Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Just had something weird happen that I’ve not experienced with cannabis before.

Has anyone had a plant that smelled like farts?

Like straight up sulphur, rotten-egg type shit?

I transplanted this CSI Lemon Party Fallen Soldier to a 7Gal organic mix today, and shortly after I watered it in the new organic mix, the whole plant started smelling like a fart. It wasn’t the soil mix either, I could smell the fish compost and salty smell from that, but this was straight up coming off the leafs of the plant. I even brought my GF downstairs and she noticed it before she even got halfway down the stairs. She confirmed that the leafs definitely smell like a silent-but-deadly… wtf? It’s not like its in flower or anything, and the stem rub smells reminiscent of the Black Lime Reserve.

My guess is the plant is sucking up something from the mix that it wasn’t before. It was just in straight pro-mix, so maybe it likes the organics stuff better? Weird shit. I have no idea. Fart weed.


Aptly named? Would you say it smells like an orgy of old men?

In case you don’t know what I’m talking about, do not click this - it’s not safe for work:

Ahh, the good old days…

:relieved: :flushed:

Lemon Farty!

:lemon: :poop:

It’s a farty party…


I’ll like your post, even though I really don’t like any post that references an orgy of old men and that isn’t safe for work. I actually kind of want to check that link out, just to clear my head of a vision that’s probably much worse than whatever you’re referencing. But I won’t. Check that link out, I mean. Please don’t ever say “orgy of old men” again haha. I’m picturing lots of slithering… And the sound of old leathery skin rubbing against itself. So, uh, thanks for that haha!!

Anyway… haha. @iamyou_youareme Are you positive it isn’t the soil going anaerobic? That was the first thing I thought of. But if you’re sure it’s not, I dunno. I’ll be certain to never, ever grow CSI Lemon Party Fallen Soldier (damn, that’s a long name…), though.

She’ll probably grow out of it. Hopefully. Or she’ll just get more crinkly and farty and leathery and slithery. Thanks again for that image, @nube haha!


I clicked on it. You asshole. Haha! Jesus Christ, why do you even know about that shit?!? Pervert! Haha. You’re reminding me of my friend Raina. She sent me a link to that “Two Girls, One Cup” thing, years ago and I never talked to her again.

Just kidding. I talked to her.

But holy fuck, @nube, that was actually almost worse than I thought. And I’m a dirty motherfucker. But that was straight-up gross.



but, the real question is, why is that strain named LEMON PARTY?!?!?

Does the shoe fit?


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I had to click to confirm my suspicions. That’s an old one, haha. I remember when I first learned how hypertext links worked and would link the unsuspecting. back there with tubgirl (don’t google that one either)! I’m surprised the url still works for lemon party, haha!

Yeah, positive that its straight coming off the leaves and not the soil, because that was my first thought too.

Got 'Em!!

I’m really fucking starting to wonder, haha! wtf


I don’t know!!! Is Lemon Party some kind of weird old-person sexual thing?!? I don’t know. Please do not make me aware of gross old-person man-on-man sex shit ever again haha! Was there a lemon involved in that pic? I didn’t even study it that long. Jesus Christ… I always thought you were a relatively sorta “earnest” guy, I didn’t know you had this in you at all haha…


Fucking what??? Okay. Alright. Honestly, I don’t wanna know about old person sex haha. I’m not sure why y’all know about it, either. I mean, I’m getting up there, we’ll all be there one day, if we’re lucky, but still… I’d rather wait to find out about that shit when I’m actually that old.

Still, good point. Why is that cross named Lemon Party ??? I’m thinking nube got a point here… Which still doesn’t make it any less gross haha!


No, no it really is as bad as your thinking. I wish I hadn’t clicked on it. Trying to get it out of my head. [grid]



Now i feel like a weirdo for saying i was interested in the Lemon Party. lol I will never ever say that phrase again.


Haha yesss that brings back good memories. The awful links my friends would all send each other in middle school. Before the days of rick roll.


Haha, I ended up clicking on it, because any time anybody posts a link and implies that it’s some weird sex shit, I’m gonna click on it. But I agree, I wish I hadn’t, either haha. I can’t remember who it was and I can’t remember what the term for it is now, either, but somebody a while back mentioned some sex act that involved men getting their balls stepped on by women, like fully crushed. They didn’t say what it was, they just said the term. So I googled it (of course). And I watched a video or two. And then I couldn’t forget about it for a week.

Kinda like that nasty-ass Lemon Party photo haha. Wish I’d never seen it. Wish I didn’t even know about it…


lol, and who’s the pervert? just fuckin with ya… my morbid curiosity generally gets the better of me too.

You definitely need some eye bleach after that shit. It’s a hard one to get out of your head, haha! I think that’s why it became ‘meme-like’ before there were “memes”. Go look at some kittens and boobies or something :slight_smile:


I have never seen any of the things mentioned and never will lol I am just grateful that when I was growing up the worst thing we had access to as kids was someone’s dads playboy , or if it was real raunchy , hustler.

Kids today have access to anything and everything and the worst part is it sure shows.

But ya Bodhi weed in tents is fun and makes me feel love and happiness :slight_smile:


yes, you should be grateful… ignorance truly is bliss in this case, :laughing:

Yeah I agree. Though there is no stopping the power of the internet now… truly all sorts of fucked up and disturbing shit out there.

lol, we’ve gotten a little off-topic around here, huh? The fart weed really threw me for a loop.

Must be something in the soil mix, I’m noticing some discoloration today on the leaflets… :expressionless:


I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, particularly when it comes to porn/sex. I love that women feel more comfortable than ever acting super-dirty when they’re fucking. I respect the shit out of that, for real. I’d rather it be like that than be like some sorta 50’s-type mentality.

Greenhighlander absolutely DOES NOT like any sort of off-topic discussion on weed threads. He won’t abide by it at all haha!


LOL I agree it may be very helpful with the " dirty " LOL women you have been very vocal about loving so much :stuck_out_tongue: I was specifically referring to kids. I don’t think it is good for anyone to become desensitized to horrific things. I especially don’t think it is for kids.

For the record if it wasn’t for porn I would be married with kids or have a girlfriend hahaha


I also have no issue with off topic discussion in other peoples threads. That comment was a joke in reference to the weird shit being talked about.

I do sometimes have an issue with continuous off topic talk in MY thread :stuck_out_tongue: It is mine FFS lol


Oh, yeah, dude, I’m just fucking with you.

You smoking that C99 again or something? Getting all aggro, sense of humor out the door… haha!