So, I finally got a New Digital Light timer

Where is the 5 month turn around with a 4-5 week veg? The math’s don’t add up.

I have to say this, stop using adhd as a crutch. There’s a lot of us that have it, you need to learn to work around it or to use it to your benefit.


Dont some photos spend up to 20 weeks in flower? I know I have saw people saying that the average flower time for some photos is 14 to 20 weeks? 20 weeks is 5 months plus 1 month veg that is a 6 month turn over.

In your size set up, you aren’t going to be running one of those strains. It’ll be way too big even in smaller pots.

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problem is I dont know WHICH strains those are lol

Trust me, you aren’t running them. Breeder timelines while not 100% accurate give you a good idea. You can also ask people how long their runs took to flower. The information is out there.


well I sure as shit hope not lol BTW I am tryin to work around my ADHD, hence why I want short grows, I know my patience level, and I know about how long it takes me to get bored with waiting on something to be done. I also know im likely to chop early and try a different strain if its taking too long to finish.

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Growing is 90% patience.

If you want sativas you’re going to have to wait for them to be done. Also note your space limitations which is a serious consideration.


Then imo, you should use this as a chance to work on those things to help you in the long run. Just taking shortcuts and blaming it on your adhd is not helpful and will make it a hindrance more than anything. Imo of course.

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Which is one of the reasons I was running Autoflowers with Sativa genetics. But I lost count of how much flack I have got over growing autos lol.

I don’t think it was for growing autos it was because you only wanted to do autos because you didn’t have a timer.

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Nope! Just mentioned my personal preference :ok_hand:

I’m usually a 24/0, 20/4 guy before 18/6 :ok_hand:

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There is a reason most of my hobbies are either a very fast turn around, or Sit and forget hobbies. Like wine making, I can mix it up, forget it exists for 6 months, do nothing with it at all, and come back to a great product. Soap making same way, Same with Rock tumbling. Most all of my hobbies are either done in a couple of hours or take zero maintance while they do their thing. This is one of the few hobbies that actually requires me to do something daily. Which is cool, but there is a limit to how long that will be cool before im bored with it.

It doesn’t have to be everyday. I prefer 3-4 days which can be accomplished with appropriate pot sizing.

Agreed. Even before I got my blumats I would shoot for 3-4 days and give a nice soaking. Using fabric pots worked against me in that, switching to plastic helped a ton.


well I honestly dont see why so many have an issue with autos? From everything I have read, at this point, if your looking for strength they are on par with photos, and unless you smoke so much that you need 1lb+ per plant just to keep you in smoke, they should yeild enough, at least for me anyway. I did have a timer, it was just old and jenky, now i have a new digital timer.

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I don’t always succeed at this. But it’s what I shoot for.

Guess I picked the wrong grow method, I water with ferts Daily till run off, in a 5g pot, because that is what is suggested for the media blend im running.

What are you running?

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Hey friend! Just throwing my two cents in that 5ft is definitely enough space to keep sativas. You may have to think about going wide vs tall and you may have to be okay with 1-2 less plants in there than expected. Many many fantastic plants with strong sativa effects will go 10-14 weeks. The 16+ weekers are still doable for you, but in my opinion, those are the ones to start flowering from seed. Keeping stretch manageable is super doable through timely transplanting(like going into flower) super cropping and the rest. Though to get the most out of some of those, that’s why I mentioned going wide rather than high. You can still sort of manipulate the stretch. Also, the diagnosis doesn’t make the person! You can be a badass weed grower with ADHD and it may even be a benefit at times. And I do agree that autos have come a long long way in the last few years and I don’t think there’s (much) shame in them :sweat_smile:

For what it’s worth I water basically every other day.

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There are some “sativa-dominant” strains that don’t take long, like Jack Herer and Chick Magnet. That’s probably a good place to start, @Ace71975 .

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