Sticker lovers

Whats up with Vivosun not sending any kind of stickers, so i double checked their website for cool merch…NO STICKERS!!!

Yeah im a 90’s child (fuck im almost 40)

MARS HYDRO sends stickers
SPIDER FARMER sends stickers
VIPARSPECTRA sends stickers

Ive spent more money on VIVOSUN than i care to admit to my wife.
4x4x80 tent
6in inline and filter
4 100w lights
4 6inch fans
2x4x60 tent
6in inline and filter
2 6infans
5 2 gallon bags
5 5 gallon bags
5 10 gallon bags
5 20 gallon bags
5 25 gallon bags

And not a single sticker with any of those products…

Any other grow companies send stickers or dont that tou wanna brag about or rag about?!!?!?



I’ve bought big-ticket items from all three of these companies in the last five years.
Nada. :neutral_face:

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All these companies are sending these out now!


I have sheets of stickers from the mentioned companies. Did not know they were wanted. Send deets and ill fold up and shove into an envelope to send by stamp


I totally agree… When I was growing up stickers were always a little extra gift to find when you purchased something. This is the only one I’ve got recently.


I bought lights from them all…i can show you if youd like…or send one or two lol

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Obviously your situation is different.
I’ve previously gotten nothing.

And yes, of course I want some of y’alls stickers! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Viparspectra didn’t send me any. Although tnb naturals will if you send them an email.

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Nice flex on the HLG sticker! I so badly want to get one of their lights, but I’m just a poor boy lol.

I also have a sheet of mars Hydro and spider farmer Stickers. I can send them to whoever wants them.


I got a sheet with several stickers, several sizes from MarsHydro europe. This with a tsl2000,with the ts1000 none.
Eurogrow also sends one with each order but a square one no brand, just weed related stickers.