Splinter's Doja Dojo

update, after a week in the 2 gal hempy. struggling to keep humidity up. have a ultrasonic in the closet with the tents and it’s barely 44%. I am getting more mag deffiiciency showing in the lower leaves. they are definitely getting calmag. i alternate with epsom salts. it’s either ph or vpd, but I ph 5.8/5.9 in. ~490total ppm. maybe it needs more, some tip burn on a couple plants. ph rises a bit for the next day or so. I guess i will have to do some input output analysis on the next feed. Worst looking plant is the grateful red (thai/colombian red x niagara purple). it looks stunted.

The overgrow challenge tent:

The mostly happy bird tent. one wreckage master bastard kush in the mix.

my overflow. these might get a chance depending on male/herm counts. One widow bomb monster(LR) and the taller two are Alien Bubba x SLH

i may discard this weird looking chocolope x SM colombian gold. it’s growing but it looks messed up. the other is an extra widow bomb monster. it might get a shot if i have real bad luck on the m:f ratio.


now for the colorado sativa run.

I dropped two of each one:

they will get 6 hours of water or so, then straight into organic seed starter filled cups with baggies over them.

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490 is low for those in Hempy’s. I’d definitely bump it up and if your feed doesn’t have magnesium or something I’d use epsom every time, not alternate it. Best of luck with them!

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Training day.

the overgrow crew:

happy bird + a wreckage master bastard. the Kaui electric cross is a bit stretchy, 2nd training for that one (lower left)


the side show 2x Lemon Alien and a Widow bomb monster:

here we have some sprouts: 2x panama, 1x Oaxaca, 1 AG bc, 1 widow bomb monster, 1 wedding glue auto, 1 grandpa jack auto (its a mix of jack herer and the ethos grandpa’s cookies) and i mutant i will probably chunk at the last minute.

i just planted from paper towel another germ ooxaca and 1 AG bc. i am still waiting on the AG red stem. i am 0/4 on those trying both soak and plant as well as paper towel. maybe they have hard shells and need extra time. i am stil waiting on a 3rd AG bc and a Blue Orca Haze x Kona Gold that are in paper towels. i think that will be all for this.

I kept both of the chocolope x colombian gold. one is a mutant and the other that had just 1 surviving coteledon seems to be attempting to recover. it may just take a bit, but there is a little new growth looking like 2 leaves.


I just by chance bought a pack of the Acapulco Gold BC1 beans. Getting confusing info on projected flower times. So I will follow this one.

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i may end up with 3 of them. the red stem (pure ag) is giving me some trouble popping, so i added a 3rd of the BC1 and the blue orca haze. all BC1 germed and i planted the 3rd today. just waiting to see number 2 and 3 break the surface.

So, we’ve got a quorum of 8 of what should be sativa morphs. I saw the Oaxaca from CS posted on some other threads…so not sure it’s the real deal. hopefully the other are solid. I give then another week or so in the small cups before they get their 2 gallon hempy and go to the ambient condition tent.

2x Panama
2x Oaxaca
3x Acapulco BC1
1x Kona Gold x Blue Orca Haze

I never got any of the 4 AG red stems to pop. not sure what the deal is. it’s been two weeks…that should be long enough. i tried both a soak then soil and the paper towel method. i did use peroxide. oh well, maybe next year.


i guess things are progressing well. a little slow. my ph meter had gone off a bit a couple weeks ago. recalibrated and testing before each watering. they just got a little defolation to let the lowers get some light and they got a lot of training. hoping to fill out the tent in about 2 weeks or so. the small tent will fill in when i get males. the little plant is the wedding glue auto from @The_Vault_Team giveaways.


ok, so the setup for this round is nearly complete. i got the new tent fully functional and filled up.

Top: Panama, Panama, AG bc1, Ox
Bottom: Kona Blue Orca haze, AG bc1, Ox, Widow Bomb Monster

Top: Lemon Alien S1, Wedding Glue auto
Bottom: Lemon Alien S1, Widow Bomb Monster I think is male.

Any ideas on this? I haven’t seen a proper male in a long time. It would be nice to cull now (give away).

the OG tent
Top: ICC#5 S1 looks female, BDE x RKS doesn’t look male, Widow Bomb Monster that doesn’t look male
Bottom: Sour Grapes looks male, Golden Triangle S1 looks female, Grass Fire OG x Dom. Diesel doesn’t look male

mostly Happy bird tent
Top: Grateful Red, Godfather OG x Mean Mug, Wreckage Master Bastard Kush looks male.
Bottom: Pineapple Ghost x Kauai, Chocolope x Kwazulu, NL5 x Angel Fly By

The last germ of an Orange Mooncake from brokeboy…it was a freebie to test an indica in the ambient tent and the grandpa jack auto

Not the prettiest bunch i have seen. some plants look great. the NL5 cross and the kwazulu look nice from happy bird. the grateful red picked up after a slow start. all the og stuff looks good. for some reason there is a 10% different is rh between tents. that and watering the happy bird tent first (with low ph for some time) are the main differences. i have one more that germed this weekend, an orange mooncake from brokeboy genetics. i am not sure it will do well outside, so this will be an indica test barring the any of the colorado sativas gear comes out indica…it better not. i also tried popping another cotton candy. so 0/3 on that one. sad…it was 10 bucks a seed and no freebies. i have two more. i might try to pop them once i see a place for them. since the AG might go long. there is a chance i could have a lot of unused flower space for at least 70 days. so, that could fit some 4 or 5 week vegged plants. or, just some more autos. not sure if the autos thing is a good idea. i did not like the last auto i grew. it looked great, but killed any high you had.

if you have opinions on the male preflower that would be great. i have a few plants like this. things could get pretty comfortable if i could get rid of them now.

also, i have extra of the lemon alien if someone wants. maybe wait to see how it turns out.


well, i might have messed up the orange mooncake. it had spouted over night, but i accidently left the light off for about 17 hours. the cotelydons were yellow.

on the flipside, the cotton candy that didn’t germ in 3 days seemed to have a tiny tail this morning. maybe another day or so and it will be ready to plant…i just need one of these two, probably can’t use both very well.

It looks like the orange mooncake made it afterall. the cotton candy seed looked the same today as it did yesterday…no additional tail growth, just the initial 1 or 2mm. all 3 cotton candy seeds did the same thing. they germ, then have no energy. very small seeds, not sure that is why, but they are the smallest i have ever had.

All plants in buckets getting 550 ppm of veg nutes including just over 1ml of calmag, then i add a small bit of epsom salts.

i leave a bit of water in the trays with the seedlings to keep the humidity up. I noticed that the seedlings in the trays with a lot of dried nutes did pretty well. got big fast. i think they are bottom feeding or the nutes are wicking up the peat/coco. it looks like plants do want nutes pretty quick after germ…so many years i have been waiting about 10 days or more to start any nutes. best results have been when i started earlier. i may just start all plants off with some nutes…mabye 100ppm or so.

Man! Not sure how I ever lost this thread but I’m back now! Tons of great stuff and stuffed! Just like me, love it! Keep up the great work

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Thank you, sir. I’ll keep this post updated. running so many is epic. A new story every day. I think I am losing the Golden Triangle today. It has some root issue and isn’t light and dry like the other plants after 3 days of no water…ugh…that’s why i have backups though. Maybe I can salvage it and flower it later.

So, I think the problem is too much light. I ran 120w most other times and I am running 160w per tent now. i thought with more distance i could run it higher for a more even canopy. the good thing is that i have pretty dense plants and an even canopy. I moved the Golden triangle to the lower right corner (G.Fire OG x DD to the lower middle). It looks pretty stressed, but below the canopy it’s pretty green. I had considered waiting a few weeks and letting something else take it’s place, but it looks good when the lights come on. the color is just off…bleached perhaps being in the strongest light. i am having this happen in another tent.

So, at a foot tall the first 12 are heading into flower. Standard procedure. waiting longer can be risky in case there is a lot of stretch.

the AGbc and the Panama got some training. This tent is looking pretty decent. i am running the lights pretty low, maybe 100 watts total, but they are stretching a little more than most. the root rot or whatever it was on the Widow Bomb Monster(the lower right corner) is gone possibly and seems perky.


Have you tried one of those par/ppfd apps? I’ve been using one lately and it helps a lot actually, made me realize I was pushing way too hard early on. Everything looks awesome btw. Just perlite on top? I used to do this faithfully but stopped and now I’m gonna go back, just looks so much cleaner and gives a good place to put diatomaceous earth too

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thanks. just perlite…all the way through.

i thought i need to go check with the phone, but not all the plants mind. i suspect variety is the culprit, but I could also choose a better middle path for the pack. I need to go check ppfd with the phone, good idea.

Oh you run just perlite, no kidding. Very cool. Can’t say I’ve seen that, vermiculite yes not perlite. :thinking:

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Ya there’s always one huh? I get that big time

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the photon app says it was 470ppfd, which is too much, and the next step down is 350ppfd. I don’t really think either should be a big deal at 7 weeks veg, maybe keeping it at 400 would be ok.

I did soil my first few grows, probably not well though. each one i used more perlite and I got faster plants. i looked up if you could just use perlite and i saw this hempy bucket and dutch bucket stuff. a lot of commercial ops apparently use it with a constant drip type hydro. I gave a hempy a whirl for fun with a blurple and it worked better than any of my soil grows. I can count on 400 plus grams from the two main tents per run…it’s like clockwork. I just get ugly plants sometimes…probably lights

dirt is probably too heavy for me these days. i hurt my back a few times and got into a wreck a few years ago. perlite is pretty light and i can get a decent yield on 2 gallon buckets I used to do 5 gallons, which were cool because you had 4 or more days between waterings, but it’s heavier and i don’t have the height in this setup i used to have.