The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Beautiful…definitely a Roal flush there lol

Well done, sterling job. @ nice photography




Stole…and shared. Thx :love_you_gesture:t5:


Back in the …day great little read.

Some sound advice about crossing borders…ye look smart and get your Hair cut LOL



BOEL Hawaiian @F13 weeks. Two phenos, Xmas tree and totem pole.


Beautiful job Tejas…colours are something else…oh ye …rocking it.



I like the last bit of advice. Don’t cross the border stoned lol. The fact that needed to be mentioned at all is funny. Flashback to Cheech and Chong movie.


That plant doesn’t look like it would go 13 weeks…and counting. ( clearly she needs more time.) She’s a chubby one. They are all baseball bats like this? I think the Indica used would have come from a kandahar type 2 crop. The type 2 fields are not watered, are planted close together and have limited branches, yet are longer flowering in some cases. Hard to tell what Sativa is in this Hawaiian. Any guesses? Smell Oaxaca in there? What’s the nose on her? Nice plants to plant closely together. Looking good. Couple weeks left?
Actually those buds remind me of Iranian. The hairs look Iranian with that green tint.
Reminds me of Cabeca de Negro a bit too with those narrow leaves and chunky flowers. Cabeca was likely made with Kandahar Afghan during the early 70’s. Half the plants were pole phenos like yours and half with short branches like yours. 11-15 weeks flowering. The longest flowering had the longest branches.
These should have good mold resistance being from Hawaii. What year is this one? The 71 Kandahar is in there, correct?


These plants are beautiful @Tejas.
What great solid Columns of Bud. Happy Harvest is in sight for sure


The new “Traditional Oaxaca”. Just 2 plants. If I don’t get a male and female, I have Oaxaca pollen set aside.

A couple neat winter photos.


How is that smoking now? I just cured Some columbian that was average in potency for about six weeks and then over the course of the next couple weeks, between weeks 6 - 8 roughly something happened and it became amazing.
Anyone hear from @GREANDAL? Hoping he and his wife are not still ill.


She is good. Very nice stuff. I reach for the jar a lot and now I am almost out.

I revegged her, and she revegged almost immediately. Since then I have let her go… with mixed feelings. Unfortunately I can’t keep everything, and my grow is tiny.

The smoke creates really nice relaxed weed, slanted eyelids, and that tell tale shit eating grin. Only thing though, is it isn’t upbeat. It makes me want to chill out, not party down.

When I grow long flowering stuff I want to feel that wide eyed, bright eyes and bushy tail on a sunny day kind of high. I want it to make me get up and do stuff, even if I forget exactly what it was I got up to do.

Great weed, but when you can only keep 3 strains and have a closet grow… just wasn’t my personal holy grail. On the other hand… if I still lived in Louisiana and grew outside you wouldn’t be able to pry these genetics out of my resin encrusted fingers.


It looks like Zacatecas to me. @Motaco thread for his Zacatecas is similar in appearance, Motaco’s Mexican Christmas Tree Giveaway! - #19 by DesertHeartGardens
This is the ‘68-70 BOEL Hawaiian, so ‘71 might be a little late.
Here is an image showing a bit more Indica influence.


I take it all plants are indoors now.

So how many months till plants can go outside in your hood?
So I take it your limited to tent grows now.

Nice fotos


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A buddy of mine and his cousin and I were driving through a park in Maryland, when a rock a little bit bigger came down just after we passed by. The thing was big as the car we were in.


Nice buds @Tejas, I kinda like those totem pole plants, but there’s nothing like a big bush.:+1:t2:


I experienced that this summer. I held onto the clone of a cross I made, until the plant was dry. After a test smoke I tossed the clone. It was potent, but basically maintenance weed. After a couple of months I tried it again and it’s just like you said. It was really good weed. So from now on I’ll wait a couple of months before tossing anything. All these damn rules! :smiley_cat:


No full time outdoors til June. It is sometimes warm before then, but generally we get frost on occasion til memorial day.
Plants are in my room now under lights. I’ll have to get a second space up at some point over the next 4-6 weeks and then of course our big windows in the house will have male plants in them soon, much to my wife’s chagrin😁.


Sure has that same shape as Zacatecas, and that one might be from Pakistan. Sure isn’t the 71 Kandahar in there if the Hawaiian is from 68. I hadn’t heard they used kandahar any earlier.


Quick question from the Gallery @Upstate here my Friend.

“How many years have you applied to becoming knowledgable in Cannabis”?

Understanding and pursuing details, to the extent that you do daily, (along with a few others) is a spectacular feat to witness.