Sour Bubble Redemption Seed run **Closed**

Ok I figured there was a reason you do it the way you do it. Thanks!


Us po-folk from the city, when you canā€™t afford stainless, sometimes you have to use paper plateā€¦ :laughing:

Oh, and for my ghetto, technique grab a small branch between your thumb and forefinger, and think ā€¦flick the ash.

Been savin for the stainless bowl, almost there. :weary:

Seriously though, gonna use a stainless bowl next time, I am movinā€™ on up!


LOL, works for me. I would assume any large bowl would work, just stay away from plastic to avoid static issues.


I just happen to have that from when the Ex was going to cooking school, 30-35 years ago.

:green_heart: :seedling:


One small plant and one small plant main cola shucked. 4 3/4 small plants and that big beast in back right corner to go. Than itā€™s sort out the white and small ones time. Pretty sure the list is covered, lol.


Now that is a mean pile of beans! :+1:


Gawd damn! You did it doug! That plant mustā€™ve been more seed than leaf!


Or you could do like Sebring and give 1/8th teaspoon scoops, and not bother with sorting them that much. It turns out to be like 25ish seeds. No one will complain about a few duds and you save tons of time. Iā€™ve even seen some of the white runty beans grow just fine. Just a thought.


I have thought about going that route @schmarmpit , I am still trying to acquire the containers, unfortunately they donā€™t ship to Canada. I am loving the pucks but have run into an issues. Many of my PPP beans and Sour Bubble beans donā€™t fit in the holes, lol. I will see how things go once I am done shucking the plants. That in itself is going to take a while at the looks of things, lol.

Actually you are not far off, lol. I am pretty happy seeing what 1 plant plus 1 main cola provided. I can only imagine the pile by the time this is done. On the bright side, while this has been quite the adventure I can safely say now ā€œPPP FOR ALLā€. Pretty stoked. Looks like I may have acquired some BOG Blue Moon Rocks so there will be more fun to come. Lifestar, BMR and Sweet and Sour Cindy are looming on the horizon. Somewhere in there I may even grow some bud to smoke, lol.


Awesome congrats on your success Doug! You deff stay devoted to the task at hand even after some hiccups you still stuck it

I remember seeing The Purple Paranoia Paralyzer article almost a year later I might finally get those seeds after all I feel as if some people refer to ppp as Pure Power Plant


How did you miss out on those? I still have thousands of them bud so if you want I can send you some :slight_smile:


Waiting on the fall box almost in my grasp
Better safe then sorry Iā€™ll take you up on the offer!
This will be the third time the troll has been in the mailbox ! I miss out on a lot intentionally but never what I came here for lmao within a month of being on here I was overwhelmed with beans lol


Fire me your info. Depending on your country you may still be getting it as I know some were held up but not to worry.


Will do sir ! You really are a hell of a guy
As said They r close to my grasp and faith has never been lost we choose a good candidate to run the operation ! They stepped in stood tall when everyone was on there knees


whereā€™s my lighter :rofl:


If you are in the US, you should have your fall box with those by now? I will send you a pack out of my seeds, not the Co-op and I wonā€™t collect any money bud. That is between you and you distributor. If in the US you should be paying on Sebringā€™s site and contacting G-pas for inquiries.


Pmd you to save mass confusion Doug lol
I thought my last two replies were pm :persevere:


You should have left the lighter alone lol.


how can one plant produce so many seeds lolā€¦ its like you cant see them while alive and then you bust it open and there is 100 haha. always intrigues me


Hey man, I was telling my girlfriend about this run and that it yielded a QP of pollenā€¦. She was so overwhelmed with OG spirit that she started to cry! :joy: thanks Doug!