SSDD F2 BX1 Seed Run **Closed**

Hi all

Very happy to she how she’s turning out

I’ll definitely run her again. Beautiful bud structure

And sticky
Sorry for the dog hair in the pic but it’s everywhere lol



Looks tasty! Has the smell developed into anything more that stands out?


Yeah me too! :drooling_face: She’s still the closest to the mom I’ve seen in these so far.
I need her as a male to make bx2’s with lol. Still trying to find her twin over here… If you ever get a wild hair and reverse her, send me pollen and we’ll do fem bx2’s :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: What smells are you getting so far?

@VAkish those look really dank! Definitely looking forward to your reports ^^


I can’t place the smell ( nose doesn’t smell too well Bad :sneezing_face: Also broken a few times , should have not lead with my face lol :joy:)

But there is a strong smell



Day 51 from flip.I tried to get pics today but only managed the one lights off pic of my 5x5.

The closest plant is a good example of the common pheno I’m finding. Big vigorous plants that have big blueberryish sweet smell so far.
I do have 3 different expressions as well. My number 7 is a candelabra plant with spicy lemon hash stem rubs. Its slow flowering and idk how long this one will take to finish, but I’m excited to smoke her sorry for the horrible pics, I don’t like fooling with my lights while they’re running.
Numbers 2 and 14 both smelled very blueberry until recently. Now it’s a distinct Fuji apple flavor. I hope they keep that. Number 14 is much more vigorous than 2 but still half size of the big blue phenos. I’ll get pics of these 2 tonight and update.

So far I see that 2+ per light is easy with the big blue phenos, and the sports are looking to be interesting smoke, especially the totally different spicy lemon hash pheno
Better pic of lemon hash

The big Fuji apple plant. This one smells so fresh like a crisp sweet apple.


Ssdd 2

Ssdd 3

Ssdd 4

Ssdd 5 day 65 going to give them a few more days then will be chop time :blush: can’t wait to get these girls dried and cured


Wow very nice! Some sticky monster flowers you have there.

Reminds me of the 1966 film War of the Gargantuas. The green monster looks like a giant bud.


I let my SSDD F1s go at least 70 days, and by that time there are no white pistils, at all. I know that’s not always an indicator, but it has been for mine. How do the trichs look?

Sorry, SSDD fascinates me, just want to see you feel the same way :slight_smile:


Don’t be sorry always love talking about plants could do it all day :joy: Going to be taking them at day 70 my 3rd and 4th pheno most likely could go upwards of 77 days I think they lean a bit more to the starlite side of things 4 more so then 3 :face_with_monocle:but going to be taking everything at the same time for ease of things wish I had a space specifically for drying to be able to it in stages but 5 and 2 are starting to really finish up and I would of considered the number 2 pheno done based of amount of amber at 9 weeks but trying to let the others finish as much as possible really enjoyed these plants and think I’m going to love the smoke too given the smells these girls are putting out really hoping some of the pain relief qualities come out for my father :blush:this my first regular seed run since I started growing again about year ago 3rd cycle back at it,ssdd fascinates me it’s what got me looking into bodhis work and what led me to finding Riu and then this absolutely amazing community, to have heard and found so many amazing story’s about it helping them and others and so many great smoke reports never thought I would get the chance to run it holy angel made that possible for me and I’m so grateful for that :pray:t2:for sure would love to find a f1 pack or f2 and explore what is in those too seems like a real special cultivar @HorseBadorites also got clones of these girls if there is a stand out to run again :+1:


@Papalag @BeagleZ @CrunchBerries @deeez99 @DesertHeartGardens @Gizmo @VAkish @Vigor

As a thanks for growing these out, if you guys want another pack just let me know :+1:

Got a single StarShine out of those last 3 beans so will know in a month or so if I’m making StarShine F2’s or SSDD F2 BX1 V2 or not. By that time I will also be in full swing male hunting to make SSDD F2 BX2 :muscle:

And while you wait, some more shots of the mom grown in flood and drain :yum:

And for a better idea of comparing against soil growing, checkout this latest post from @schmarmpit


Thanks my friend I still have some I appreciate everything you do

A true OG


Thank you @HolyAngel! Appreciate your OGness brother. I’d love another pack if there’s plenty… I’d like to gift some to some cats in my area but I’ve been hoarding what I have left. Of course if there is anyone else in need they should get first dibs as I still have a few.

Forgot to update here the other day…

Day 77, giving them another week and will re evaluate…


YOu know i have thrown down over 50 SSDD beans, not a one has sprouted :see_no_evil:


If they were the F2’s those have a notoriously bad germ rate. I’ve been hoarding about that many so I can eventually make F3’s with my keeper. if you want a pack of these BX1’s though I got you. I got on here right after you got banned but done read everything you’ve ever posted here :sweat_smile: was sad you were gone before i was able to say anything.


Yeah but it was from the old preservation run batch
I had no problems with Holy angels f2 Bx I still have the originals from the old preservation run and have not tried to run then due to everyone saying that they won’t crack

Ps the smell is intense


THEY WILL NOT CRACK…about to throw them out so not tempted to try them again.


I’ll take em if you’re gonna toss them :sweat_smile:


They were from some preservation run here, have 3 tins of them. :see_no_evil:

You can have them if you’d like. WANT to run her, but mine no workie…lol Still have the nice stickers on the can too…Was it from Howard??? Thining so

Well…we can meet now! Nice to meet you, will have to check on what your doing here, didnt know you from before


message me your addy


Thank you @HolyAngel