Shaggy's Fantasy Island (A virtual exclusive cannabis community, of sorts.) (Part 2)

Do the black spots wipe off?

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Looks like a torn thumbnail too, and I donā€™t even have to squint to see it! Mr. McGoo

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Not really but I can feel where they are itā€™s a physical bump. Makes me think itā€™s bug poop.Very probably about the bugs as I had been aphid squishing on another plant lol. Spider mites have just made themselves known 95Ā° with 10%rh and wind seems to perfect conditions. I just canā€™t find anything that shows early spider mite damage. If you donā€™t see webbing how do you know if you have them.


Well itā€™s officially thrip season here. Saw their babies on weaker outdoor plants. Time to get the neem, Pyrthetin, sar and immune boosters ready.


I agree that itā€™s thrips


Thanks both of you. Donā€™t thrips tunnel though the leaves cells? Should look like little bronze zigzags in the leaf? Iā€™m not being critical of your diagnosis just an honest question. Thanks


In my experience they leave black dots and rusted leaves

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Okie dokie thank you much for your knowledge! MTA it is lol just wanted to know what I was dealing with before I killed them.


Ill take a picture for you to compare

If you end up using spinosad use it at night, itā€™s very bad for bees

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Agreed, please donā€™t use spinosad outdoors


Iā€™d definitely go with bad bug population. If you have other healthy leaves, Iā€™d pull those off before trying to treat the plant

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I hung up cucumeris satchets for mine

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Lol with the desert sun everything only gets sprayed at night. Thanks for the heads up our bee population has been seriously dropping over last couple of years.
I already removed the bad leaves will be spraying tonight. My emerald fire og auto is kickass right next to the plant with thrips and showing no signs :thinking:. Right now Iā€™m my garden there is aphids, mites, thrips, grasshoppers(smaller than a penny) catipillars wow but the efog has shown no signs of issues! Even with this hot desert sun she is a stinky bitch :exploding_head:! Thanks everyone I love this site!


Good bugs can kill bad bugs btw

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Thanks I know this unfortunately there isnā€™t enough vegetation here to keep them around. Iā€™ve released 20,000 ladybugs this year lol let 1,000 go in my tent :exploding_head:. I need to plant some chrysanthemums and marigolds. Dill and fennel wonā€™t really grow here already have rosemary, lemon balm, sage, peppermint, and chamomile( which every pest seems to love). I think parasitic wasps would help with the aphids but here in another month or so they are pretty much done cause of the dry heat. Thrips and spider mites love it.
I caught a praying mantis yesterday inside and put it in my tent. Today I couldnā€™t find it lol.


I think thatā€™s part of why I mentioned the satchets

They donā€™t really fly around as much

But obviously it depends on your budget and needs. I know I had to pay a decent amount for what I got

And then I couldnā€™t keep up. Lol

Thats really cool that you caught a mantis

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Ya lol it was on a curtain inside so not that hard but I love the idea itā€™s protecting my tent being the viscous bugs they are tough.

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They look so badass, lol

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