am unfiltered kinda like:


There should be a mandatory recall election each and every time a politician votes against the consensus of the people that put him in that position. He/she should not HAVE a vote! They should only be allowed to cast a vote that the majority of the people they represent approve of. Period! Full stop.
The very first time it happens make that POS defend his position at the voting booth!

Just what an old hillbilly thinks though.

And if you think that would not be feasible because the people would have to vote on every issue… Any elected person should be able, with some intellect and knowledge of the folks he represents, to vote damn near perfectly in line with them.


Inflation comes from money printing, and destroying resources.
See who prints the most, and blocks/destroys/wastes the most and you’ll have your answer to how money works just like energy, cannot be created or destroyed only moved.
But you just contraDICKted yourseld GYOweed but alas if you create money you weaken it…so in reference to the laws of thermodynamics which most people it seems dont get… money is actually weakened (energy) and moved (distributed energy).

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Good catch! Have you read the books? There is 3 I believe skag is the first book then trainspotting then I forget lol. Th movie was trainspotting 2 but I believe book has different name.

I wish no one looked out for me and left me alone from the government 99% of the time.
Less government less corruption, more efficiency, stronger currency.
Lets see what happens with Argentina.


Hey all so my outside plants have black spots on the leaves (looks like fly poop) and are yellowing they are the bottom leaves. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks

Pictures please @420noob

thought it loaded lol



It looks like you have bugs on your fingernail when I zoom in.


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