So, I finally got a New Digital Light timer

So, I now have a Digital Light timer thanks to a friend wants some buds when I harvest. So, no more bitching about my light timer sucking lol. I can also now easily do Photo Period plants as well as autos. Once the current grow is done, which will be a few months since I just popped some more autos, I will likely do some Photos and maybe a couple crosses Since I have some Female Cindy 99 pollen on hand.

So, Now I need Info on the fast grow styles for Photo periord plants. I am thinking either a short two or three week 18/6 veg or going 12/12 from sprout, My tent isnt even 6 ft tall so cant really do any Long veg or Super Huge plants in it. Any tips on a Short grow on Photoperiod plants?


12/12 from my experience would be your best option
for smaller photo period plants.


That is what I was thinking as well. I am looking at some 1 gallon planters with Saucers. Would 1 gallon be big enough doing 12/12 from the start?


Depending on the strain really ,but everyone goes for different routes regarding yield. most of the time with using 1g I see plant count can be brought to its max in your tent if that’s what you looking for…but to answer your initial question yes you can use the 1g
Planters just fine through the whole cycle and keep them small at the same time.Best of luck on your grows and future pollination projects. :crossed_fingers:t2:

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Well, I doubt Ill be able to max my plant count if im being honest. 12 plants in my tent would likely not work its only a 2ft 7in by 2ft 8in by 5ft 4in. Maybe 6 if im lucky.

I’ve seen a few people grow super successfully in these if they help your situation at all. The way I see it less plants equals better individual attention to each plant. :call_me_hand:t2:


These are the ones im looking at.

I prefer plastic. Make sure it’s actually a gallon. It’s tricky, read the fine print.


I have six feet to play with but can’t get plants to grow tall enough to get too close to the light. If you train them to 8 colas you can grow just about anything in that tent. But if you’re worried about height, start out with indicas.


Indicas dont really work for me, They are fine for bed time or if I wanna go brain dead but im tryin to stay semi functional at least if not fully functional lol

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Start seedlings in solo cups on 12.12…after a couple weeks they should start showing sex, meaning flower has begun. Transplant to 1 gallon pots and keep the 12.12 light cycle going. This will keep the plants short and give you an awesome turnaround time.


Sounds like a Solid plan! Some of them that I am gonna be planting are Reg seeds I will need to sex them anyway.

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Now I just need some 1 to 1 CBD Seeds that are sativa lol or some weak bunk weed seeds I for sure can not hack this 23% THC weed lol

No experience of my own regarding this subject, but I did read on Grow Weed Easy that they had better results vegging for 3 weeks before a flower light schedule.

Good growing ya’ll


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For smol photos i go:

1 gallon pot (small roots = shorter plant… usually)
24/0 for the first 14 days after hitting water
12/12 for the remainder.

Best of success @Ace71975 !


Greetings Ace,

Just as a reference point, Here’s an Orange Grove growing 12/12 from seed, only 38 days after moving from the germination tray to the tent.

First pistils appeared after 21 days. Not pictured, but the male plant showed sex about the same time.

These are for a breeding project so I prioritized a quick sex determination over a full-sized plant, but in my experience they are almost normal size for this strain now, after six weeks of 12/12 vs typical 18/6 veg lighting.


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I might go a week or 2 of 18/6 I would like a BIT bigger than the plant pictured, but not much. I want about a 1.5 to 2ft plant before the stretch. Should get my right about where I want to be for yield without getting to crazy big. I would be personally happy with a 2oz to 4oz yield. Nothing crazy. For reference, I bought a 1/4 ounce at the dispo over a week ago, and even with smoking every night, I am still not out of flower, so I do not need tons of weed to get the job done lol

Any problem with doin 18/6 for that first 14 days? I would like to save at least some on the light bill lol


No. I’d run them for 4 weeks then flip, maybe 5 weeks. Lots of training for a bunch of tops.


The point was to have them done in about the same amount of time as an autoflower. I dont want a 5 month turn over on one grow. I want 3 to 4 months MAX per grow. My adhd dont allow me to focus much longer than that without wanting to grow a different plant lol.