Sour Bubble Redemption Seed run **Closed**

Totally! I bet there’s something special there for sure. I know this is a bit of a contentious issue but imo, a male throwing a few pistols is certainly not a deal breaker on an entire line. Plenty of the most legendary cuts have or come from lines with some intersex traits! We’d live in a world without Sour Diesel, Chemdog, OG and so many other classics if folks weren’t brave enough to pop hermi prodigy.


Well im definitely a challenger, close to 2 years for a lifesaver seedrun :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Oh shit, I am not even in the running allhail


Lol, yeah. Clones wouldn’t root, hermie male, not happy with progeny, reveg taking forever, rippers etc.

All good now tho :ok_hand:


DJ Short contends that intersex males actually make superior pollen donors as he believes they impart more female characteristics because of it. Lots of people take issue with that idea but there’s two sides to every argument, especially when it comes to growing herb!


I have read that and I must admit I don’t know nearly enough to chime in on that subject. In the end I got authentic F2’s from 2 separate phenos of Sour Bubble BX3 so I am pretty stoked to have them. Absolutely worst case is I grow them and keep a sharp eye for any issues.


Same boat, I don’t know enough to weigh in but I’d feel the same as you do: got some special stuff, would be excited to look through it and see what’s there, if intersex then no harm no foul, cull and move on


Just throwing up last night’s update, wasted lazy yesterday :slight_smile:


You’ve been kinda leaving these in the same positions lately haven’t you lol?

Lovely stuff as usual Doug :sunglasses::ok_hand:.


Still moving around bud, its the only way to get to the back ones to water :wink:


And I’ve heard a lot if people talk about Herm’s in his gear… Coincidence? :joy:

I think any intersex traits at all, are negatives, and I cull any plant that displays them.


I did the same but being how rare the BX3 seeds are now I will certainly not be tossing the seeds. Will just keep a really close eye on them when they grow.


You know over the last 20 years of marijuana online I have consistently read to cull all hermie’s…they are the devil! Haha, I think this is really an incorrect viewpoint as clearly ,in nature, the plant Bernie’s. This is to protect itself and proginate…SO why throw out herms if they are natural.? Uh duh, cause it’s about commercial growers not wanting seeds in their crop and not wanting people to have their genetics. Then there are the keyboard warrior who don’t want someone else’s pollen drifting into their grow “kill all the freak hermaphrodites!!!”, haha anyway I’m distracted was tryin to research Congo Kashmir…

Edit: you now, not to get off topic but herms could be 100% environmental given that to quote @HolyAngel, they are dioecious. Stressed plant or an evolved landrace trait that responds to it environment (specifically) triggers hermie’s. Colloidal silver…



Seeded bud doesn’t taste as good, is a pain to trim and break up, and isn’t as strong. We know what the advantage is to the plants, which is why evolution directs them that way occasionally; there’s no advantage to us as humans attempting to direct their evolution. Not everything natural is good. :wink: Shark attacks are natural, but it doesn’t mean you’d want to be involved in one, right?

Theories about pistillate males increasing the female ratio are all very fun, but I don’t think anyone knows whether that’s the case; our best guess is that herms do pass on that trait, though, and we just don’t entirely know how. Considering that, the best way to keep a crop under control is to cull hermies. Unless you’re growing, and specifically growing cannabis, to be one with nature… :man_shrugging: :roll_eyes:


Eh, it’s in there and its not in there. Only 6% of flowering plant species on earth are Dioecious. Meaning there’s both male and female plants. 94% of flowering plant species are monoecious, aka herms, and self-seed.

I think the fact they are dioecious, and there are plants that do not show intersex no matter what you do, means something. Screw commercial, I don’t wanna grow medicine that seeds itself every single time. I grow it so I DON’T have to pick out seeds. Unless I specifically want to make the seeds on purpose.

Now there is a thing to intersex plants being potent. Most of the legends are herms or directly from herms, bagseed. But I think if someone could go back and make the right selections, or maybe rather spend some time and work the line a bit before the next outcross, they could easily pull out the same or better plants without any intersex problems in them at all.


Looking GREAT @DougDawson


You know, these kind knowledge only comes from years and years of experience. I’m glad to have known as noob…


Yo Doug, make one of these funnel things. Save some energy…


Incidentally I listened to the Pot Cast episode with DJ Short last night and he said he likes the effect of seeded bud. :seedling:


What in the tarnation :joy:!

That is ingenious my man :sunglasses::ok_hand: