Some germination technique doubts

3 days ago, a friend of mine gave me a 5-year-old Northern Lights seed (Pyramid Seeds). It was stored in a tiny zip lock bag in a drawer. The temps here range between 15C to 33C through the year. He wasn’t too hopeful of it germing while handing it to me.

I did the usual “soak in water for 24 hours then in a wet paper tower” for 2 days. I still don’t see the seed changing color or shape. No root visible or visible cracking. I anyway went ahead and put the seed in soil just to see if it will pop open. I lightly watered the soil with miniscule amount of old seaweed extract (nutrient) mixed in. No progress as of yet.

Some doubts I have:

  1. Would it work if I removed the seed from soil, soak it in some 1% peroxide water dilution mix for a while and try the paper towel method again?
  2. Would scarring the seed help the seed become viable or would it hurt my chances at this stage?
  3. At what point do I cut my loss and declare the seed dead?
  4. What are the chances of getting a perfectly healthy plant from a late germing or runt seed?

I would say you are committed at this point.

They will either germ or they won’t.

If they do I imagine they will be perfectly normal plants.

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i’d dry it, then scuff it, then soak it in 1% h2o2 for a day in a dark cabinet, then take it out and soak it in a dark cabinet for a few days, checking it daily. it may or may not work but it shouldn’t hurt anything.

do a search for the thread on soaking them to germinate, just letting them float.

I watched a couple of videos and did read some posts on here and a few other places on the floating tech.

it may or may not work but it shouldn’t hurt anything.

True. Can’t kill something that’s already dead. I guess I’ll try the peroxide solution method and if it still doesn’t give, I’ll chalk it up as a runt.

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Or Just float-it. You’ll know when it goes


I have played that game before and it sucks, especially when you really want it to work. 🫤


Patience is a difficult word. This year was the first time trying the Float-gig.

Its 10/10 right now; young and old


I feel like I’ve been handed Schrodinger’s seed (no pun intended). In my mind, the seed is alive, but when I peek at it, it isn’t so.


Don’t look !

Here is the Triple Cotyledon, she was the one (seedling) that Burst open and Sank… She went right to work on day 3 @DamnItsARunt



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Good Morning! Too funny

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Amazing! Those seeds can swim I say! :grinning:

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Even underwater, taking Scale into account, there is a Weeks worth of Air for the Seeds/Plants.

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I’ll give it a try if I can get my hands on some more seeds. For now, I’m all out. Thank you for the help.

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Thanks right back at cha. Great stuff to hear and share. Have a great week. Good Luck with that confused Bean

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Great news!! Hope your gift goes well !!

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False alarm!! I counted my chickens too early. :frowning_face: I went to check up on the sprout again and was met with a weird looking seedling with explosive growth within 2 hours. Something didn’t look right.

Turns out, it was indeed weed, just not the kind of weed I’m after. Must have been a stray plant seed that was in the soil. I dug out the actual Northern Lights seed I put in and it’s still intact unfortunately. Bummer.

Thus ends my short stint of grow until I can get my hands on some more seeds. Thanks for the help and support everyone.

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You’ll have new seeds soon :grin:


Haha. Thank you for your generosity my friend. Looking forward to them. :slight_smile:

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You can try letting the soil dry out almost all the way, then water, repeat. Or try leaving it in the soil with some cellophane over the top of the cup, and it could still pop. I get seeds coming up weeks after planting.
Now about your seed issue. I grow landraces, but I was given some freebies recently that are not landrace… if you are interested