Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Here’s another tester plant I’ve been running, Blue Dream x C99 in half gallon hydro pot. Looking about there, maybe a few more days. Smells mostly like the C99, but has a little bit of the BD in there. Sweet kinda of pineapple fruit smell, with some skunkiness back there.

T1000 at 55ish days

Merry Christmas!


That T-1000 is definitely turning some part of me into liquid metal, that’s for sure.
And those pics are fantastic!


Alright, my last update for this year. Another one flew by way too fast.

I spent the weekend rearranging the grow setup and fitting in the new tent. I’ll probably need to move it again once my other 4x4 finishes up, which doesn’t look like will be too much longer.

Finishing the testers and then going to do a seed run in there. I’ll give some thoughts on the new tent after awhile, some things I like and some things I think are not great.

Dimming the lights for the last couple weeks on the other 4x4, getting things the wrap up. I happened to be taking some pics right around lights out, so I threw a couple in to compare to the lights on pics. Really happy with the way the GG#4 and T-1000 turned out. The Blueberry and RudeBoi OG #7… not so much. Live and learn. I’ve picked up the two bigger City Picker boxes, to run 4 in the 4x4 for next round. I’m going to run the BB and Rudeboi again in the bigger boxes that the T-1000 and GG#4 are in now, I just need to revitalize the soil a bit. Going to pick up some KIS water only soil mix for the other two boxes, since I don’t have the space/time to mix any up right now. I think I’m going to run the CSI Lemon Party in one, and maybe pick up another clone from Archive to run in the second. We’ll see…

Here’s the GG#4, maybe she does smell like Gorilla Glue after all? Whatever she smells like, it’s delicious to me.

Man, the Blueberry smells so fuckin good. Just moving her around or brushing up against her releases this super sweet fruity smell. I mean real blueberries don’t usually smell this sweet. She’s not gonna win any bud beauty contest, but I think if I grew her to her full potential she’d be even better.

T-1000 is fading to purple nicely, pretty much just like my tester in the 5gal. I feel like the buds in the 5gal actually got a little bit bigger, but I aggressively pruned that one pretty hard. The one in the 4x4 has way more branching, and I think that’s a lesson that I learned this time. I’ve got to be even more aggressive with pruning! I need to eliminate under branching and get growth to focus more above the screen. I’m also trying to figure out how to ditch the box fan to give me more head room to raise the light. The buds further from the the COBs are actually bigger, it’s like there’s this nice sweet spot where coverage and intensity is perfect for bud development.

Some tiny buds on the Rudeboi. Totally my fault. Although, she doesn’t look like much of a producer anyways. Hopefully the high is good. If not, maybe I won’t run again. Smells pretty unique and funky though.

Looks like I’m going to be spending a good bit of the new year in trim jail… worth it!

Looking forward to running some new gear this year. Like all of you out there, I have a hard time deciding what to run next. Everything sounds so appealing, and then there’s always something new that I want to try. Going to try and hunker down this year and run through some unopened Bodhi and CSI packs.

I think I’ll run a poll after the seed run is complete and see what y’all want to see next, that seems like a fun way to do it. Crowd source my decisions…



Thank you for posting so many flowering plant pics. Inspiring, your grows are.


Yoda in the houuuuuusssse!!! Haha. Just kidding around.


Awww… thanks for joining along man. Glad someone else enjoys lookin’ at them as much as I like taking pictures of them. Following in the footsteps of those before me, I am.



Haha agree with you i will. i always liked Yoda, he is very zen and “bodhi-like” but a fearless hero when helping bring about peace.
i think it was Yoda who once said “walk softly but carry a big spliff”.


Happy New Year to all! Hope everyone had a good one and is looking forward to 2022.

I’m just going to do a quick update, here on day 56 of flower in the Archive tent. Will scope trichs again in about a week to decide if they’re ready. Looking like they will be, and I’m of course itching chop, dry, clean the tent, and reset for next round. Still debating what to do next round in the SIPs. The CSI Lemon Party for sure, maybe the Rudeboi OG again in a bigger box, maybe the Blueberry, I might also try and find a clone of Durban or Jack. Archive has mostly Cookies influenced crosses that aren’t really my jam, but they do have clean clones. I wish they would release their clone of sour diesel again, I heard DocD talking about it in a podcast yesterday and sounds pretty damn good. Crazy that he’s moving to Mexico!

GG#4 - getting more pungent by the day

Blueberry yum yum - hope she tastes as good as she smells

T-1000 - probably the first to finish. I may stagger harvest to let the lowers get some more finish time.

Rude Boi OG #7 - on the fence about running this one again. Terps are interesting, but not super strong. Hope the high is good. Looks like she needs awhile longer.

And now I’ve got to decide which males to cull from my Silver Lotus project. Transplanted the one girl into a 5gal yesterday (right front), also transplanted a Blueberry clone into a five gal (not pictured). Will let the males get a little bit bigger before deciding. Trying to keep 4 males, I think… haha plans change by the minute around here. The shortest male is starting to put out leaves in a weird offset pattern, but I kinda like him… we’ll see.


@iamyou_youareme your grow looks amazing each variety !! That blueberry is drool worthy. who’s the breeder? I have 5 outer limits seeds from doc d going right now with a bunch of other seeds. Looking forward to see what I can find. I was lucky enough to have been gifted a cut of some sour D back in 05 and 12. Don’t have them any more but I will never forget how they grow smell taste and the high from it. Can’t wait to see the finished results from your grow. :smile: :smile:


Hey @Kami , thanks for the kinds words. The blueberry is a clone I got from Archive dispensary in Portland, they don’t really list the breeder, but I suspect it is a DJ Short line. Archive list the lineage as Afgani x Thai x Oaxacan, but doubt they bred it. I think they probably just want to avoid any legal issues with using DJ Short’s name. Some places around here list it as Oregon Blueberry, I’ve heard its been around this area for awhile.

Yeah heard Doc talking about those Outer Limits when he mentioned the Sour D I think, they sound really good. Pretty sure a few members here have packs or are growing that one. I need to get to my pack of Doc’s Goji Razz x Dragon Energy… maybe this year, haha.


Oregon is where DJ started giving out blueberry cuts back in the late 70s, so I’d think you’re right :wink:


Yeah, it would definitely make sense. You can see from the pictures, it’s not very modern looking weed. It is surprisingly vigorous though. She roots pretty easily. It will be interesting to she how she crosses with the SSH/Snow Lotus. I’m air layering a clone for that cross now.


I actually thought about asking Doc what he’s gonna do with his moms, his dads etc etc when he moves when I order the Santa Cruz Pure Haze and the Purple Corinto seeds from him in a couple days (yes, I’m ordering more seeds; this really will be the last time haha). It’s not like I would take anything and I’m sure he’s already got a plan for those, but I’m still kinda curious. It might be something worth asking him, if you want. I’m sure plenty of people are already hitting him up, which is why I probably won’t ask, but you never know… Maybe he’ll gift you a Sour Diesel cut.

Plants look real good, though!

I mean, just judging from the picture, the plants in the middle and right-hand corner in the back row look the “weakest.” Or shortest, anyway. Maybe that’s just the camera angle. All of the rest look real good. They all look real good, really haha. Tough decision, for sure, but I get why you might wanna narrow it down, with only the one female and all.

Do you put that basil plant in the tent for pest control or…?


Yeah, surely he’s got someone he can give some of his prized cuts to. I mean, he might not want to just give away his library to one person of course, but maybe he’d be willing to part with a cut or two. He’s up in Washington right? He sounds like he was going to spend the next couple of months trying to get some of his work to seed form and then start fresh when he gets to Mexico. What a challenge, not starting with any good cuts, just starting everything from seed…

You are a member of the Strainaholics anonymous thread right :joy: :rofl: You should take a picture of your seed library at some point, it’s gotta be impressive!

Yeah, I’m seeing three shorter guys and three taller guys and four in between. The shorter ones don’t have much odor on stem rub, but going to go through today and make some notes on them. I’m thinking of maybe keeping 1 tall, 1 short, and 2 in-between but with the best branching/structure and odor. It’s going to be tough to time it right, trying to keep the males in that tent until right before they bust and then move them to a smaller space for awhile until I can collect a good bit of their pollen.

Nah, just for Caprese… I usually don’t grow extra herbs and stuff with the cannabis, but I started these from seed and just trying to get a nice herb garden going for my smaller city pickers.


Maybe we’ll start seeing some Bodhi Sour Diesel crosses in a year or two… But yeah, I’m sure he has some sorta plan. I haven’t listened to that podcast yet, but I actually am gonna make a point to check it out pretty soon. I’m not gonna ask him about it, just because it wouldn’t matter what the answer is; I don’t want any clones. Still, I am kinda curious… haha.

Yeahhhh I’ve seen that thread, but I don’t think I’ve ever posted in it. And I definitely don’t wanna post any pics of my collection. I don’t really get that whole,”Look at all my seeeeeeds,” impulse. Unless you’re growing them all, they’re not doing anybody any good. I’d rather keep this one particular addiction under wraps haha.

This really is gonna be my last order, though. I wasn’t even planning on buying any more seeds, no matter what was on this month’s email, but when he mentioned he was kind of shutting it down, I figured I should probably grab a few more things, while I still can. Plus, Santa Cruz Pure Haze… I love California. Any chance I get to grab some old vintage CA-bred stuff, I’m gonna do it. I don’t even know what exactly Santa Cruz Pure Haze is, but it sounds like it’s a Haze. That’s very pure. That was grown/bred in Santa Cruz. Haha.

Sounds like a plan. I always thought that if I ever did make any seeds, I’d probably just wait to decide on the males until after I’ve flipped and they’re a few weeks into flower. I feel like I’d wanna get a look at how they respond to a 12/12 (or shorter) photoperiod before any decisions are made.

Haha, okay. Love that Caprese. Love it. I actually made a New Year’s resolution this year: diet, lose fifteen pounds, work out more, hikes… Just general overall more healthy lifestyle (because that’s such an original resolution haha). So Caprese’s out for a while. Usually my resolution is “Eat more bacon” so this is gonna be different for sure…


That would be awesome, but shit, he probably could have gotten Sour D and started making crosses awhile ago if he wanted. Still, you never know what the future holds with Bodhi, he likes to keeps everyone guessing, haha.

Check it out for sure, it’s short and to the point, pretty much just Doc answering questions about his lines. I’m curious too, but don’t wanna be that guy, haha . It’d be one thing if I had bought tons of his seeds and interacted with him a lot before, but I haven’t even grown out the pack of his I have bought. “Hey bro, I know you don’t know me, but lemme get a cut of that Sour D” hahaha, I wonder how many of those DMs/emails he’s getting right now :rofl:

Sounds awesome, Santa Cruz is pretty awesome, Bodhi is there, of course, and tons of other influential cannabis people have hung around that area for a long time. I’ve been interested in some more hazey stuff lately, keep us posted when you pop those (I know it probably won’t be for awhile)

This would be ideal for sure, and if I had the space to flower them all out and keep them separate from the one girl, I’d go that route. Definitely going to let them get as far as I can, before the pollen starts flying everywhere and I can’t keep track of it.

Haha, eat more bacon is a good one… but I hear ya, hikes and working out never hurt anyone. Mine’s gotta be drink less beer, haha. Too many good options around me to choose from. I had a mad craving for Caprese so decided to make my own instead of going somewhere for it, just gonna have to be reallllly patient, haha.


Haha, yeah, I’ve grown basil a few times for exactly that reason. I dunno why, but I’ll just get like,”I NEED some Caprese. Right now.” every now and then. The drizzle of olive oil, the balsamic, little bit of sea salt… So good. Last time I made it, I actually bought this super-expensive bottle of balsamic, just to see, like, is this really that much better? I didn’t notice a difference haha. Cheap balsamic would’ve sufficed.


Sweet journal bud! I’m really liking your selections and you are making them all look awesome! Always been curious of the t-1000, Lemon Party and i’m always running some Bodhi. Good luck in the New Years with all your projects.
Also i just recently collected pollen from a stanky Black Lime Reserve F5 and one of the girls hit was a nice gassy Black Triangle. I’d be more than happy to share them when they are ready since yours didn’t take a while back in this thread if your interested.


Thanks for joining along and the well wishes! The plants and camera do all the work, I just try to capture a fraction of how awesome they all really are.

I’m hoping this Lemon Party comes out pretty cool… who knows what the mom is, since it was listed as a Fallen Soldier, which I guess are the ones that get lost track of, or knocked to the floor or whatever. It is looking pretty good so far though.

I’d definitely be interested in that cross… shoot me a PM when you’re ready and maybe we can work out something. I think I saw I couple of your post on RIU… how did your Black Lime Reserve turn out? They were from Useful, right?


Yea man will do, it’ll probably be the end of February to add a couple weeks to dry. These are from Useful’s F4 but an online buddy took them to F5. He did post his progress on Useful’s page on Riu @idlewilder.

I started 2 and they were both males, one was extra stinky on the stem rub so i kept him and used him. I have 3 more in veg so i’m hoping for girls this time.