Taiwan VS China




Trust the US to stick their beak in where it’s neither wanted nor warranted. No doubt that’s what’s going to cause any kind of escalation. Do they not have enough proxy war going on with Russia/Ukraine already :thinking:


Brah, what? Taiwan is one of the last few bastions of semi-freedom over there. If you want to see how China treats other nations, go have a look at the developing African nation states, and how China treats then as literal slaves.

You think we have police states over here? Just give China a Google.

Thankfully they are a Paper Tiger these days, but China is one of the biggest enemies of democracy in the world.

There’s a reason Honk Kong was all about American support, and the Taiwan people were there in the thousands to greet Pelosi.


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Not really worried about missiles tbh. They can’t bomb the place or it woukd destroy the only value there, the factories. It’s a literal island with miles of beaches and mountains before any civilization.

It would take millions to even gain a small beachhead there. This is just posturing like a temper tantrum from a small child when they didn’t get their way.


It’s a war for semiconductors


Yes? How will they get semi-cinductors out of factories bombed to the ground?

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Pooh Bear has ambitions and sees an opportunity…



Bro. I’m not from the US. I’m English and I’ll say the same about our nation. Because we are “allies”. Kinda like the popular kids banding together to bully the nerdy kids.

I’m well aware of China’s “communist” regime. And no I don’t agree with it. But it’s not muricas place to escalate the situation. They have no reason to have “talks”

I fully agree it is posturing too. Not trying to fall out with anyone here this is just my 2 pence on the situation bro :100:


I tried land grabbing once but my neighbour called the police.



China has been threatening Taiwan for decades, and they hate they are semi-autonomous, just like Hong Kong. America isn’t doing anything but actually standing up to the bully that is China. You need to go do some research in this topic before stating opinions like that. Again, Taiwan welcomes US support. Just like Hong Kong. Anyone that says otherwise either is ignorant of the situation or a CCP shill.

Again, go check out Africa and how China loans out money at interest rates that can’t possibly be paid back, and then they get to move in freely and treat the Africans as slaves, except it’s 2022, not the 1800s.

However, you saying that the US is the only nation involved in a proxy war in Ukraine shows that you aren’t really up to date on the world politics so I won’t comment further. Please, just don’t ever believe anything from the CCP, they are allied with N Korea, if that doesn’t show you anything, you will never understand.


Block same Cuba?
K. O. Nasdaq

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Formosa Spain

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So basically what you’re saying is you’ll ignore anyone with a differing opinion to you :thinking: I follow politics closely but don’t get my information from fox, CNN or any of Murdoch’s shitty media outlets. Somehow you managed to confuse reality with your own opinions fella. And more to the point confused my opinions as I’m backing China. Not the case. I simply said it ain’t muricas place. Or ours or anybody else’s for that matter. We’re just as involved with the Ukraine/Russia war. And I fucking hate that…about both our shitty nations.



I’m sure there’s natives that would say exactly the same about you bro :joy:



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If you had your way the Kremlin would be sitting in London right about now. The only thing the Russians and Chinese understand is a can of whoop ass


Naw, he probably thinks that Putin is a good guy and just misunderstood, and that the genocide of Uyghur Muslims in China is fake news or some such lol

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