I have a spring near my house and the ph of the water coming out is at 5.8 with a ppm@5 at 30ppm witch was surprising to me how clean but i was wondering if I can use this for hydroponics or coir grows? Most of the info I came across says not to use spring water is there a reason why?
That sounds promising but you need a lab report.
Usually you can find a deal with a university lab, but the local farmers will know.
local ag office will know where to get one.
at 30ppm, and it being spring water…the chance of anything bad in that water is low. itd be nice to know (lab test), but my guess is your risk is very, very, very low… and all youll find is naturally filtered water with a bit of calcium and magnesium (that youll have to add more) and maybe fish shit…
just one note.. that ph seems a bit too low for spring water… i mean it sounds like a heaven sent water for hydro… but just wondering why (maybe higher carbon? that would be good).
I would try an pull up a GSI map of the area, and make sure your not down stream of some company that is using the water for a process .
Maybe it is just fine an all, but like the folks above me, I’d be checking out what I could first.
Maybe a simple filling up a few clean gallon jugs and checking them out for a week, a few times a day.
To me, 6.0 ph’d spring water would be killer good hydro water.
Dam that would make some nice smooth adult beverages if mixed with some corn and sugar r