First time growing tips/criticism welcomed

G’day overgrow.

After the last 2 and a half shockers of attempts trying a singular seed in my yard/windows, I decided to purchase a viparspectra p600 2023 during the ebay sales a few weeks ago and popped a seed in water then the good ol paper towel and snap lock and I managed to forget it was there for 3 days and came back to a 1 maybe 1.5inch taproot so I thought I would be cheering.
It seemed that my family greyhound decided to check out what was sitting neatly in the corner of my bedroom and I came back to it tipped on the floor and the little guy was under a pile of dirt.
I carefully tucked her back in the pot and hoped like heck she’d survive, I had to scoop it out of the fabric pot i was using because i didnt have any aerating stuff to the soil and it was rather woodchippy so would sit in a puddle of sad wet soil for a week at a time (ill try post a picture of the sad little lady she’s sitting in a cup up V energy can kratky setup since 2 days ago still standing very miscoloured and rust spotty.

I then had the bright idea a few days ago to just say screw it and try germinating 4 bagseeds that a mate said I could try growing instead of wasting genetics so I now have 4 one day old seedlings sitting in roughly 10oz solo cups in perlite 40% and coco 60% that I sat in a cup of 4:1 water to biomarine calmag to give an extra buffer to what it says it had. And they’re chilling in my closet doing their own thing probably rollerblading :joy: :man_judge:
Any questions I’ll try reply as soon as possible.

Cheers in advance growmies


Howdy bro, wishing you a successful garden. That said, a tip/critique as requested, if possible try to keep your pets from being near and around your garden space. Potential pests may hitchhike a ride into your garden and onto your plants in such fashion. Much love


What are you going to feed them? You ph’ing the feed? How much space? What type of control of the environment in your grow area do you have? What are your plans for them?


Not gonna lie the only plan I have was to see if there was enough females to try and flip one to flower and back for Snits n giggles(id rather not have 4 females if i got that lucky all the way through where i am for the first semi planned grow) feed I’m wondering when I transplant up I bought a bag of living soil based off the coots mix, I also have liquid powerfeed and seaweed from good ol bunnings/home depot somewhere in memory, control is almost zero atm apart from lighting and a cheap bedroom fan but looking into humidifiers, little pc fans etc.
Space atm I’d say maybe 2x3x6ft 60x80x160cm


Yeah I’ve definitely learnt from last couple attempts that dogs are a bit too inquisitive about cannabis :sweat_smile:

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So 3 put of 4 are standing up out of the medium but it looks like one said Ain’t nobody got time for dat and straighty 180d back down into the coco.
How would one usually go about this :sweat_smile:

The pic after trimming rusty spots doesn’t look too horrible to me but to a trained eye it probably looks like a murder scene. It’s still somehow alive after all the crap it’s dealt with

And here is the 4 babies. The first one to germinate is showing signs of happy with a surprisingly blackish/ very dark purple stem straight put of the seed


Hey Obsessed2251, so many ways to paradise.
The only thing I use to crack open seeds, is water or water and a paper towel.
The only thing I give my sprouts, up to 4-6 points, water.
Between 4-6 points, I’ll first give a wee bit of microbes, maybe a top dressing of EWC, and monitor them.
Next watering, a very small does of nutrients, some kelp seems to do them well, but I still use small portions, 1/4 tsp, per 4" pot.
I prefer to slowly administer food, or PH adjusters/microbes.
Just my way, and NOT written in stone.
All the best to your project.


Seedling surgery is when you delicately assist it shedding the shell/husk…or excavating carefully with a toothpick etc & repositioning

Sometimes called for :+1:

Our hobby is like others in that you usually gotta stumble before you can run.

This site will definitely be helpful & wish I’d had the resource from day 1 :sweat_smile:



I sow them straight into living soil, like nature intended.
Having them on the windowsil works fine.
Just gotta check the hours of sunlight you get and make sure they get 12 hours of darkness when you deem them ready for flowering.


Hey webe, cheers for the knowledge.
I’m unsure what you mean talking about points :sweat_smile: also which grow medium you were referring to?
I’ve been reading up way too much on ways to grow knowing me I’m going to have like 3 plants going next to each other with completely different grow setups :joy:


I’m so glad I found this site in my early days especially being in australia where you can’t exactly go down to your local shop and ask unless you know them or have confidence(I have horrible social anxiety so talking to people in general sucks)
I was able to get the shell off the last seedling last night after some careful misting the seed to soak it for 5 mins and a fibre of coco that was sitting on the top of the cup :seedling:

Cheers :grin:


Hey Obsessed2251,
Sorry for my poor explanations.
Points, the first 2 leaves, coltydons, are round in shape.
After those, all leaves are pointed ends. Points, probably a stupid term, but it saves me some typing, LOL!
EWC= Earth Worm Castings.
I find it great plant food for the small seedlings, as a first meal.
I also hang small bags of it, in my watering tote, for both my indoor garden, and my outdoor gardens.
I’ll at times may add a bit of guano, or some Langbenight with it, if the plant stage is closer to flowering/fruiting mode.
I just read your Australian, my dear friend Halforc is also. He has said many times, he needs to find work arounds for nutrients, and some things like that.
I’m using the best LED’s I’ve ever ran, that are from GrowLightAustralia, designed by an Aussie grower. I just love my longboards from them.
Just keep asking your questions, if I can answer them, I will. Usually someone chimes in, most folks here love helping out.
PS, if I do post up a product I use, I know most of the time, you will not find the brand, so it is more to show you the ITEM , and maybe you source that product.


That sounds like a good idea.

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Points makes alot of sense now that I understand haha
I’ll look into some earth worm castings hopefully there will be something better than the local hardware shops garden section that comes up.

I would love if anyone would have any tips on LED light height and dimming for a 95watt quantum board from viparspectra for the week old seedlings I had it at roughly 30cm on 25% before and it’s now at about 40cm on 25% is that okay? Too low for the delicate little things?

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I gave them 20ml of liquids broken down into 15ml water and 5ml very watered down marine calmag like 1/16th strength what it says for seedlings and same with an A B part hydro nutrient at like 1/32nd strength because I’m going away for 2 nights tomorrow and wanted to see if there was any overnight troubles with this strength watering with a wee foliar spray of straight water and medium spray to push the nutes through all the cup if that even made a difference haha


Hey Obsessive2251, I’m a bit sorry to say, I still just guess at height and intensity with my LED’s.
I also run a couple of small HLG LED,'s I really forget their power, but one is very small, and then I bought the next size larger about a year later.
The combo, fits my veg area just about right for me, and I do have them a couple of feet above the tops.
I do not however, use them like most, as I do not want my youngin’s, leaping forward, in height, as much as I seek, timing, to the over all perpetual state of the entire grow. But if they, off with their heads, hard topping.
Like no need to race, in veg, if I have no room in either flower area, or the transition area, (18/6) if it’s full.
I also love sativa growing, but it’s a shit show, trying to time those, unless you go all sativa, OR add one in now and then. Allowing them to stand off, to the side, for all the time they need.
I do think your in the height range, just keep monitoring them.

Adding fluids to my plants, just my way, but I find, I need to see the fluid weep from under the pots. I usually do not care about amounts so much, add fluid till it weeps.
If we warter, just the surface, your roots will turn and grow towards the wetted areas.
Over the years, I like to change up HOW I give the fluids: Top down, till it weeps. Or, I’ll fill their saucers, coming back an hour or 2 later, and empty the saucers.
After you do it a while, you start to see how much can be left, but do not let them stay soaking wet.
There is an exception, if I know I will NOT be around the plants for a week or so, I flood the saucers, and yes, I’ll get a few yellowed leaf’s from doing that, but that down time can be precious, and we all need down time.
I do mix up my own medium, and I like chunk, I like large chunk perlite, coco husks, EWC, sunshine #4.
We’re growing weeds, not orchids, so I gave the boot years ago, to the soft fluffy coco coir.
Get chunky, stay funky! Not really LOL, I just prefer it now.
Your doing fine, have fun, and remember, do not love them to death. Give each step time, they are tough wee bastages, if we do not over do it for them.
All the best to you!!

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My advice would be to not over love them and leave them alone. New growers tend to try and throw every technique and recommendation from other growers at them and that convolutes the learning process. Growing has a deep rabbit hole and learning it all is an ongoing process that takes time, trial and error. My other bit of advice is to take any info handed out by other growers with a grain of salt. Although many people try to help, you will notice multiple opinions on everything and not everyone is correct. I read a lot of nonsense from new growers telling other new growers how to grow. Always be on the look out for people using bro science and don’t use any of said bro science. Try things and see what happens. You won’t grow perfect and dialled in weed your first attempt unless you are lucky. You have to learn the cultivar that you are growing and that can only be done with multiple runs. One plant will like different things than another, your environment will be different than mine and that will cause you to have different phenotype expressions than others so it’s hard to rely on outside knowledge for your own space. That being said your understanding the environment is the most crucial bit of knowledge for growing cannabis. Once you dial in your environment your plants will all tend to love you but some plants like different conditions than others so find plants that like your space and work with you.


Cheers for the replies guys :call_me_hand:
I really need to work out the grow environment stuff pretty asap I know it’s probably causing some grief for the long run but there’s also so many different temps people recommend for the stages I’m just letting the plants tell me what’s good haha.

hopefully after my trip they’ll show some signs of my work so far and update people here if I have any questions 🫡😂