The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Guerilla Plot - Photos taken in late evening, so not great quality from my old digital camera.

Mextiza S1 @Arnold

Redwood Haze - @Hyp3

Verde Limon - @Hyp3

UEL x Original Haze @Arnold

UEL x Mextiza @Arnold

UEL x Purple Satellite

Mountain Gold - @Vman


Huh? bought in a bag?

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Great looking plants and really nice lineup!

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Hey @deeez99 I have 2 Oaxacan x red snake going now thank you sir!


Cheers, they may not all finish, but hopefully some seed will from UEL pollen.


Lol no like science papers lol silly just saying if you don’t take my word for it :slight_smile: PS there are some around that just love to try to prove folks wrong :slight_smile: lol just throwing that out there


Yeah buddy! Did I miss any pics posted somewhere?? I was curious on that one and didn’t get to plant it this season in my own garden.


I’m stepping into the Limelight in Sept gang, and growing a tent full of Landrace genetics.

All of these Beans come from fellow Members, OG’s of the best kind, and I want to say THANKS well before I get started !! You all Rock and this place is Primo, plain and simple.

Here below is the Link to my Sept grow, but I’m getting itchy, and decisions have to be made. So here goes:


Banana for scale. Update on @Hyp3 Zacatecas. So far so good. Super vigorous, and making buds fast.


Man that looks Pakistani. Looking good :ok_hand:


Just a little cross posting here to share the Oaxacan progress.
The older ones have been up for 12, and 10 days respectively, and the babies are only 5 days old.
The first to pop went straight from one leaflet to five, the second produced a typical 3 leaflet set after the singles.


No I tagged you when started 8 wks ago I don’t remember off hand. Anyways there is a bit of a story. I dropped 12 seeds 3 from 4 dif strains. 6 in jiffy pots 6 in peat plugs. Apparently they have changed the binders in jiffy pots cause roots could grow through them so stunted. I remove jiffy pots and planted in solo and they didn’t die but didn’t grow. Weird but now in 1 gal pots for 10 days in the tent and they are thriving wonderfully. I’ll take good pics tonight.

This is what they looked like at 5 or 6 wks not sure how long.

This is what they looked like 10 days later this was about a week ago.


What’s your soil again? @420noob

My plants don’t look that big until they’re a month old. Slow starting in the cold, or i’m a shitty grower. I think i’ve tried so hard to keep plants small I forget how to make them grow fast​:rofl::sweat_smile:
Looking healthy! With the speed of growth you have going on, you better throw those into flower now or plan on flowering cuttings ( or a tree)
If the older plants turn out to be the string of pearls phenotype they will be about four and a half feet tall if you start flower now. (and that is with containing them with small containers.)Flowering older plants is always better if you can do that… Just remember, You are driving a ferrari instead of a toyota. You’ll need to use the brake much more than the gas pedal.


Timely words! I’m totally a WOOOOOOHOOOO! kind of guy, so I need someone around who will say: “Um, maybe not.”
I literally haven’t given them anything except homemade microbial tea, though, and it was just the once, I swear!
What do you mean by a small pot? 1 gallon? 3 gallon? I had considered taking the ladies all the way to 5 gal, but from what you’re saying, it sounds like that would be mayhem, yes?


If you put them in a 5 gallon pot And started flowering today it would reach 8 feet easy… And probably six feet wide.



Jesu Cristo! :rofl::laughing::crazy_face::smile:
Okay so then, Carnac the Magnificent, what if I vegged them 1 more week, but kept them in 1 gallons for the rest of their lives?
I have that thread on watching, but I thought I was doing it right!
It said 3 weeks veg, go from 1/2 gal, to 1 gal, to 3 gal to 5 gal!

It also says if the plant is growing fast, leave it in the pot for longer, which I’m definitely doing, but based on the info in the thread, I figured I had another full week before flipping to flower.

Y’all really don’t think I do my research? :smile:
I’m literally trying to follow the directions! :bear::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::crazy_face:

Edit: grumbles as he has to set up the 2x4 to be a flowering tent for a couple weeks