Staying stoned or has

so how do you stay stoned if your tolerance is high? smoke and consume as much as you can? or are some of you guys making capsules? if so how are these made and is micro dosing a nice way to keep things going? can you guys share any info, recipes and experiences .
can this be done to limitlessly?


I grow enough so I can dab all day…


Cookies. One at breakfast one at lunch and one at dinner.


I still don’t have a high tolerance despite smoking again for a few years now. If the bud is good I can take one or two hits and be cool for a few hours. Back in the day my tolerance was super high but the hiatus or age or something changed that.


How about using different strains so you get a different effect?


I need this event to happen in my life lmao


I just leave my vape on all day. It stays at temp so I can easily elbow pack the end and take a quick toke.

I have a handheld vape for when I am going out and I’m able to smoke.

I use edibles sometimes before work or before some kind of activity where I can’t smoke for a while.

Usually once a year I end up taking a T break it seems on average It’s usually 18-20 days this really gets my tolerance down way low so those small elbow packs leave me super blasted.

My brother does T breaks through the week so he will dedicate certain days to not smoking so that his high isn’t diminished the other days.

Lots of ways to achieve results, either stay medicated or take a break to adjust tolerance.


Tolerance breaks


Teaspoon of bud, decarbed at 100 degrees celsius for 3 hours, once a day.
Only very rarely do I need more.

The key, it seems, is to let your plant get as old as possible before harvesting.

Also genetics play a role.

Also how it is grown, it seems that hydro and synthetic fertilized cannabis and seeds that have been bred that way have a faster and higher, more cerebral peak, with a shorter overall time.
While organically grown seems to come on more smoothly, lasts longer, but it’s more laid back and more soothing for the body, in my limited experience.


I’m home all day so I just burn when I want to.:sweat_smile:


It definitely helps to switch up methods and strains.
joints ,vaping ,eating it along with switching strains and smoking hash and shader.
Should be able to get a buzz.


My tolerance is high. I smoke when I want to. Sometimes I may go a few hours with nothing but keep a bowl close and I have multiple strains to mix it up.

Sometimes a strain will break through my tolerance and surprise me, but it’s rare. I guess that means I’m really high now…?? :zipper_mouth_face: :see_no_evil: :poop: :expressionless: :no_mouth:


I think age, I can’t drink any hard stuff. I have black outs now if I partake of any. I used to be able to handle a 5th.

:green_heart: :seedling:


good times yeah i keep things going all the time minus the work time, that and sleep are the only breaks i take.
im looking to maintain that though all day and night and use the smoke as a booster, haha.
i was thinking capsules cause i could pop them all day and smoke on top of it.
i would like to dab all day but i go through that way too fast.
i prob need a tolerance break but id rather not

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The capsules do work good, I ordered a big bag of gelatin capsules off of amazon before and a press for them which is super easy to use.

I personally used AVB(Already Vaped Bud) mixed with coconut oil and lecithin and filled them up. These were not that strong since they were already vaped so I’d bring some around with me pop 3-4 at a time. I liked them.

I think you could always just fill them with straight up cannabis oil too.

I say all this to also say you could just make a moderately dosed oil or butter and bring little treats with you wherever you go in the form of a cookie or brownie.

Good luck buddy!

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It sounds nicer than it is and definitely considering what I think the root cause is. I think it plays heavily into some fatigue issues I’ve been having cause the tolerance actually dropped somewhat after I started having them. Plus it makes sense considering if I smoked when I was really tired it would effect me more, and now I’m just about always dragging.

I think it definitely played a part even if it’s not the only reason. I don’t even drink anymore because regardless of how easy I take it I’m guaranteed to wake up hungover and it’s just not worth it to me. The joys of aging…


I smoke all day , multi strains help , dabs are fun , vape oil works ( but I rather smoke weed )
Edibles I need to eat a lot. I start the day with canna sugar 100 mil per teaspoon In my coffee and a bowl of something then it go’s from there



I second this

Have you considered tincture? I like it because it generally hits you faster than capsules or edibles.


yeah ive tried it, i dont drink so i dont mess with it,
so far im think if i pop the capsules all day and night and eat edibles and smoke on top i could probably do this for awhile, maybe mix in a low amount of shrooms or something,
im looking for a certain level to stay at, its pretty high