Sour Boggle by BOG Preservation Run

Open pollination!!! :green_heart::muscle:

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Maybe I’m just old but we saw the years of work Bushy had in building his strains. I’m sure his selections for seed breeding were second to none. I’m sure he grew out more than a pack of his shit to get the “ones”. Those seeds have a high success of getting to the desired product in the photo. When you grow his seeds they are his strain.

When you make seeds from a pack of BOG’s seeds those seeds are not the same seeds you purchased in that pack from BOG. Unless you pop 100 a couple times 6x back crosses you can’t say you have BOG Sour Boggle. You have opened Pandora’s box back up and you have ended up back at selection. Maybe a person gets lucky and gets a good one. But sorry, not the same seeds I’m that pack you bought.

So friends our dear friend BOG has just passed and let’s be respectful of his work. Sorry if I get shit for this but breeding someone’s F2’s and calling it a sour boggle preservation run maybe has BOG turning in his grave already.

Thread lightly right now. I’m sure the family especially Pat needs to grieve.

Good luck guys and stay safe!!


All depends on if someone is taking over his work and using his breeding stock. Otherwise to really try and preserve it, someone would have to pick a phenotype to work through as a ibl. Similar to what tony green has done with GG4


By the way, I believe Blue Kush was his new and improved BMR i not sure though. I asked him for something blueberry and I’m happy with my BK…blueberry frost just like his said it would be


DCSE has more BOG seeds in stock. Couldnt remember who asked.


I did. Thanks.

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Youre welcome!


IMO, making selections isn’t the job of the preservationist. A preservation involves preserving the strain’s genome, not necessarily reproducing the exact plant.

IBLing a strain isn’t the same thing as a preservation. I think selecting a specific pheno to work should be up to the individual grower. I’d rather make my own selections from the deepest gene pool I can find.

Obviously, if you’re selling seeds you want that consistency, but a preservation is like a crap shoot with a guaranteed payout. You’re gonna find something awesome, and if you plant enough seeds, you’re gonna find that special pheno because it’s in there. :slight_smile:


Ah, good point.

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Well dang, those didn’t last very long.

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How many of the seeds do you have?

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Im sorry! I was wondering if/how fast theyd sell. Bet stimulus checks didnt help that.

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not sure what you mean by that, I see several in stock now


All the ones I click on say out of stock besides a couple

Big bubble
Sour bubble

Are all out of stock


there is no need to click on them to see what is out of stock. If it says “join waitlist” it is out of stock

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I’ll need to get to a BOG run sometime in 2021. I have a Sour Strawberry Kush x Sour LSD I made a few years back that may need to join the rotation for next year!


Ah ok well the 4 I listed are the ones I’m really interested in.
But with the situation being what it is I’ll wait a couple months and see what happens and then get what I can


looks like we emptied the shelves of the BOG seeds at DCSE


There is definitely some amazing smoke in those beans! How does it smoke?

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Blue Kush 6 (pheno 1)