STS and/or Colloidal Silver info and recommendations

Anyone got recommendations on reliable brands of STS or colloidal silver, even input in which you prefer would be awesome. I’m just now getting into trying to breed and want to be able to reverse some of my feminized seeds like Blueberry Sugar Pine and Lady Luck so I can breed them back to stabilize and re-up on seed stocks with the strains I like.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated!


There’s good info on recipes in the sts thread. Apparently dilluted straight silver nitrate works well. If you’ve got money to throw around hybritech elitexelite is probably the most refined recipe atm. But its far too expensive. I’ve had great results with sts and plan on refining a recipe with a lot of testing.


@Sebring do you happen to have a list of where you source your materials so I can follow your video? I don’t want to get bunk materials from an untrusted source

Send me your address bud and I will send you some supplies.


I was hoping to find out where to get stuff too, so I really hope that question gets answered.

It’s awesome that the response from OG’ERS is usually “let me hook you up my friend”, but I dont want to have to depend on handouts.


You can buy Sodium Thiosulfate and Silver nitrate right from Amazon bud. Sebring has it on his site but is out of stock. He also has great videos on how to make it. STS dry chems – DIY Green Life

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