Sour Bubble Redemption Seed run **Closed**

Poster and sticker wall disappearing fast I’d suggest sharpening the machete might have to cut a path to the back wall to water.


I am keeping an eye on it, things should be showing sex soon.

Lol, you’re telling me. That’s what I get for starting those 3 in the back much earlier. Oh well, it is what it is. Fingers crossed I can keep control of it.


Well the fun begins, got 2 confirmed males. Woo hoo, stuff is starting to happen. The stretch continues…


Hell yeah them males are all like ….image Waiting for the ladies to show up :crazy_face:

Looking good in there brother ! Filling up quick


I am out’a likes again!

But if I wasn’t, I would like the hell out of your post @DougDawson .
Those are some impressive little beasts you have raised there…


I swear I’m not defoliating a thing next run lol.Tents looking beautiful Doug just wanted to stop on by and share some love.Life’s a garden dig it Brochaco


O shit! Lets get this party started!!!



Beautiful man. What size Pots you in 1 gal?


Yeah, the smaller ones are all in one gallon, the back ones I moved up to 5 gallon cause they got so big. Going to have to work out watering them twice a day. The are becoming beasts for such small pots.


A post from bog himself from way back about the leaf finger overlay.

If I understand him correctly these are his original mom.


That’s cool man, thanks for sharing that! I read through your Sour bub thread over on IC, good stuff brother.

@DougDawson I don’t know if it would be possible, but I was wondering if I could request seeds from the totem pole moms in front? Those males are that same expression, right? Seems everyone’s attention is more on the back left plant. Keep knocking it out of the park!

Can’t wait to pair it with Orange Grove.



Thanks bud, at this point I can make no promises. These would be going out to Sebring for the spring box and I am not sure how that would work out if folks start asking for seeds from different plants, sounds like a logistical nightmare to me. That said I may be able to do something for you when this is done. Ask me again when this is closer to completion. I may also be able to send you some pollen if you wanted to cross this with Orange Grove but let’s see how things go. With 2 males so far, as long as they don’t Hermie like last time, I should be able to collect a ton of pollen. I would imagine more males will pop up.

Since only that one plant seems to be some kind of bushy pheno I may end up keeping those seeds separate. That’s of course if it is a female. The rest of the plants seem pretty uniform to me. Get back to me down the road and I will try to get you what you want if it’s possible :slight_smile:


So it’s feeding time in the BOG tents and did some marking for folks. Looks like we got 3 males, the tall one in the back middle being one of them. The 3 marked with a B are the ones from Brian (@Alaskagrown). There is one that clawed all up yesterday for some odd reason, flushed out the pot and gave it fresh nutes. Did the same thing for the yellowing one in the small tent, it’s never been happy since the cat attack but I figure let her ride for the moment. I may actually cull that one, it’s should have recovered much better and there should be so many seeds it may be best to keep that one out of the lineup.


Put you on the overflow list @misterbee :slight_smile:


I’m very happy to have gifted you @DougDawson some of my Sourbubble…They would have probably just sat in the seed fridge for years to come as had no plans for them in the forceable future…glad they went to a good cause where others will be able to enjoy them. :heartbeat:

Thanks again for taking the time and dedication in doing this for the Overgrow community!!

Much love and respect brother!!! :sparkling_heart: :clap: :pray: :muscle:



Say what :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


My favorite plant ended up being male! Let’s gooo :sunglasses::muscle:! (Top right MB)

Definitely excited to pop some of these.


Thanks bud, looks like a really healthy male and female there so they will add strength to the gene pool for the next batch. That’s if all goes well, I don’t want to get ahead of myself :slight_smile:

LOL, yup. That’s cool, things keep going like this and there will be lots of pollen from them. I collected just over 21 grams of pollen from the 2 males in my ppp run. The pistils on the last batch of males got me a bit paranoid now.


Things are really starting to come together now.
Excellent fucking work Doug :sunglasses::muscle:.


Looking awesome brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart: