The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Does this grow qualify as an Orgy?
Thats a Wild room @Uprangewilly


I think so lol. But it’s about time to cock :rooster: block the dudes and get them out of there. There is skeet everywhere. :sweat_drops:


Good Morning chuckle on that one.
Breed away @Uprangewilly


Skeet skeet!


Snag me some seed if you find another. I’ll grow it


F*ckfest, 2024🤣
You have so much pollen on your hands, I’m going to spray my own plants down just in case! Lol


That is unfortunate. Around my parts, we usually get very green buds and some which have fermented and turned blonde and has rotten fruits and licorice aromas. We use to call it ¨verdolaga¨ or ¨baby creepy¨. It meant it was quality stuff, just grown outdoors.

Nice looking Big Sur Hollyweed. I´ve recently bought the Big Sur Oaxacan (Oaxacan Tribute x Zacatecas Tribute) which has Big Sur Hollyweed in it. I will follow your grow :smiley:

I believe I have not posted these babies here yet, so here they go: Amnesia Haze x Chocolate Rain


That up there is the Raspberry-Grapefruit phenotype

I get funky with it. It is very uplifting and it gets you in the mood to be playful, closer to people, even affectionate towards people, and if you like to dance, you WILL dance. The kind of cannabis that has you singing to the songs over the commercials and that fills you with big expectations of what is ahead to come. You almost feel glad you decided not to give up on life because, suddenly, you feel full of energy and filled with what it takes to tackle life.

Below is the Raspberry Syrup pheno:


This is the only phenotype with a slightly sedative effect peeking its nose at the otherwise dreamy high. There is no heavyness, only full relaxation, while having a powerful psycoactive effect. Perfect for long saturdays lounging about the house while intermitently active on the kitchen and the house in general.

And this is the Raspberry-Cherry phenotype


This phenotype is done after 9 weeks of flowering. You could say that it is my favorite out of the three in terms of the loudness of the terpenes. It is just great. The high is the cleanest and without less ceiling, but it is also simpler than the longer flowering phenotype- aka the raspberry-grapefruit haze- in terms of how far you can get away from earthly centered thoughts. This one keeps you grounded. You can even use it to think in creative ways to optimize things in life, like daily chores, and I actually use it to work. It keeps me motivated and focused. I listen to Palace, specifically Have Faith, and I truly just focus on the essential and let go many things that bother me, small and insgnificant things like my football club being on a bad streak, and am able to enjoy life as it is. It helps me accept the present. I would imagine this has therapeutic effects for people with neurodivergent conditions.

I am very pleased with this cross and it has pumped me up quite a bit to look into its deep ancestry, specially the Highland Oaxacan through the Chocolope through the Chocolate Rain and so I was immediately attracted to Sativa Seed Hoarders Co. ¨Big Sur Oaxacan¨. I will be playing with the Big Sur Oaxacan and these Amnesia Haze x Chocolate Rain aka Raspberry Haze. Maybe some interesting things may come out of Big Sur Raspberry Haze.


Oh good.
I thought you were way too mature for your age otherwise.

I graduated in 1975. So I guess my handle should be “ok boomer”


I found a oaxacan pheno that stunk the hell out of my house…made me giggle and stagger around and go look for the VISINe
Think of it as Cheech and chong weed


Oaxaca plants smell strong in flower?

Are you talking about the smoke…

Here’s source for the Colombian black BCO…or is that where you got them? @Upstate


That’s the Colombian I grew. Good stuff. Had a mating with Oaxaca that should produce nice kids😁
Oaxaca tall stretchy pheno can get a fuel smell @herbgreen. I think this is where skunk comes from and is why Mexican on phylos is often shown as containing skunk genes in it. . Almost skunky, but different. More like fuel. @Trowertripper sounds about right lol. A drunk high without fatigue.


For how long does the Oaxaca flowers?

I heard from my uncles (they used to travel Latin America a lot) that the earliest mexicans were Zacatecas. They tell me it looks like a hybrid. I got a nice freebee from Hyp3rids (Colombian Rose: Colombian Gold x Zacatecas). Maybe it will shorten the flowering a bit? I will be running the 1971 Panama and several hazes so I don´t really have room for any other long flowering plant and I was hoping the Zacatecas shortened that long flowering time from the CG.


Unfortunately, they ran out of the PUMA and, apparently, they will not be producing more seeds for quite some time to focus on other projects (Cannabis picture encyclopedia or something of the sort). I wonder if anyone knows of any vendors they might have had. It never appeared to me that they sold through any vendors other than seedheaven though and over there it is sould out as well. People sure know when to identify potential in cannabis :sweat_smile:


Thanks for that…Freaker’s did Colombian Black too right? Just reading the old thread…

The skunk in phylos is a genetic marker they invented with SamS and RClarke

Phylos is Phraud.

Nothing is going to make sense…Even worse if it seems to fit…Its a mess @ phylos

There is mexican in skunk1 but only as add on to make faster according to SamS

Its really Colombian Gold squared with Mazar + Acapulco Gold

That is an excellent bargain ATM…Colombian Black @ the nature farm

Need an outdoor Light Dep/ frame …Start Tarpin’ this stuff!!!

Just might work even in Northern latitudes…finish these equatorial sativas w/ the light of sun

Under the warmth and night protection of the Tarp!

I also found two things that might help w/the stress of root restriction…

These cloth beds breathe and air-prune roots … also allow roots to zig zag everywhere within the bed…

Next thing is the pumice!

Pumice is hard to find the right stuff…Its better than perilite and doesnt float like perilite from what Im told…For long haul w/ these long flower keep the air to the root…Also adding sand, wormcasting, dolomite lime powder as good buffers…

:grin:These are just some more thoughts keep kickin’ around!


13-20 weeks. My Silversides line goes 17 or so

In my opinion, it’s because they were not Mexican at all, but are pakistani transplants, now heirlooms. I think that’s the case with my Chiapas. There is nothing modern in the Chiapas or Id see it by now. They wouldn’t outcross to a landrace this day and age either imo…they’d use something modern.

No. I had a pack of SnowHigh Colombian Black i put up For adoption with no takers. I tried growing it myself but only 1 seed germinated, then died. Typical. I got the fresh real alive seeds from @deeez99 And made a small number of seeds for
a group purchase bunch. Both were BCO stock, The only difference being a generation and that the bco seeds were alive, SnowHigh’s dead. Like everything else i bought. Same with Guitarzan. Between the two of us, we spent over five thousand dollars on his seeds and he has been ghosting guitarzan for a year now When he inquires about fresh seed. I’m extremely disappointed to say the least. Disgusted would be more appropriate. I can tell you right now, anything I get of his I’m going to repro the hell out of them and i’m going to sell them at half the price he does, Until I recover the two thousand dollars I spent on his shit dead seed. Just kidding about the half price thing. I wouldn’t rape my fellow growers like that. That’s a snow high thing


I am searching for double Panama Red from this breeder but can’t find any seed nord any info about this strain except It Is the purest Panama Red avaible today.I write here because It seems the right Place.Is there any gentle soul with some beans Just to run some a male and some females?


It’s not the purest available.


What could you recommend me?
I really am After a pure Panama red landrace,if any is still around @Upstate

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The only Panama land race is the 74. Red cross. If you want the panama, people smoke back in the day and the one that lots of people remember grow the 71 Panama From hippie cannabis genetics… I’m too backed up on sending seeds to think about telling people I will send more right now. In a few months if you haven’t got anything hit me up