Supernal Gardens - OPG’s Journal

She’s number one on the list.


Y’all need jesus! :rofl:

Nice to see you’ve started a journal @OnePassionateGrower. Welcome, again! :wink:


So you’re saying you want a Foreigner nude plant calendar?


Golee, what a line up! Is this your first In House cultivar?

Warmest welcomes, by tha way. I’ll gladly pull up a chair, best of luck!

Thanks hope all is well and usually I tend to not interfere when it’s it’s about complex work😉 That @Foreigner really is something else :rofl::rofl:


Nothing more complex than a tasteful nude calendar? If not for you for the wife. It’s a good deal you should do it.

Appreciate the support @Mr.Christmas This is actually the second time I run Slurri.She just grows beautifully and is definitely stacked not to mention the frost.Anything from In-house that catches your eye feel free to DM or post the details here I’m always game for new flavors to try.Thanks again for pulling up :pray:t2:

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Just a small update on the outdoor grow.I’ll post the indoor grow in a few days.These ladies are getting as tall as the women from the Amazon🌱.Beginning to show some flowering signs as well.


Looks like a big update


My actual goal is to plant a forest of my favorite strains then live in between them :joy:
To think these girls actually came from clones :seedling:


Quick Recap
On week 3ish of flwr things going smoothly so far
:crossed_fingers:t2: Stinkiest of the bunch is Loco day Dream(1st Pic)I do keep cuts of anything I find worthy…never want to lose anything extremely special…I’ve heard and read too many horrific stories on people losing valuable strains.

Veg tent everything’s coming along the pineapple upside down cake(round biggest bucket) is definitely giving great tropical aromas. The two cereal milk(bag seed in 5g fabric on the left) are looking like they’re going to be some big girls.Top right I have Berry Bomb almost forgot about her due to too strenuous Lst training but looks extremely healthy thankfully after a snap.

Finally see that they’re flowering getting ready to feed these ladies with some bloom nutes and fill em up :crazy_face:
Hope all you amazing people on OG have a great weekend and happy growing 🪴


Progress pics
Week 4F pics are (Loco day dream and sugar roźe)
Veg tent about to flip the cereal milk and pineapple upside down cake in 2 weeks.Wookie x Alien Dragon rbx really smelling up the tent in an unpleasant but satisfying way.The father was Alien Dragon from 7 east genetics, found 2-3 promising phenos.topped 3 Lst the rest.
Outdoor going great added some Mikes OG tea for flowering and fresh ph spring water.
Happy Growing OGrs keep up the amazing work you all do extremely inspirational all of you Seriously!!Definition Of Family :100: :pray:t2:


Party is just getting started :tada: :confetti_ball:



:pray:t2: Some small updates happy growing OGers 🪴


Cali Octane Humboldt extremely frosty guava terps

Putang Cream - Outdoor wk 4-5F Funky grapey gas smells

Trying out some hst on Cereal milk she’s extremely healthy, tall and bushy.

(N.E.R.C.) New England Rock Candy freshly harvested took a small clone and flowered her a few weeks back to taste test.Fruity and gassy smells , high was always deep and intense sleepy indica leaning 8\10
Blueberry Cupcake Just got the :hocho: I’ll post pics in a few days.Thanks for watching :pray:t2:

Happy growing OG Fam
:seedling: 🪴 :deciduous_tree: :sparkles: :roller_coaster:


Put a little work in the lab & garden today.Outdoor is doing phenomenal, Rock Candy is bushing out immensely .Metal haze x diddy dunk also flowering and smelling amazing .Did some minor trimming on bottom of the canopies.Harvested the 2 Blueberry Cupcake and 1 Ice Cream Zundae,Loco day dream freebie.Fed all the girls today currently flowering Pineapple Upside down Cake Humboldt, 2 Cereal Milk, Berry Bomb, Wookie x Alien Dragon Bx.In the 5x5 is more of the wookie crosses also a forum stomper x gg4 and 1 blueberry cupcake clone the bushier pheno I found with more Blueberry smell in it.

Thanks for checking my grow out :call_me_hand:t2:
Happy Growing OGers 🫘 :sparkles: :deciduous_tree:


Progress pics :point_up:t2:
Once I do a smoke test on Blueberry Cupcake
And Sugar Rozé I’ll post asap, curing was day 1 today after trim jail. :upside_down_face:


Just south of you a state, Are u not worried the kiddies might nick some of those buds along the fence lines… I love all the outdoor plant pics, but I’d be upset "bout getting ripped, only takes a second to pull and go… Flower seasons upon us…

Oh definitely a worry for sure but nothing a big guard dog and a nice set of cameras can’t fix :wink:
I just hope the fact that it resembles a bush helps
:rofl: :crossed_fingers:t2: I’ve had a few people walk by it and not notice luckily but the season is in motion!! I’m out there like a hawk :eyes: it’s my first outdoor run I’m really just having fun with it.Thanks for checking my stuff out @Trickster was raised in your state btw :call_me_hand:t2:

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6 plants made the cut for females.Ended up with 2 stinky males Wookie x alien dragon rbx I’m currently holding somewhere separate.Rest are Wookie cross Females, 1 Forum stomper x gg4 and 1 blueberry cupcake clone short bushy blueberry leaning pheno.

Outdoor seems to be going amazing everything has been organic using bloom powder from BAS organic at the moment for feed.


No time like the present 🫘 :sparkles: :deciduous_tree:
Hope to make all of you proud I will document things better and better as I go. :crossed_fingers:t2:
One of these is a bag seed from Jamaica :jamaica:
OG is Life literally :fire: :fire:

@darkillusion @middleman @Franklin
@blowdout2269 @Ottafish