Denouncing Overgrow Members

If you believe you are being bullied, manipulated, ill treated, come on and say it here.

Not the shark thank, this is a place for the decent to express their doubts, concerns or whatever.

Please DO NOT swear or move this to the shark tank, let’s be civil about our concerns/demands.

Swearing only makes you WEAK if you ask me. I am pretty weak by saying that, because one should practice what you preach, but i do swear. This is an attempt at making the Shark Tank GO AWAY, if you believe you are a shark, face me for 30 seconds, we’ll know, otherwise be decent, respectful and shove any bad mouthing where it belongs, where the sun don’t shine.



Sometimes some things get misunderstood, that’s all I have to say on this subject.


Salutations MadScientist,

Hummm… My attention was captured by reading the “Denouncing Members” part in the title, then i realized this applies only to cases occuring on the present forum, though it still evoked recent reminescences.

About being “bullied, manipulated, ill treated”… Yeah, sounds familiar enough, every few months social media gets sick. Anyway, have you been targetted recently MadScientist? Sufficiently to consider a VPN if not already using one, perhaps?..


It’s not exactly as in the good old BBS days when people signed with their real civil names and a tagline. That’s for sure.

M’well, today my tagline for bullies, manipulators and other predatory kinds would read something like this:

Your shadow belongs to the light i follow.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


I can’t blame anybody in here cos’ i have no resources to find that out, i am sure someone with real knowledge would be able to determine that. But that someone isn’t me.

Then we follow each other if i am not mistaken brother in darkness. Even tho my life now shines as new light, we both understand and appreciate how much it means, what most people, most of the time; take for granted.

Ever around, and you’ll see! Now even more i grow my own! WOOOOOHOOOO!

I was click-baited here & was expecting to officially troll myself. :upside_down:



We will be taking none of that in here bro! HAAHAHAHA!


Hi again MadScientist,

I’ve always thought that written correspondence shines best only if it’s allowed to take place between equals. As for brothers they can still walk side by side and yet happen to aim at different guiding lights, too high in the sky for their shadows to overlap… At least i know i’m no follower and nor do i seek the company of followers. Facing people as equals feels more rewarding IMO. Which may come to a paradox for anyone seeking company on social media, does it?!


Yes, just the right THC:CBD balance, no pesticides, no GMO stuff, no cobalt-60 radio-active sterilization… There are provinces more equal than others, enjoy the privilege until the UN’s 62nd session on “narcotics” changes all that in 2019: an electoral year…

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

@MadScientist, why would you want to do that? The Shark Tank serves a purpose. It lets people blow off steam in a place where everyone else is blowing of steam. Sometimes, we all need something like that. Unless Shark Tank behavior spills out into regular topics outside of it, IMHO it should be left alone.

What happened to you to make you want to see it gone?

Edit: Added last question


It is also a place that doesn’t appear on searches. So if you don’t want Google to give a answer that takes you to a conflicting thread that is or can be irrelevant to OG. Or a grow you don’t want to be searchable.


I don’t see the need for a shark tank.
If we can’t be civil then we niether need nor deserve interaction.
Lack of civility is unnacceptable and used to be punished in our society.
Do not confuse irrational babble with free speech. All must keep in mind free speech is only applicable to interaction with our government and not private party’s or privately owned forums like og or Facebook.


I believe the Shark Tank has a place in this forum.

I share this forum with many like minded individuals with whom civil and rational correspondence in not an issue.


The designers of this forum took a quick look at people, and made the right choice. Sometimes, a safe place to discuss sensitive things, out of the view of the public, is a good thing. It is also something that shouldn’t be abused. Easy enough. If civil discourse can not be corrected through the use of the PM, then the Shark Tank is the place to resolve it.

I find that this forum is at its best when the focus is on growing cannabis.

I tune out anything that has nothing to do with growing cannabis. The Mute Button works wonders.

I find I enjoy this site most when I fully utilize its features.

:peace: :tools: :sunflower:



I like the SharkTank, it lets people work stuff out in their own way even if it bothers others (who don’t have to read). It also lets honesty shine when emotions are flared. Some of us like colorful speech with like minded individuals. Ha! Ha!


It can serve as an effective way to separate the wheat from chaff.


Not even sure what the shark tank is, is it like 4chan?
edit: yep like 4chan…

1 Like

This is very sensitive subject. From broader point I think that community behaviour towards members and especially new members is crucial. If you not feel welcomed you simply won’t join and community will freeze in stasis. And we all know that new inputs and ideas from new members are one of the things that drives the community to the future.

Just few days ago very successful and famous programmers community StackOverflow realized that they have to start care more about the attitude in the forums because they’ve neglected it for too long and the place turned into hostile and unwelcoming one.

Few key suggestions that are applicable to OG are:

  • Let’s shift from “don’t be an asshole” to “be welcoming.”
  • Let’s do something about comments. (start flagging and deleting unkind comments)
  • Let’s make it easier for new users to succeed.
  • Let’s stop judging users for not knowing things.
  • Let’s reject the false dichotomy between quality and kindness.

So funny how drama arises within the canna world. From my perspective, the biggest things that cause problems amongst people on canna forums are:

  1. Envy & jealousy
  2. Lying
  3. Stealing & Scamming
    Unfortunately, these things aren’t going away… but we can certainly do something about it here in our community, and that’s:
  4. Having each others back (in a non-lynch mob type of way)
  5. Not tolerating any of those 3 “problems”
  6. Trying to FIRST handle those “problems” between each other in private and if that doesn’t work, then with a moderator.
  7. Checking our egos at the door.

My friends who aren’t herb nerds like us would seriously have a field day laughing at the stupid fights people have on these forums. Now that it’s become a breakout industry, there is a lot more at stake in people’s minds and it gets a lot more cut throat when people are trying to make a reputation or career from this plant. I get it, cannabis is such an interest of mine I would be in heaven if I were able to pursue all of my passions with cannabis for a fat paycheck but wouldn’t we all get much further if we helped each other reach our personal goals? What a lot of people perceive as threats seem to be driven on personal insecurities. Who has time for that? Cannabis for me has always been so fascinating and was always something that brought people together, not apart (when money wasn’t involved). There are some really big players coming into this game and if we all stay focused on petty shit the goals we all wish to achieve will pass us by while others ruin the industry and community we always dreamed to be possible.
It’s so ironic that there’s so much drama stemming from a plant that is supposed to heal & chill out our mind, body, and soul? This should all come back to the golden rule… treat others how you wish to be treated. You cant expect everyone to abide by that rule, but sticking to it yourself will bring us all one step closer to having this community be a place we all came here for originally. To talk about good herb and helping each other grow better medicine for ourselves.
Blah, I dunno why barfed this all out… maybe I’m just aloof, but all these issues seem to have started boiling over recently (aside from the usual bullshit here and there). I’ve noticed a bunch of grows this week with people showcasing their first grows. It’s kinda like AA, we should all strive to be helping the newcomers instead of all this spite and dick measuring contests.
Swampy out


this is a good thread. keep it up. and thanks to the Dr. for creating it.
:evergreen_tree: meanwhile, back at the rrranch…


I didn’t think this was gonna fly, i was just fed up with all the bad words and all, didn’t really think about it you know. I do think that the shark is a place to work out differences, but if we are all here with just one goal in mind, what differences could arise? I am glad you are speaking about it.

Always at your service, MS.


@Swampthing I think it would be more accurate to say “within internet forums”. If you think it is only on Cannabis forums, you should join a few other types of forums. That atmosphere shows itself on the Microsoft community forums, the Focus Fanatics forums are a hot bed for such behavior, the uTorrent help forums and Mozilla Firefox user forums all have this kind of behavior. Unfortunately, all three of your stated problems are human nature. Most people are capable of suppressing themselves from acting like that. There are a small number of people that have NO self restraint. The usually defend themselves by saying they are “just being honest”. But let’s face it, that is not honesty it is belligerence, it is rude and insulting. A person can be honest without being either of those things.

It is one of the reasons I left OG 1.0. In the old days there was a lot of that going on here they were informally known as Nazi growers. Some of those people had multiple accounts they could hide behind while being assholes. One such person was a respected grower in his normal account, but he had several others such as OsamaBinLaden where he took horrible pot shots at another respected grower and telling people he helped in his respected identity that had no idea what they were doing and laughing at their problems.

Having said all that, it seems that the new OG doesn’t suffer from those problems. It seems to be all warm and friendly out in the community, the way it should be.

People still need a place to blow off steam. Like a neighborhood bar provides. The Shark Tank is that bar, minus the alcoholic beverages. I seldom use it, but every once in a great while it is therapeutic to let out negative feelings that they have.

I personally haven’t seen Shark Tank problems dragged into the civil community, but maybe I just don’t read enough topics to catch it.

@MadScientist, any time you have a bunch of people, differences can arise. Think of all the examples there are out IRL. There are people that proclaim to have the same goals but can’t agree how to get there. One person will have a massive ego and pouts when his/her advice isn’t followed to the letter by someone s/he gave it too. Or one person says just throw money at it while another says it can be done for free with a little work. The new OG is more grown up in such matters, but any time emotions get involved there is conflict. Human nature…

Edit: added reply to to the resident Mad Scientist.