Show your animal

This is the main reason why I changed Vets, because the diagnosis, and then adding on “preventative” medicine that is totally unnecessary, kind of irks me a bit… And when you question them, because you do not hold a DVM, they disregard any information you give them…The new Vet is great… She takes an interest in “Buddy” and “asks me” any changes, etc… I see and makes recommendations… and the poor little dude has health issues… but I love him…

I do understand the “business” side of Vets, Dentists, & even lawyers (they don’t deserve a capital letter) but there is also a question of ethics, which seems to be a rather disappearing quality in a lot of professions these days… just my experience and 2 useless and non-existent Canadian Cents though…



The scenery in your last pic is beautiful.


It’s a little better than our scenery innit?? :rofl:


My Dabby hamming it up.


Friendy-Chicken & Penny#2; Penny likes to rip it all out before moulting & is just a weirdo. :confused: :chicken:



Better than your Hammy dabbing it up :wink:


Layla missed a few crumbs.


My boy playing at the “creek” when he was about 8 mos old




Well now it’s official and I can’t keep her healthy enough anymore. She’s eating anything I give her right away, but she’s losing so much weight she looks starving :weary: her hips went too and she’s limping when she walks now. I’m keeping her happy and giving her whatever I can that she wants

This time tomorrow she won’t be suffering anymore.

She’s so happy being allowed on the bed. I know I’ll regret letting her do it, but I have bleach and peroxide to clean up after if need be. For now I’ll take her out as much as I can. I have to carry her now as she can’t bend her knees without falling down. She truly enjoyed that roll. It was like a ball and food in one. She got so excited to eat it.


Brother @OniTenshu, best regards. Many of us here know how hard it is. Please think of us and all the love that is manifested through canines & cannabis when you feel low.

I wish I could say more or better… & at the moment all I can think of is :thinking: ‘may the force be with you’ :confused: but maybe ‘these are not the droids you’re looking for’ is more fitting… :robot:

Sorry for your struggle. Truly.




You are a kind and compassionate dog’s person. I had to do the same with my old friend The Reverend Willie McNasty. It is a deep hurt that takes time to get over. You obviously love her and you’re doing the right thing. I’m thinking of you my friend. All love…



@OniTenshu , Our hearts go out to you. Having to go through this is one of life’s toughest experiences, and we feel for you. Find peace in knowing you are doing what is best. Give her a hug for us.


I’m giving her plenty of love and with my new finding earlier she got a pain sized dose of cannabutter. She hurt her foot at one point and after she tried jumping up in the bed earlier her hip dislocated. I started to look at her leg more deeply when I had to start handling it to help her walk. She can’t get up on her own anymore, but when she had to go out every couple hours I help her by supporting her belly and leg at the knee to avoid the ankle area.

She’s asleep on and off, but seeing and hearing her cry out in pain was heartbreaking and I had to find something to help. I go to her and spoil her with love and affection every 30 minutes at least. When she wakes up she whines a little, but then she knocks back out. I wish I didn’t have to bring out my CBN butter to help her, but it’s better than watching her in agony.

After the edibles kicked in

I’ll always love the way she used to give me hugs and kisses when I came home. She’s a big dog and eye level with me on her hind legs. She’s a smart dog who learned by observation rather than training. She’s a visual learner and for so long she thought she had to use her lips to kiss. She’s adorable like that. She seems to understand speech to a degree. Or at least learned what certain things mean. Of I wanted to ask where her stuff was to bring her out I couldn’t even spell it. She learned what O U T meant. Eventually I stopped giving her commands altogether and just started to ask her to quit her shit because she knew better and she’d stop :blush:

She’s like an autistic toddler. Stubborn, but smart despite quirks. Once I stopped trying to control her she became much better behaved. More like a teenager in that respect :joy:

It’s so odd that she can just listen to me when I talk to her rather than a set command.

As sad as it is I know it’s for the best. Last week she had only cosmetic issues and allergies. Everything else she had was managed with cannabis and she didn’t even act like it was a issue anymore. Then this morning she couldn’t stand up anymore.

I can only ease her pain for now and keep her happy and comfortable.


Your pics remind me a lot of my old Timmy. He was a white/black pit-mix & made it to about 15 but not without a struggle.

When he wouldn’t take bacon I knew it was time. :crying_cat_face:

:heart: :dog2: :rainbow:



Every dog man/woman will bury all your best friends, except the last one who will bury you. Its the price you have to pay.



@OniTenshu , we used something similar to this when our female Rotti suffered a spine injury and lost the use of her back end - maybe it (or something similar) can help you -

Pet sling


I wish it could help, but she only has a few hours left now at best. She woke up before I did and she got a little scared when I didn’t roll over enough to be seen by her. She was shaking and all scared. I’m with her now comforting her telling her it’s okay and that everything will be all good soon.

It breaks my heart to see her like this. At least soon she won’t be in pain anymore. For now cannabutter is helping, but keeping her sedated. It’s all I could do for her last night. That crying for 30 minutes she did was awful and I couldn’t bear to hear her in pain anymore. It was only 30 minutes as once she started I gave her some. I knew she hurt herself as she never cries in pain. Wailing is reserved for anxiety only usually. When she did it after getting hurt I knew she was in awful pain.

Anyways I’m going to form some last memories with her. She’s barely eating today. Before the ankle incident she was super hungry and now she won’t eat unless fed.


It’s breaking hearts knowing what the both of you are going through @OniTenshu. I’m at a loss to find words of support. Wishing you both strength in this time of loss.