Study on flushing

I will always do a 2 week flush, I have seen plants grown in coco go from 1600ppms to under 100ppms in their runoff over 2 week flush with plain water
Now all that chem is somewhere before the plant is flushed and uses it up before harvest.
I smoke it and I notice it greatly.


I am not starving my plant, so no flush, but do drop PPM in half after week 8 or so on a 10 week strain.


If you can read my cheat sheet almost all feed regimens that drop off the nitrogen at the end, or about week 6 on regular 8 week strains is doing what’s called a shock flush. The plants read it as a certain time to end its life… This is for soil and soiless might I add. by the way hydro can go way high on the numbers(ppms) because they have more oxygen.


Hydro on hungry strains can handle these numbers and flush