Someone please help me, im grasping at straws

Boogie blue is still around brother… i just bought 1 to use on a garden hose for my water for the grow

This thing even removes chloramine!!! Only filter i know that will do that


Regarding VPD, I gave up on the charts and set my temp offset and my chosen VPD and let the AC infinity controller take the wheel on what to do to maintain that and set humidity etc.

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Putting more faith in soil life these days. City water. Sometimes fresh out the tap. Everytime with a lil piece of Aloe.

30 years ago i found an electrical warehouse in Chinatown selling MH and HPS bulbs for 60%-75% less than grow shops. They weren’t Hortilux but they grew great weed. Chloramine removal is quite a claim. Not sure ive seen that anywhere but RO. Happy harvests!


Edit: Did it come with soldierfly frass?

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How I treat my ro Water is based of the revs watering dynamic

I have 2 buckets, 1 2 gallon full about 1.5 gallons, in that bucket is the following; 3/16 tablespoon of fast acting dolomite lime, half a tablespoon of alfalfa meal, half a tablespoon of Crab meal, 3 oz of worm lechate (the Black gold from worm farms), half teaspoon of general organics bio fish (squid meal) , and 5ml of organic big Bloom’s (0-0.7-0.5 npk) and a half tablespoon bee pollen. that’s constantly bubbled as well as an airlift constantly circulating it. 24/7

5 gallon bucket of ro with a quarter teaspoon of the same fast acting prilled dolomite. Bubbled 24/7

That bucket reads around 15ppm on a 640 scale
The 2 gallon comes in at around 300 -450 ppm

How i prep the water before watering is 8 get what’ i need for the plant’s, around 2-3 gallons.

Then i add about 6 ounces (or less usually, i bring the final water to around 55-65 ppm total max

Th3 plants get watered to field capacity, with a little run off in tray’s that’s usually sucked up within an hour, if younger and recently transplanted, the runoff is immediately dumped and given to my sunflowers outside.

I will admit I mentioned earlier that I’ve been using synthetic Cal mag and that’s only because of the fear mongering that build a soil has presented in their videos saying that you got to use tap water with a basic two-stage filtration process that those minerals in the tap water are good.

And that the synthetic salts in the crap in the tap water won’t hurt anything it’s bro science. Although that goes against everything my organic gurus have taught me I go who am I to argue with an expert right? I figure if tap water is working great with an unknown ratio of whatever the fuck, a balanced Cal mag supplement that’s under 120 PPM on a 640 scale, has ti be much better than mystery tap. Now back in the day I used to use general organics Cal mag which was made from calcium carbonate you know completely vegan organic… but because of those videos and I’ve been absent for 10 years growing I figured well he’s really selling this tap water not hurting shit and I figured you know that’s fine give me a little buffering.

You know I should have had my head examined for following that advice as I was doing I go what the fuck you doing dude but everything seemed fine outside. But I got to slap in the face twice by the pimp known as reality. And I do sincerely appreciate all the help everybody has blended me in this thread I love you guys all and thank you very much. And I apologize for swearing in my talking I’m 100% Sicilian it’s just how I speak I’m not trying to be derogatory or confrontation with all it’s my heritage I guess :joy:

I will keep this thread updated non-stop to the finish of the grow

I should let everybody know the genetics that are in that tent

Todd McCormick’s Northern Lights 5 IBL, Todd McCormick’s on Hayes xog Hayes xnl 2. CSI humble lemon GX lemon party, CSI humble Bubba Kush s1, CSI Obamacare, CSI sour O’s, my buddies step dad’s Seed company t-square manifestations a strain called Moon Stomper, Paradise seeds Scentsy star, again don’t mind the typos I’m speaking to text I have a migraine to size of Texas right now. Paradise seed stock is from a purchase in 2001. And a strain called Brittany from True canna.

So none of that shit’s a week genetics you know all from very reputable people I know the Dutch seed banks don’t have a really good reputation these days but Luke Paradise sees is an exception and plus these are from 2000 era. Cuz it’s one I always liked… Paradise seed was my first ever growing venture with the strain called Wappa


Not knowing tap usually isnt the end of the world… knowing exactly what ppm on calcium mg etc… is whatever
… i mean most tap isnt having these in crazy high amounts… my tap comes in at 320 ppm… i still add calmag under led… slight calmag and a pinch of epsom to increase the mg if i see mg deficiency at all…

But all that work for just water?? Na… bro its too crazy for me lol


This is exactly the road i am on… just switched off salts to organic…

I like organic … i like some bottled stuff too like some foxfarm stuff… but i like making my own teas as well even more (just gotta get better)

I strictly use tap water filtered through that boogie blue filter ( for chlorine or chloramine lead etc)

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RO water, salts, meters.

Tap water, soil life.



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I am in love with the hose filter idea :heart_eyes: the excess iron in my water is so extreme I end up having to dump my soil outside after a half year or so. I’m sure the basic filter will be enough to reduce it to a reasonable amount, and it’s got to be cheaper than replacing the soil. Maybe it will even keep the iron chunks from clogging up my hose spray nozzle, removing another cost and annoyance.

Thanks everyone for a thread with lots of great discussion!


Those BAS clowns seem to just make it up as they go. Ive seen that dude give sooo much terrible organic soil advice its insane.

RO water wont screw up your organic grow, thats just madness lol. Ive seen amazing grows of living soil ran on RO. Same with small pots. Anyone saying you need 3 gal+ to get good results just doesnt really understand what theyre doing. But you said it all perfectly already lol

You say youre feeding a lil dolomite and calmag, is that it?? I run in tiny ass pots of organic soil and the trick is you gotta top dress em pretty often. Every 2 weeks or so in veg will do it. And instead of the calmag(which isnt a big deal imo), you can supplement a lil crab meal when you top dress. Or oyster shell if you just want cal. For some reason they do better than dolomite or gypsum, I wish I could say why haha.

When I see leaves starting to do like yours, a nice top dress with some Pride Lands fixes it every time. Instead of chasing exactly what it is, I just take it as a perfect time to get some fresh nutes in the soil. And usually water it in with a simple compost tea, and the ladies love it. Heres a plant I just pulled out and sexed/transplanted this AM in a 4 inch pot. dropped in 12/12 as a seedling. Just to prove that Jeremy/BAS are full of shit lol


Let’s turn the lights all the way off to avoid all problems. Light is nothing but trouble. Plants don’t even like it they make all these stupid terpenes and cannabinoids to block it.

Light spectrum regulates nutrient uptake and terpenoid production.

Led has reduced spectrum.

Reduced spectrum = reduced signaling.

If it’s a transpiration issue you have the math for an LED nutrient formula right here:


According to this funky chart you should add everything but P K Fe Zn Mn. I’d probably trade Fe Zn for N since I live in reality.


Kdf85 pre-filter will removed all chlorines and chloromine. Also the hydrologic chlorashield pre-filter will as well. But the catalytic filters do as well .

In my ro, the stage’s go as follows;
1st pre - sediment at 5 micron
2nd pre - catalytic kdf85 @ 10 micron
3rd pre - hydrologic chlorashield @ 1 micron
Booster pump sends to RO membrane
Membrane to deionized polish (any residual TDS is wiped out here)
Final before it leaves the filter machine to bucket is a 15 watt stainless UV light pass

I geeked out for a Year or better about water when the addition of chloramine started to get added around 2008 in my city.

I used to pull water reports bi yearly from my treatment plant (they have to provide a report on the spot at request of any citizen with a water bill)

I also used to send my ro water samples to a local place called Culligans. At home Depot, they have these free water analysis tests that you could have (they sell Culligan filtration units) they did it so the Culligan rep could come give you a sales pitch on buying a multi 1000$ whole House filtration unit. But this also provided a full analysis of your Water

You send it in, 2 weeks later you get your report, with a letter to fill out and mail back regarding your appointment date for rep to come discuss result’s and see what are the Best options for you to buy.

The rep used to come and say “well your reports absolutely blank, but its only that filter in your basement. Wouldn’t it be Nice to have that in the whole house, imagine taking a shower with pure water!”

Ok , what’s the damage? Usually around 1700$ to 2300$

“Save your plumbing from scale and build up”!


But heres some screens of the catalytic claims and chlorashield claims

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Well basically I’m just always brewing a ca-mg rich tea, its really not all that much work.

After building the compost tea Brewer, tossing in The smsll amounts of amendments takes about 5 minutes.

So for instance, This is how it goes;
Go to buckets, dump 2 gallon into a third bucket, then 4 oz from Small bucket. Stick a Hanna hi98311 in, see it hit 50-65, done. Water in.

I truly don’t mind spending a lot of time if I had to, cannabis growing is my One and only obsession. I enjoy nothin More than doing garden work.


So let’s say, top dress of Crab meal, how much per gallon of media?

I’m down to try much New things.

Yeah i was kinda taken back by the 5-7 gal rec. Of needed soil volume to get it to work right, as I used ti flower in 3 gallon square tall bato buckets.

Also how the hell does led “drive the plant’s harder” if uts a limited spectrum? Hid is steadily getting more and More appealing as this thread evolves.

These were in 4 inch wide by 3.5 inch tall pots, I tried to sex em all in these as i didn’t want to start transplanting possible males

So yeah, the whole large volume is mandatory, it couldn’t believe what i was being told for the 20th time on that call

Im using for veg a vipraspectra p1000 100 watt with Samsung 301h per 2x2 area


Yeah My ambient temp and leaf temps are almost identical, leaf 75.7, room 76.1

So do i make leaf surface temperature higher?

I don’t really advocate LED’s so don’t know much about them but try to stay current with literature and such. I’ve read that LED’s can cause increased metabolism from strong “green” light spectrums which drive more water intake and leaves behind a higher concentration of nutrients and minerals at the root zone making. Could you help me better understand what’s happening with those nutrient and minerals during increased metabolism, where they’re going?

I think you’re spot on with respect to the difference in light signaling between LED’s and HID’s being different, specifically the LED’s throwing a more narrow spectral range. They seem to hammer hard on the green light, very intense. I think that’s a contributing factor. Always enjoys seeing your perspective around here. I usually agree with something, disagree with something, and learn something new each time you post. It’s always enjoyable. Hope you’re having a pleasant day. Many blessings and much love


So im about to order 5 315 CMH ballasts and 4 air cooled hoods. I don’t think I’ll ever dial in led from what im reading

This sucks as in reality i don’t have the money’s to re setup this grow yet again fur the third time

What good is a garden space, if the Bank takes My house

I only add the crab in addition to a good all purpose like Pride Lands. Theres other blends that do well too, but PL is the best Ive found. Gaia Green, Dr Earth, even Espoma Garden Tone will do okay. But I find the PL or Gaia is available faster than Espoma. Not a right or wrong, just different tools. I dont really measure my top dresses, but right about a tbsp or so or the crab per gallon, not much. Usually do about half recommended on the bag to start. Luckily top dressing isnt a fine science lol

Think it just means they dont know WTH theyre doing lol. Of course if youre a new grower its easier to keep more soil moist. But I flower in 1s and 2s these days, and stilll get 3-4 foot tall plants all the time. The trick is not letting the soil dry out, whatever the pot size. But I also see those BAS clowns mention “drybacks” which truly boggles my mind haha.

This is one I completely disagree with lol. Ive ran LEDs for years, and never had any weird issues like that using decent lights. Ive also used HPS wayyy back when. The only differences I ever noticed are the amount of heat they kick off. But I also do bust out the PPFD meter with a new led so I know how much DLI theyre getting. Gotta make sure theyre only getting 25-30 DLI the first week or so. Then you can ramp it up. Another big thing I see folks do that screws stuff up is pull the light intensity down. The light brands all say to run the light at full blast, but really far away, and adjust the light down to lower intensity. It seems irrelevant, but makes a massive difference.

Too much LED too fast can cook plants for sure. But youll know if thats happening within a few hours. But Ive also seen HPS cook plants being too close lol. I think a big issue is folks using super cheapo LEDs. Those can cause all sorts of wonky stuff, but I believe thats lack of enough spectrum vs “pushing them too hard” I rock out Mammoth and HLG lights, and never have that issue.

Folks claiming HID has a broader spetrum are sadly very misinformed. The modern LEDs with Samsung diodes have a broader spectrum than HPS lol. HPS/MH just have fat spikes in very specific spectrums. But years ago Ive tried out those blurple UFOs, and they do cause a bunch of weird stuff. Theyre also not full spectrum like the more modern bar style ones. People seem to think all LED is the same. Which is like saying all HID have the same spectrum. Just uninformed madness.

I do basically the exact same thing these days, but in fabric 4 inch pots vs plastic. The reasoning is I can drop them on a cheap capillary mat with a Blumat surface sensor, and itll regulate everything and keep them from drying out on me. It works wonders too. Instead of the old days where Id have to water the 4 inch pots 2-3 times a day.

I completely understand the wanting to run numbers game. Seems like so much of BAS’s “advice” is they cant grow very well, so noone else can😂. Theyre also a super shady brand in general. While back I used to help out with some moderating on a semi-popular weed growing sub on reddit. And we straight up caught them using multiple burner accts to try to claim the products are so great and all this crap. Anyone who does stuff like that is only proving theyre unsavory. Its just cheap amendments and crappy soil mixes at a suuuper premium price lol.

Dont get my started on the Coots mix, talk about incoherent rambling when Jeremy talks about it hahah. I just use the cheap 70/30 coco/perlite from the hydro store. 10-12 bucks a bag, and it works wonders. Especially in small pots, 30% compost in there is just gonna slow down growth and mud up the mix when you reuse it.

I wouldnt personally. If anything drop a dehum at that point. VPD is a great tool, but if you follow it to a T on the high end, youll be in PM/bud rot city. The old VPD warehouse grower joke was “theyre growing as much black mold as they are bud” I came up running dep greenies on the central coast, and the rule of thumb was rh under 70 in veg, and under 60 in flower. Of course YMMV


Dude, can you like call me, please lol

I have a few specific questions to ask its hard doing text.

You can call me private if you don’t want me having your number.

–personal information removed–

I haven’t been This desperate since I built my first cab with a 150hps and muffin fans using GH flora and tap.

As the plants yesterday that were looking better, look Like ass again.

The one outside completely burned around.

I really wanna use these led, im my flower tent thats still a virgin, there’s a medic grow smart 8 plus. Dropped 700 on that.

Veg is vipraspectra p1000 Samsung panels at 110 watts each.

I have a photo bio ppfd quantum meter as well.

I am not one to beg to be spoon fed, but dude i got tears in my eyes like a Japanese anime character as i type this.

Most led lights have a spectrum for bloom and I’ve seen countless problems with them with all kinds of advice on how to fix it , more nutrients , more this less that etc but it’s the lights. I’ve put plants that were under t5s under led and within two days all the symptoms you describe appear and go away when put back under fluorescents. I finally found some low cost, low power led lights with a switchable spectrum and they work great. Go figure once the spectrum is correct for veg they grow fine…

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