The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

I vape in the garage and I leave the garage door cracked open, or out on the porch.


This is a whole new world for me! :crazy_face::rofl:
I’ve smoked weed on my couch for… as long as I’ve smoked weed!


I smoke outside too, been 24 years since I smoked in my house. But lately I’ve been contemplating turning my spare room into a seedling/smoke room :thinking:
I sure do miss smoking a fatty on the couch though


I have to blow the smoke in the wood stove door. My wife absolutely hates the smell of Oaxaca in particular… But doesn’t like the smell of any weed.

It’s not at all over-rated😁. I forgot how nice it is. I passed out with a pipe in my hand last night. That columbian black is some good stuff. Found another good plant… This time one of the purple ones with chunky nugs. So three of the ladies out of five or six ended up being very good. Nice selection work by BCO… for only one round of selections they did real good. I plan on working with the ancestors of the keepers I found, but you’d better believe I’ll be picking up a fresh pack from those guys when they do another generation. Recommended.
@Elchischas I would have made cheech and chong proud last night!
@Greenfingers 29 years! That’s impressive you made it that long.
@420noob You forgot a picture…and don’t forget…3 sisters are late mystery seed. I won’t know if it’s a hybrid until mid flower…


Living the damn dream! :raised_hands:


Guadalajara males. The other two are shorter but look similar. I think that last stunted plant is going to be female, but if it isn’t, I’ll find a male in those Jalisco seeds from @Pigeonman to keep it solidly in the Jalisco family. Glad to have a backup plan.


:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


Damn…you could still find brick weed in the early 2000’s? Last I had it was in the late 80’s in CT. Brown and lightly seeded, was good though. Working in the trades at the time so it was a nice discreet one hitter smoke for the jobsite. :smiley:


Same here, I remember the last time I got any brick in San Diego was the year 2000. My buddy and I actually went out of our way to see if we could find anyone with shwag still and it took weeks, but we finally got some and it wasn’t like the brick of a few years prior, it was more green but just a headache and grouchiness.


You’re in for a treat if this is your first time growing this. Buds tend to be small but usually have varying degrees of aroma that will drive you wild. Candy, floral and perfume. Absolutely unbelievable delicate smells that will translate into the flavor if you are careful with drying and curing. Potency is excellent.


Oh shit. Glad you said something. I GRADUATED in 91, not born then. Must have been smoking the good shit when i wrote that, lol. Through the mid 90’s it was all brick. $25-35 an eighth for green brick or brown " dirt weed", as we called it. Then Beaster bud from Canada showed up, and that was it for brick…though i recently found out a friend still gets brick locally.


Yeah, I was finding it hard to believe you are only 33 years old…lol, add 18. :slight_smile:


To my knowledge if referring to central America, Mexico. They are the actual origin of skunk. I will read the article before I speak any further, but just putting that out there.


I think Mexi x Kandahar = skunk


91 was 33 years ago? I’m old? Sucks. :crazy_face: :point_left:


You can still get it in many places. In the Public Residential Projects in Puerto Rico colombian and mexican imports are still available. In fact, even if there are hundreds of dispensaries with Triple Platinum Cookies and Double Whammy Lime Lite Kushes lol people like me actually go out of their way to buy brickweed (at least when I am down there).

Those seeds are precious and I am collecting them.


Round Indiana way we called it “ditch weed” cause big fields in Indiana were they grew hemp for ww. Couldn’t kill it so it still grows everywhere including ditches lol. Signs on roads say no stopping plane monitored.

I asked @upstate about that in a dm. Did you start when you where 8 lol messed with my head a bit.


Guadalajara. A different set of males.

And a male turned female hermie

The Chiapas are hybrids, no doubt. I see Chitral ( imo)in the plants now, which is where they picked up the purple trait, again imo. Plant height is all over the map. One tall female, one short female, and one intermediate height female. Both males are the tall pheno.

And a Coyacan lady. Coyote x Oaxaca .


Ditch weed grows everywhere in southeastern Ohio. It was planted when the pioneers moved in. My ancestors homesteaded this farm after the revolutionary war. I am the fifth generation of my family to live here. I still find a wild pot plant from time to time.


Graduated in ‘97 here. Brick weed was all I could get around here until I started growing my own. Probably around 15 years now.

I guarantee I can still find brick weed very easy around here, especially if I go over to Cincinnati. I don’t know where it comes from, Mexico, South America, Local ditch weed, etc… But it is so nasty.

Not many green buds from what I remember, just mostly brown buds that are so dry it feels like your trying to roll up some dry dirt or sand. Shit will give you a headache too.

Reeferman Big Sur Holy Weed