Sour Bubble Redemption Seed run **Closed**

It’s a pheno of bubblegum. A sour pheno. So different, but a lot better actually :sunglasses::man_dancing:.

Like a super flavorful, kushy bubblegum I guess.


Well here are your Sour Bubble this evening. Took that yellow one out, poor thing just did not want to come back but that’s ok, many remain.


Rip lil yeller…
On a side not everythings looking stellar
Looking good brother !


I like it.

You seem to have a few with double serrations, something I never really noticed when growing sour bubble. Interesting :face_with_monocle:


Hey @DougDawson could you give my spot to @misterbee please?A guy like him around here to me gets seniority and I’d like to pass my respect to him by giving him my spot in line.Not passing up on a BOG opportunity and disrespecting Your Effort or any of BOGs seeds they are very sacred to me and @FiveGar was kind enough to send me some Sour Bluetooth F2s so I have Something from BOG to preserve and I am more than happy to be a Steward of That variety.After that crap that happened to him id like to help him out and get his Bean Coffers full again I seen him help out a lot of people on here.I have So many Beans now I don’t want to be greedy.Might have maybe one or two things I can think of but I think my bean bucket list is almost complete.


Well it’s like this, beans last a long time and there should be no problem covering everyone on the list and overflow. That said there is no way I would let Mr. :honeybee: miss out so I would not worry :slight_smile: He will be covered.


Your awesome man thank you


God I appreciate these daily updates and close ups. You’re a consistent hard working man :wink::muscle:.

My favorite boy is getting ready to take off :sunglasses::man_dancing::clap:. Absolute stud muffin. Hm I compared some photos. Doubt it’s bx4 now. So much information to keep in the brain lol…

I wonder if Brian’s other big plant is gonna end up being a female. That would be a pleasant surprise. Might get some sour off that one :eyes::man_shrugging:.

Alright I’ll contain my excitement… for now lol. :heart::beers:


Looking awesome @DougDawson Really spectacular node structure and spacing, nice beefy stalk. Really nice work B.O.G. did with his strains back in the day. Such a great strain for Pain.
What a great choice for the Preservation run.
Peace and Blessings
:v: :sunglasses: :pray:


The best choice :sunglasses:.


These plants are very beautiful. Congrats on the nice job bro.

I’ve never seen such big plants inside tents lol

:evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree:


aw man… I think that “sick” one you got rid of was just a heavy feeder bro and not actually anything wrong with it. Still got plenty of happy one’s left but… yeah.


I don’t think so. It’s been a problem since day 1. If the ones 4 times it’s size are good with the feeding I can’t see that tiny little thing needing more nutes. Also there is no way I am going to make a separate batch of nutes for one of 17 plants.


Sometimes you just get a finicky plant.

And there’s plenty for the gene pool here. Even if you culled half of these lol.

Sour bubble are generally some of the hardiest plants out there. So it’s rare to find one like that.

A lot of people enjoy the ease that comes with this plant also.


Yeah I wouldn’t have bothered mixing extra nutes for it either. I had the same thing happen in my first batch of nl5haze/sensistars. Two were just massive cal/micro feeders. The complainer ended up being the best buds and most knockout high and I tossed her due to those very same issues you’re talking about on that one. The light feeder was the haze leaner. That’s all the info I got :man_shrugging:


I agree. IME it is the finicky runts that have the special sublime qualities that stick out and make you reconsider them. Look at any of the best heirloom strains and you will find some finicky princesses (Loompas headband, chem 91) that need lots of attention to thrive and can be a pain to dial in… Many people pull those girls but I try to keep em around long enough to at least test them or make seeds from. Too many times have I culled the runt only to kick myself later for not keeping it around.


Plus, although it does look like nute burn, It might just need to dry out more as this yellowing looks as though it could be from being too wet


Dougs got a lot of work on his hands already.

And he’s already doing something so huge for the community.

But yeah this can definitely be true in some cases. The clones of your final keeper always seem to be the ones that don’t make it or you throw it away.

Mother Nature having a laugh at us :joy:.


Defiantly not the case. If I were doing a bud run than perhaps I would have kept fooling with it but since this is a seed run with 17 plants I say just let it go. After all, breeders cull plants all the time in their selection process. Not many say “look at that finicky runt, it’s small and seems to always be unhappy, that’s the keeper”, lol.


If I were to make a bet… I could say the best plants are definitely all shining and doing well :wink:.

My 2 cents :man_dancing::pray:

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