The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

hey…youre right about that!

…got it straight Thanks


Good morning friends, smoked a half a joint of Oaxaca, I was skeptical about it at first but it sure surprised me. First hit was kinda nutty flavor and as I sit here with my coffee the high is definitely a get something done type of high, but you’re definitely high. I have a buddy that said it was a waste of time to grow these long flower strains that don’t get big frosty buds, he doesn’t know what he is missing. Thanks @Upstate for giving me the opportunity to grow these. Big thumbs up​:green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


I’m happy to hear it has potency @Greenfingers. I stayed quiet but when you first showed a photo of your plant, I saw those raised ridges on the calyxes, and I got worried for you. The lousy phenotype I found the 2nd time growing it had raised ridges on the calyxes. I know exactly which male plant (From my first open pollination) Is responsible for this. At the time I had grown mostly contaminated strains So I gave the longest flowering males some extra help spreading their pollen and thus inadvertently kept this trait in the line 1+ more generation(s).
Happy to hear this phenotype can have potency.


Old Silversides Came from a pack of regular Oaxaca. I’ve bred my own pearl line from it. I’ll always make some s1 For myself, too. i’m working on keeping the resin of old silver sides while increasing the bud size and a slightly longer flowering time, and for this purpose, I use regular males on OSS. The offspring are definitely getting meaty, And they are now showing some stem resin😁 and clumps of pearls rather than loose pearls.


Special thanks to Cryptic Labs for giving this nearly lost landrace a home in my collection​:100:%:+1:
I’m happy to spread the joy further.


Nice. Thanks for the report @Greenfingers

I definitely want to grow an Oaxaca because it sounds like the effects I’m looking for. But on the other hand I share your skepticism. I guess the only answer is to grow some out.

Does anyone know if Colorado Sativas Oaxaca is any good? I’m thinking about placing an order with him.

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You can trust the word of half a dozen thirty plus year smokers. It’s great smoke. Comparable to a good polyhybrid in potency, but with a zippy motivated high.
I haven’t seen anyone grow colorado sativas Oaxaca yet.


I probably could have explained my skepticism. I’m not skeptical about growing Oaxaca, but I am unsure where to acquire a good representation of Oaxaca.

I see the people on here posting pictures of Oaxaca that look nothing like the breeders website pictures. It’s confusing for the uninitiated.

And I absolutely trust the opinions of the regulars on here. I have much respect for yourself @Upstate and others that have demonstrated their knowledge on the subject.

I have been smoking for 27 years, but have really only had access to brick weed until I started growing about fifteen years ago. And I have only grown a handful of hybrid strains over that time. So now I am relying on the knowledge of this forum for guidance.

I appreciate your reply


Here’s a Cryptics labs Oaxacan kindly gifted by Upstate I grew, with all those phenotypes you never know what you will finally get :sweat_smile:, I hope you will give them a try … beer3|nullxnull


George that’s a beauty my friend



There really are a lot of different oaxacan offerings aren’t there? A buddy of mine is growing some of Green Mountain/Colorado Sativa’s Purple Satellite, which is said to be half oaxacan. While the Cryptic Labs oaxacan is a classic longflowering sativa, the “oaxacan” used in purple satellite is supposed to be responsible for the strain’s crazy short flowering time, my buddy’s P.S. had a male dropping pollen in the second week of july.

It seems like either there’s a lot of variation in Oaxacan landraces, a lot of wiggle room for breeders to change them, or maybe it’s just another one of those dealer myths where for a period of time any good weed coming out of mexico was “oaxacan” for the sake of raising the price tag, so now there are loads of breeders holding into oldschool “oaxacan” lines.


Dude i love your sceptism.
The question is very appropriate, cause people who smoke something better than they smoked before usually think they know the best weed in the world is like that what they smoked.
Weed has an insane span from shitty to unbelevable lifechanging…

This is a high span, right? (excuse my bad english)

So, can you trust the folks verdict? well, im not here to anwser that, but i anwser you that weed is unbelevable special , if its a special Strain…
So, the anwser for me is always old forums such as icmags, and search for the most unbelevable reports… THEN you get a Point of oriantation… That took me 3, 4 Years to hunt trough all existing Forums tho…

So , the only thing i can give you is an advise: Look for verdicts of people that lived trought the 70s… shall they rate a given strain, cause IMHO the Landraces have vastly degraded since the 70s. worldwide THATS MY SUBJECTIVE OPPINION.
So the only people able to judge are the really old stoners / or: 2nd option: people that had smoked original 70s Strains later on… but had a special deep experience. People who tripped on weed are the ones to ask IMHO. Not that you cant ask others, not at all, but thats the only Point of View that you can get, … the verdict of people that had deeeeeeeeep experiences.

I had that, but sadly i didnt smoke the oaxacan cursating here…

Let me specualte: its a prety cool one, but man, there should be a bit more deep trippy, lifechanging mexican out there, no? Something that flowers like 20 weeks? and no indica leaves at all? I speculate that i give that oaxacan a 6, 5 out of 10 Rating… based on look. Brutal honest rating…
dont hate me… please.


its also a question of taste of corse… still , i sometimes think this oaxacan is a bit dark (in my imagination, whatever that means, and should have some more brightness, its like a sunny feel inside still !, but a bit gloomy? or a bit weird? )


There’s only one pure one I’m sure of atm. I’d planned on growing tlt or Colorado version, But since I was growing for mainly headstash, I didn’t want to take a chance on being disappointed this summer.
Tlt ripped off Green Mt Oaxaca( story I was told), but the flower time of their offering closely resembles Cryptic Labs Oaxaca, so I don’t know that to be a fact. Could be fear and not fact. Same fear I have of tlt selling the Cryptic Labs version( maybe).

It is confusing. A true landrace has so many phenos, it takes a long time to make the plants look and grow uniform, and I’d wager that my open pollination “opened” the genepool back up and brought out some hidden phenos. There were so many different cultivars back in the days before Paraquat, too. Endless variety.
Someone will offer you Oaxaca soon. It will be me if no one else has offered by the time I get some extra minutes. I was literally jogging around this morning taking care of chores before work to get my shit done and only be 40 minutes late, lol.
Do you know of other Oaxaca available? I’m always on the hunt for treasure!


My Silversides line flowers 20 weeks now. . I’m at week 15 and still lots of flower time left. It’s a deeper, more psychedelic high with those later plants. Real powerful, but not as productive for daytime activities.

That can be arranged😁

Big leaves don’t mean Indica. Domestication and elevation both make leaves fatter. Highland Oaxaca Gold grew( and grows) at 5,000+ feet, according to my coworkers from Chiapas and Puebla(o?)


yeah, thanks so kind, but you know where i live, its not super chilled to recieve seeds in our current legal status. Also, i havent smoke anything else than vietnamse since the beginning of my hunt.


@romanoweed I can camouflage them very well for you. I’d get them to you brother. You should smoke this one😁

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anyway, they shall legalize it first… germany probably?

this Statement reminds me of some of my Landracefindings , well it sounds like a bit too anxiety-ish for my taste… better stuff might be out there? I mean do you give it a 10 ot of 10 rating ?
just trying to find more precise ratings-.


Here’s 2 Punta Cometa Oaxaca (@Tejas ) just starting to flower. Smells are currently piney.