SSDD F2 BX1 Seed Run **Closed**

@Papalag @BeagleZ @CrunchBerries @deeez99 @DesertHeartGardens @Gizmo @VAkish @Vigor

As a thanks for growing these out, if you guys want another pack just let me know :+1:

Got a single StarShine out of those last 3 beans so will know in a month or so if I’m making StarShine F2’s or SSDD F2 BX1 V2 or not. By that time I will also be in full swing male hunting to make SSDD F2 BX2 :muscle:

And while you wait, some more shots of the mom grown in flood and drain :yum:

And for a better idea of comparing against soil growing, checkout this latest post from @schmarmpit