Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Yeah I got ya on that vibe :beers:someone showed me how to screenshot couple years ago, and still have no idea how to set my digital timer it’s gathering dust in the draw :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy::upside_down_face:


I keep forgetting you had some smalls which, I agree, aren’t big enough for our needs. I meant only the normal full size City Pickers.

I’d be curious to hear your thoughts about Earthboxes vs. City Pickers in a 4x4:

  1. Which style & dims fit 4 of them in a 4x4 better?
  2. Which has the less easily spilled full water indicator?
  3. Which fill pipe configuration is easiest with 4 of them in a 4x4? I only have a 2gal watering can.

The old CP had better plastic covers, sounds like they cheaped out, but the fix is DIYable with a contractor bag cut in quarters and a few bungee cords.

Those lemon party & lemon tree crosses & s1 from CSI look incredible. :deciduous_tree:


Damn, a whole week flew by again. That’s the way it goes around the holidays it seems, the days melt by faster than usual, for me anyways… hope everyone stays safe, gets to spend some time with friends and family, and takes a minute to appreciate some of the positive things going on around you during this time of year. :green_heart:

The 4x4 is doing great. I think those last top dresses in the smaller CPs really helped the BB and RudeBoi along. They’re still looking like they’re just not going to fill out as well as the other boxes, but it could just be the cultivars, they look like they’re going to go longer than the GG4 and T1000, so maybe there’s time?

GG4 is stacking nicely, little golf ball buds, should be nice easy trim. If you’ve never smelled the Glue, it’s very complex, some people say it smells like actual Gorilla Glue, but I don’t really get that, maybe a little bit. Chem-y, Fuel, Earthy, Coffee, Chocolate, Pine, it’s all in there for me… I’ve tried some good home grown GG4 in NC that beat out all the dispo GG4 I tried in Cali, CO, and OR so far… although the best dispo has been in OR.

Blueberry is smelling very sweet blueberry smell. Like blueberry sugar. Still pushing lots of white pistils and stacking, so hopefully she’ll fill out a little more.

T1000 looks like it’s going to be an earlier finisher. Getting some turning hairs already. Buds still have some time to fill out and swell. Getting kind of magnolia floral sweetness with skunk-funky dankness. It’s quite pleasant to the sniffer.

Rudeboi in da corner… very interesting smell on this one, I must say. Hard to describe. Kinda of cheesy- perfume-kush. Sharp smelling at first, but sweet at the end. Waiting to see how she develops. I may run this one and the BB again next round in the big boxes.

The Tranquil tent is finishing up fast. Nice fade on the remaining two plants going on. Really liked how all of these came out, even the weirder HP one. The smelly one just stacked in the end here, she’s struggled to stay upright. The the SL leaner is getting floppy too. They’ve slowed down on drinking, and I’m just waiting a few more days top chop and dry. They’ll be done in under 65. Going to use this 3x3 for drying going forward I think.

CSI Lemon Party Fallen Soldier - maybe a month old?

Your questions got me to researching, and turns out the Earthboxes (regular size) are 29in long, so that’d make it tough to fit 4 in a 4x4. You could however fit four of the bigger City Picker boxes in a 4x4, so that may be the route I end up going. Also, I can get the boxes locally and no shipping. The bigger CPs are 10 bucks cheaper than the EBs too.

I haven’t actually gotten the EB’s, but know @Old-Ron is using them. On the CPs, there is an overflow drain on each side of the box. I use an old milk jug and straight tap water that has been left out for 24-48 hours to fill the rezzes slowly, when I think they’re getting close, really slowly until I see water dribbling out of the overflow drains. I think the EBs only have a drain on one side of them.

I think the CPs are pretty easy. I stick a 3/4in PVC tube inside the fill tube for the back boxes, so it basically extends the fill tube up to about 3 or 4 feet so I don’t have to crouch over in the tent or try to fit the whole watering jug in there to get the the tube. Probably best to keep the fill tubes towards the front and sides of the tent, but then again, three sides zip open on my tent, so I have easy access that way.

Yup, I just did it this way.

Did I miss anything?

But yeah, definitely thinking about getting some bigger boxes for next run and re-using the soil with some modifications. The smaller boxes don’t have enough juice for what we need them for… maybe a next herb garden or greens.


Was just about to order an AC Infinity Tent, but noticed that they don’t have doors or zippers on the side. Kind of a deal killer for me, as I really like being able to open the sides and get to my plants to work or water.

Was just on Instagram and saw @bizfactory using one of these tents… it looks badass! I love how it has zipper doors and windows on the sides and it’s all white inside. What a clean setup! It is pricey though… https://www.highdrogro.com/product/hdg44-tent/ maybe it’ll go on sale. I think I saw someone else on here get gifted a similar model of this tent, but can’t remember who it was. Anyways, anyone used one before?


I have been really happy with my fusion tents. Really good quality at a great price.


Your garden is looking A+++. How do you feel about organic vs. hydro so far?

Nah I think you covered it. Thanks for going through all that! All of those points are why I prefer the normal sized City Pickers for a 4x4. Earthboxes don’t fit in a 4x4 as well, and I don’t think they hold as much soil either. I wish I could find pics of my 6x 18gal rubbermaid roughneck tote SIPs in a 4x4. That was ridiculous, but it worked…

About the AC Infinity tents, you’re right that they don’t have separate doors on each side. But they do have a single door that unzips around 3 sides, which functions about the same. The sides don’t suck in too much because of the heavy material (and cuz of my huge lights), but I would like to have the side bars to attach a screen. The quality of the AC Infinity tents are pretty good for the money - better than the slightly cheaper tents on Amazon, but not as good as a Gorilla tent. I feel like the 4x4 is a good value at $150 (or cheaper if you can find it on sale). Also, that one HDG 4x4 you linked is more than double the price and doesn’t have 8" duct holes! All my stuff is 8" so the 6" ducts wouldn’t work.

In my experience, as long as you don’t abuse them or take them down, pack them, and then set them up again multiple times, the cheapie Apollo tents on Amazon are fine. They’re not great, and they have some light leaks, but what tent doesn’t have a few light leaks here or there? They last 5+ years if you keep them in one spot, but not much beyond that due to shoddy sewing on the seams. Spending $30-40 more for a higher quality brand does get you better everything, but I question whether spending more than double gets you much extra, especially if you’re going to pack and move at least once during the tent’s expected lifespan.



Thanks man, that’s sayin’ something coming from you!! So far I’m liking how easy the organic stuff is. I’m sometimes feeling like I’m doing too little just staring at them and giving them water everyday. There’s definitely a bit of work getting everything setup ahead of time, mixing the soil, prepping beds, all that… but once it’s setup, it’s pretty much auto-pilot. Top-dress here, some occasional soil drenches, and you’re good to go. You really don’t need to do any of that even.

I’m still running some testers in coco/hydro with PBP. I stopped using PH meter and just using PH drops and the lowest amount of nutes possible, just keeping super simple, and getting ok results. Either way is easy enough for me I suppose. I had the nutes already, that I needed to use up… maybe I’ll do a more detailed comparison after I can sample products from both setups. If I didn’t have to worry about moving shit around (inspections), I’d probably go full no-till with two 3x3 beds in two 4x4s. Maybe if I can ever afford to buy a house…

Yeah they definitely look the best for the price in that range. Unfortunately in the configuration I need to place it, it would only give me access to the front and one side from un-zipping the whole thing. I do like the side bars biz factory has setup, I think he said somewhere he got the mounts 3D printed.

Yeah that’s the one I have now (Apollo), I went back to buy another one and I can’t find them on Amazon anymore :frowning: It’s held up great, and been through two moves now. Minor light leaks are no big deal to me, tents are in dark basement that I can black out the windows if needed. There’s finhomy that looks similar and there’s a Vivosun, but not really a fan of Vivosun products. This Walden one also caught my eye, but it’s pricey too, at least it has a warranty and they’re right up in WA… But since it is Santa that is bringing it, maybe he’ll spring for a pricey one and I can trial it for you guys to let you know what I think. :wink:

Noticed that Mars has ripped off AC Infinity with new inline fan, as well as Vivosun. haha, they’re late to the game… and probably with shittier versions.


You could always just hit up a grow store in your neighborhood, too. I used to go to a little one down the street from my old house every now and then, got the 3 x 3 that I used for drying there, pots, timers and whatever. Kind of got to know them and they always gave me a pretty significant discount. I dunno if it was because I paid in cash or what. But after we moved, I didn’t go for like four years, went back for the first time about six weeks ago, just to get some pots and a couple fans, didn’t recognize the guy but he still gave me thirty percent off. It seems like it’s just a thing they do, I dunno.


For sure, and this is a good point. I don’t need to be helping Bezos get any further into space than he already has.

Usually I only see Gorilla brands at the shops, but I’ll call around. I think there’s at least two near me. I don’t know about getting any discounts though, haha. You must be way better lookin’ or better at smooth talking than I am, haha.

Sometimes I’ll hit up the manufacturer directly too and see if I can get from them, not always possible though.

Oh and I guess AC Infinity is coming out with six in oscillating pole fans in Feb, in case anyone is looking. I think they’re capable of being USB 5v powered, so makes me wonder how powerful they are?


Exactly. Provide all of your workers with health insurance and invest in the communities in which your warehouses are located. Start paying your fair share of taxes, too. Then I’ll maybe order something from you haha. And you can go on all the space trips you want! Stay there! I’m fine with that! “Bezooooosssss Innnnn Space-ace-ace-ace…!”

How much are the shops charging for a 4x4 Gorilla? I just looked at their website and their 4x4 is actually ten bucks cheaper than that tent you linked to. I liked the 5x5 I got a while back well enough that I ordered another 3x3 a couple months ago to replace my old 3x3 that I got from the aforementioned hydro store. That old one had light leaks all over the place. Which was fine when I was just using it to veg in, but now that I’m considering using it for flowering, I figured I oughta get one that lets a little less light in. And out, for that matter haha.

I’m looking. I just went and bought three of those oscillating tower fan things, the kind I always use, but a different brand. Cost $100 each. I figured, shit, a hundred dollars… They must be bad-ass! Haha. Four weeks later and the two that I’m using have already quit oscillating (cue the sad trombone). I don’t even wanna bust out the third yet, for fear that it’ll crap out, too. So yeah, I’m down for some clip-on fans for sure, as long as they don’t slide down the tent poles like every other clip-on does…


Good question…
15W max up to USB2, then later the specifications get funky.
I’d assume something less than 15W.



A little air movement around the top of the plants is better than nothing, though. I think. One in each corner, near the top of the plants… I’ve been looking into stools and shit, just to put my tower fans on once my plants get super-tall. I never have any movement up there, it’s always just, like, the middle of the plants haha.


I’ve had good results with the Holmes Lil’ Blizzard ones so far. They don’t have a clip-on part, but there’s plenty of people on Ebay or Etsy that have 3D printed pole mounts for them. My old one was still working fine when I moved, but I gave it away to a new grower. I think the fans are ~$30 and the mount was ~$20, so half of the tower fans. Sucks they crapped out on you already. The oscillating mechanism is usually the first thing the fail. They don’t like being angled or upside-down for sure, too much stress on the parts.


I threw this clone of Triangle Kush x Purple Urkle (T-1000) into a five gallon fabric pot with the same organic mix as the boxes and have been doing water only. It’s probably five days ahead of my 4x4 tent in terms of when I flipped it to flower, under about 200w LED with some other testers. Looks like it’s going to be one of the earliest finishing plants I’ve grown. I’ll probably bring it to day 60 at least. Smells like sweet magnolia flowers, deep fried in kushy dankness.


She’s a beaut! Guard your John Connors!


Dang man, that’s looking nice. :slight_smile: You don’t seem to have lost any quality by going to organic water only. In fact, I think your plants are looking happier.

I love how the dark shots with a good camera, flash and a black background bring out the contrast. Did you edit the first two pics with any software vignetting or any filters? No judgment, just looks like they’re focusing the eye towards the center.

Also, that clone looks like it leans to the TK in leaf and bud shape. Is TK the pollen donor in that one? I’ve read that one of the things with TK is that it looks done pretty early but can significantly improve if you leave it another week or two. Obviously up to your preference, but wanted to put that out there.



I think so too! Not as many burnt tips and foliage just looking healthier overall.

Yeah, me too. The flash does make the trichs look extra sparkly, but feel like it helps give a better picture of the overall plant. One the first two pics, I used a macro lens which does have more natural vignetting than the Nikon zoom lens used to take the last pic. No editing, unless to resize. I probably should try and color correct, but I’m lazy…

Thanks for the tip, I always like to let them go little bit longer, so I’ll at least go to 60 and judge from there. It looks crazy early to what I’m sure to though.

The TK is actually the mom with the PurpUrk being the dad. This is just a selection from Old Family Purple seeds selected by some dude Redbeard in Portland, in a collab with Caleb at CSI. I’m digging it so far, but I really like TK so that probably why. I really want to run through these CSI TK S1s that I have… maybe next round :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



All of the Tranquil Elphantizer’s are cut and drying, none went past day 65. I had hoped to grab some nicer shots of them on a black background, but as soon as I moved them from the tent, they went all floppy on me and couldn’t get any good structure shots. I’ll post up some bud shots after trimming and give a some thoughts on the cross.

4x4 is coming down the line. You can obviously see now that the smaller boxes that the BB and Rudeboi are in just don’t have enough soil volume to support the size plants that are in them. I’m going to pick up two more bigger City Picker boxes this week, and some more soil, for next round.

Gorilla Glue #4 - buds are getting chonky. I like the pattern the floral clusters form on this cultivar, exploding little clusters that form atop one another. Looks like a quick finisher too.

Blueberry - Definitely going to run this one again, I’ve got clones of everything in flower ready to go. Doesn’t look like any of the modern hype shit for sure, but an awesome and pungent candy smelling blueberry scent. Good structure and the buds are filling out on top, despite the small container. You can see the yellowing below and she’s been dropping lower leaves for quite awhile now, cannibalizing herself to grow the buds up top.

T1000 (Triangle Kush x Purple Urkle) - dripping in resin. I think the nugs look TKish, but the smell is way sweeter than TK.

Rudeboi OG #7 - thinking I might run this again, since I’ll have a good supply of the other cuts. Never could get her happy this whole run it seems. The terpenes are complex and I don’t know how to put them into words, spicy and herbal with sharp funk to it.

Not quite sure when I’ll bring everything down yet, I will just have to take some pictures and scope the trichs.

New tent should be here for xmas, will probably setup Christmas Day, so I feel like a little kid again, haha.

Hope everyone has a good one, thanks for joining along!


Everything is looking beautiful :slight_smile:

What tent did you go with ?


Thanks man! Not quite as chunky as the C99 grenades your growin’ over there :wink:

I ended up going with the one Bizfactory has, the HDG white one. I emailed the guy cuz I noticed a spelling mistake on his website, and wanted to know the maximum weight capacity. Gave me 15% off, free shipping, and tee shirt, which will probably just go to my GF, haha. Still pricey with the discount, but I really dug the design. I’ll try it out for a couple of months and see how it holds up before making any judgments.