The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

My rough plan so far is that I’d have to veg them inside anyway and would flip them inside too. Start them in July, flip beginning or mid August and put them out around end of August when we have less than 14 hours of daylight, hoping they’d stay in flower. They could be done end of November or beginning of December, we might not even have frost then. Does that make sense?


@allotment it could work. The male plants will keep flowering with fourteen hours of daylight. I think I would want the ladies well into their flowering cycle before giving them such long days. At least the midway point.

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Man I wish Michigan wasnt balls freezing cold half the year. Normally by end oct -Nov its danger zone. I actually cut one down a little early last year just so frost wouldn’t fuck it sideways. Hopefully my first indoor runs go well and I can convince the other I need a much bigger tent. Had a question I was wondering about… Have you ever tried a haze autofast flower or is their even a such thing?


I’d probably start 2 or 3 Oaxacan, go for one female to put outside and keep one male (maybe inside until I can collect pollen, don’t want to fully blast what’s outside). I’ll think about it and keep in mind what you said about the females.

I have to get the Beldias out and then deal with a bunch of Sinai (thx @rasterman) that I had to start in a small planting spree so it’s a bit unclear where and when I’ll find the space to start with the Oaxacan and the others for the outdoor photo run. But I’m determined to try some this year, you hyped that one pretty well @Upstate . :joy:


SSSC has an Auto AK Triple Haze that’s quite good and seems pretty vigorous.


He did hype it pretty well, except that it’s not hype. :rofl:


True. I’m usually not interested in hypes. :sweat_smile:


Interesting. Really wish a dispo near me carried anything haze. I keep looking but no luck at all. I’m gonna have to grow some if I’m ever gonna find any.


highland Guerrero f2

snowhigh Guerrero green x Michoacán f2 starting to tap in and take off already hit 100 degrees for a few days :skull:


Cut some red dot flowers and dry them in the microwave. two favorites

Pheno Gold tastes like a slightly metallic lemon and its effect is powerful and very psychoactive. a great effect and classic Punto Rojo flavor

one of the intermediate phenos between gold and red, it tastes like incense, it has an energetic, euphoric, very pleasant effect. It allows you to carry out work quite concentrated, in a happy and creative state. It is softer than Pheno Gold, but without a doubt a high quality effect. the smoke is very tasty despite drying it in the microwave. Makes you want to smoke just for the taste. It is precisely the phenomenon I was looking for with a red point and it seems that with the cold it brings out colors


Congratulations on finding real “gold” treasure.


Very nice! I’m glad you found some good ones. I have to say, I expected a hybrid when you started these. I’m happy to have been wrong.


I am very grateful to @motaco who gave me the opportunity to breed this red dot, I am grateful to whoever made the previous repro, he did a good job. no hermi in the repro and was able to maintain the most classic red point pheno…
When trying the four selected phenos, all the effects and flavors are within the classic red dot. The favorite is undoubtedly incense, due to the quality of the effect and the flavor, when they talk to me about red point I think of something like it. The red gold dot is very good too, but the effect of the incense are those effects that you love, that you want to be like that all day, it is that hotness that ends you so quickly because it is tasty and has a charming effect, that you never manage to achieve. consume it cured, it is that herb that runs out first of all. The phenotypes that I excluded from the reproduction were different. but they still looked like red dot, they seemed to me like a vigorous hybrid between red pheno and gold pheno, but I didn’t want to risk the repro. Only due to phenotypes that were contained in the rest of the specimens, they were P3 seeds so it could have been done poorly, but no, the most deviant male specimen and the most deviant female specimen were crossed outside the reproduction and their offspring will be examined.
I will also follow the descendants of incense and gold. for study.
I liked this red dot, it is completely authentic and with some ninja grower tricks, they will end up on the correct date as a Chilombiano, that is, as a Colombian acclimatized to Chile.


Pearly Oaxacan has been coming down in stages. Like Rasterman’s description, this is a nice smoke. Mine will last a long time because I’m a light smoker and don’t roll joints, hehe. But I’m super happy to finally have something that produces an authentic Dr Grinspoon experience.

This is plant #2 with mild terpenes. I did not pollinate her but she may have a few seeds from the other one. Both of these plants are now throwing a few stress nanners daily but I just pick them off.


Trimming really could not be easier! All smokeable. Tastes like hash, with nice lingering woody and pine flavors, also incense.


Thanks for the details, getting a chance to enjoy it vicariously through your recollection. Makes me think about my flower experience with Punto Rojo, delicate calyx braided in the perfect way with exotic, alluring scents and euphoric, zen-like experience where I kept reaching for this one. That particular pheno i tried was the wintergreen/menthal type, but it was still some of the best i’ve had in the last 10-15 years, if not top 3 of all time. One day I hope to be able to hunt this line, find the tree sap resin phenos - especially the Colombian sasparilla and frankincense types :grin:


So the G’s are running 14+ weeks? That’s very nice, are you on 11/13 or 12/12?


The seeds of the first male seem to be ripe. But the seeds from the second male, which was used two or three weeks later, are not ready.

The seeds of these PRs have a fairly slow formation and that is a great sign.
a pure long flowering should have a slow seed formation.

Rapid seed formation is more typical of short flowering periods. although they are not exclusive (in hybrids this applies depending on selection). In fact, I think it is a way to follow for those who want to shorten a line without hybridizing it, just digging into that genetic pool. If we did this, the surprises we would find hahahahahaha.

I ordered these seeds directly and they were delivered to me under a rule.

“Please breed with them, and share freely as I will do with you.”

I honor that rule and permission to share it with you brother. I also got engaged to @roryborealis, @greandal

When the seeds are ready I will send you brothers


Question for all you modern growers of the Central American heirloom strains:

So many of the slower growing plants tend to produce wispy buds, or colas that concentrate right up along the main stem, with lots very narrow sugar leaves. When it comes time to trim these plants, do you generally leave all those sugar leaves intact? Does it depend on how frosty they are? Is there a rule of thumb?

The weed we used to get (in the '70s and early '80s) was nowhere near as tightly trimmed as is the fashion today. (Coincidentally, the same could be said for another kind of ~trim~. :haircut_woman:) Most of that came from Mexico, I think. I wonder if the trimming fashion has changed, now that nearly leafless bud is so readily available. …Or, is the heirloom weed given special consideration owing to how long it takes to come to harvest?


Nice shots @DesertHeartGardens we are at 28 LAT florida ,last past years mostly variable condition 50s thru 85 …we got 6 nice ladies …
OVERGROW THE WORLD with bad ass weed ,thanks to all very much …happy growers…