Do I need to do flushing?

Plants are now in 6th week. i was reading something of flushing with plain water two weeks before harvest?

I have no water source, so I am carrying amounts of ro water.

That means I am trying to change the res at least as possible.

Is there a way to do flushing the most efficient way (water usage), or do I need it at all?


Depends on how quickly you want your buds to be smokable. If you can allow a longer cure then no you don’t need to flush. Flushing is for toilets is a saying I keep seeing here on OG.


Haha another great debate on flushing. I would personally flush but a lot of factors matter so like mentioned above if you cure longer the chemical smell and taste apparently dissipates over that time. I like mine to just not taste as chemically from get go but there will always be a taste from it you’ve been feeding it for 6-8 weeks with chems so it takes some of the flavour and aroma from the feed regardless it’s really a personal preference take some now dry it out see if ya like the taste if not flush it.


What you mean flushing is for toilets? It means it is not recommendable?

What amount of time for curing you are talking about?

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The longer the cure the more the chlorophyll will dissipate. A couple of weeks should be enough. When you trim your buds cut as much of the leaf matter as you can as the leaves hold "most’ of the chlorophyll :v:

So also remove the very small leaves on the buds?

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The final two weeks of a plants life is when it puts the most weight on and the trichomes production is at its highest. During this time a lot of energy is being used so why starve your plant when it requires the energy the most??
Yes trim as close to the bud as you can and remove as much leaf matter as possible as it’s the leaves that hold the most chlorophyll and it’s the chlorophyll that is the irritant that makes you cough and hurts your throat :v:


And those chlorophilles and nutrients can be eaten by the plant if you give only plain pHed water for one week or more before harvesting, all the leaves will become yellow and brownish. Check this thread if you want mpre info, cheers … :sunglasses:




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I flush my whole grow

I use a water only recipe and the plants still go into senescence at the end of their life.


My take is thus

I run bottom feeding pots, can see water consumption exactly. I know exactly what they are drinking at any time. Over the years I have found that 95% of the strains I have run do NOT finish in the called for or stated time. I also have noticed that they ramp up their intake deep in flower, and keep it way up for several weeks, then, it goes near flat when they are about done.
Example…a BIG Goji I had was sucking 4 gallons a day from her rez. She did that for weeks 7, 8 and 9. End of week 9 consumption gets cut by 80 % OVER NIGHT!!! AT THAT POINT, when the mad suck stops, the rez is then filled with just plain water, no nutes. 7 -10 days, till they stop drinking it almost all together, then they come down.

I run 100 % organic, soil and food, so not much build up to begin with. Do I notice a difference if I do not stop feeding at that point…do not know, ALWAYS have. WHY WOULD I STOP feeding a HUNGRY PLANT??? Personally, I would not, so I do not! When they stop piling it on, stop big gulping from the rez, then they no longer really need me to feed them, they have what they need in the pot’s.

My take is most people run too quickly. Their strain says 8 weeks, so IT IS coming down at 56 days. More often than not, plant is NOT done, probably still packing it on…YET, THIS IS WHEN they decide to stop feeding.
I think LOTS of vendors count their flower days from the START OF BUD formation, NOT turning the lights. That is a BIG BIG difference.

as always, JMHO on it…:sunglasses:


I would agree with @Jetdro. I use liquid ferts for my plants in dirt. only in flower. Every other watering has ferts added. Then when i see the trics turning white, i give then a flush, just enough for the water to come out clear. I usually see a big growth spurt the next day. Them i wait for the trics to turn mostly amber and harvest. Everyone i share with is amazed with how smooth it smokes. i also do a pretty long cure. So :man_shrugging:


how long you cure? …

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do you guys have some educational resource for me about how to dry trim and cure the buds?

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I cut the plant down and hang the whole thing up in a dark closet for about a week. It depends on the relitive humidity. Then i trim. Take the buds and put them in jars, open them up once or twice a day and shake it a bit. I do that for a week or two, until i lose the grass or hay smell. Then it’s smoke time! I might steal buds here and there when i need them before the cure is done :grin:

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It’s more of a personal preference than a set method. So like @Jdem075 said he hangs the full thing then trims. I do something similar but I trim first. So before I even cut the plant off from the stem I remove all fan leaves. I then trim away every bit of sugar leaf then hang the plant. Typically in my environment it takes 3-5 days before it is dry to the touch. When it gets dry to the touch I then stick it into a container to sweat.

On the first day in the container I burp it about 3 times I would guess at once every 3-4 hours.
Second day probably about the same I want to keep moisture but I try not to hold too much moisture for too long as I don’t want mold.

Third day a couple of times by this point your weed will still feel damp to the touch but if you take a nug out it’ll probably be smokeable by the fourth day. I go onto once every morning after the 4th day and I go on like this until the weed stops getting moist when sealed. Then when that happens I leave it in the tub for daaaays at a time.

The most important part of curing in my honest opinion is not letting it dry out too quickly but it’s better to be drier than overly moist and get mold :+1:


I have looked deeply into this subject. There is no winner, what there is is a different process you need to go through for each way.

If you run plain water for the last period of flower then your plants go pale and you lose the taste of chlorophyll. You have essentially cured them with your light (or the sun). What you will not do is remove any chemicals from your leaves by somehow sucking them back through the roots, roots do not work that way.

If you do not do that then you will need to cure after harvest in order to get smooth smoking buds, so you should dry the plants until the buds are crispy but the stalk is flexible and not dry, then jar your buds and try to maintain a RH% of 60% in your jars (you can get cheap, small displays that sit in your jar)

Then you leave them for 4-6 weeks.

In both cases, the yield is the same as long as you do not do excessive time with plain water.

So basically, do what you want but do the right thing for whichever path you choose.


interesting. flushing is curing with light before harvest :wink:


Exactly. Curing is essential but you can choose to do it whilst the plant is alive, or after it is cut.

What it does not do is extract anything through the roots, the flush part just refers to removing nutrients from your growing medium, root area, and tank.

Personally, my preference is to cure it after cutting because I feel I have more control over the process. It also saves me work emptying and refilling my tank.

All research I have seen says yield is not affected unless you excessively restrict nutrients for too long a period when the plant approaches the end of flowering.

Plants naturally uptake less nutrients when they reach the end of flowering anyway, if this were not the case then organic growers would see the problem to a greater degree than hydro growers.


Im going to be using fox farms during flowering. Can I just do a normal water flush or should I be using the sledgehammer flush like foxfarms says?

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