The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Here’s pics of 2 different Big Sur Holy Weed preservations ( different sources) followed by the Santa Marta’s( last 2 pics) All three of these are a result of the Santa Marta group purchase, with one of the Big Sur packs donated and the other bought.

All 3 growers are doing a fantastic job. I will leave it to them as to whether they want to be known or not. One of them is a Freaker and 1 of them looks like he will become a Freaker for this year coming up.
Loving the red veins on that Santa Marta.


Wow, that’s amazing Shows some amzaing promise with those red stems!


I am so surprised that Chiapas has been mentioned here …Was always a hot spot…Ie. Bordering Cautamala and Belize. Not to mention Honduras ….they all have red strains.



Thanks good job wow , that bucket List for over 30 years hunting ,big Sur Holy Wed hippie trail love them teenage years
Thanks @Upstate , @ReikoX , @Budderton you guys are happening ,happy growing all those genes and wowee we share and share alike Peace…
Overgrow The World with love…


It’s nice to explore something new. All three of these are said to be great smoke. I sure hope so!


Freaker! Freaker! Freaker!


Really, from Panama to Oaxaca, the landrace map is almost blank. Nicaragua is said to have a powerful red strain near Lake Nicaragua. Nice to fill in a little bit of that map. Wish I knew where in Chiapas this is from.
That Guadalajara…would you believe I didn’t even know what state that was in? I thought Guerrero, but it’s Jalisco.
The little Guadalajara sprout I decapitated has survived and is growing. I don’t expect much from it, but at least it’s genetics will contribute to the next generation. Here’s a couple of them. If my " sagging plants are males" theory holds water, we’re looking at a male and female. Sure enough, that taproot was circling. The only one doing so.


Not sure yet if these are Kashmir or Kashmir × Oaxaca. ( one or the other.)I didn’t tag my seed branch 2 years ago. @Arbac and others have been asking me about minty strains, and since this Kashmir has minty phenos, I figured I had better find out which seeds are my pure ones so I can make more seed.
These are fast growers, and I think Kashmir is slow…and for that reason I think this might be the hybrid seeds made with Oaxaca. We’ll see. All plants look like these. Real choppy Kashmir leaves. Generic seeds Kashmir was used.

Kashmir pine/ mint pheno is the momma.


Island of Ometepe with its two Volcanoes in the middle of Lake Nicaragua …I been there and sampled that weed…I wasn’t sure if it was red as it was dried and compressed….but sure had a kick…Alta Cracia is the place to go if you ever visit lake Nicaragua…get the boat from Rivas…

Ye there is a lot to fill in….from Mexico to Argentina.



@Panamajock No.doubt much to fill in. I was just telling you about the possibility of 3,000 strains in the Congo. Imagine what the Amazon basin must have.
Think you tried the local landrace there in Nicaragua?


Here’s some pics of the Big Sur Holyweed preservation project, seeds donated by @royal

I’ve been wanting to share this grow, thanks for stopping by for a look.:peace_symbol:


Your BSHW are looking great. Are those from Colorado Sativas?


Nice job with the BSHW.


One is from Royal, the other from Reeferman.


What’s up everyone. I am a part of the group buy for the Santa Marta and Big Sur. Here are the Reeferman Big Sur Holy Weed.

They are on day ten of 12/12. Four males and five females.


Nice healthy looking plants good luck with your grow.


From Coastal


Feliz Navidad!


Here is the Big Sur Holy outdoor grow this summer


It The Nica weed had been grown on that island…on the the black volcanic soil of Volcano was locally grown I know that….

I spent three great days there 15 years ago…happy days…I had a thing about Volcanoes… I’m now living on the slopes of active Volcano. LOL

you know Upstate all he’s countries ie. Panama , Costa Rica, Guatemala ,Belize,el Salvador , …the list goes on….Together they are smaller than …some USA states.

So it’s maybe easier to say it’s Central American weed …though I have heard that El Salvador has some kick ass weed…If I was younger I would be doing more travelling and I always go to places where I know that you can score….But as I said on a few posts in part 1 from Colombia to goodness knows where…the Crispi or Creepy ( depend on country dialect) is taking over…I know and folks tell me that it is Colombian x skunk cross ….Be a dam shame if the smaller CA countries who still have a landrace or two…got contaminated.)
I honestly don’t know.but I’m not a great lover of it,and always seems to be cured badly.

Ye Landrace…we all love them and want more….@ the Congo that be some adventure chasing some of that gear…there is a good National Geographic post on the pygmies and growing weed somewhere on Part 1.

Just my thoughts

You Know some of you younger guys should get your rucksacks on and do a field trip…It’s dead easy and cheap to get around…Local buses and international buses are all available…the chicas are amazing …and for surfers…most of them have playas with good surf.
Dead friendly people…who you must mix with…

I would help you out with suggestions

Well I’ve rambled as usual…Happy growing