The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

I just finished fastbuds original amnesia Haze auto flower


Ill bet thatā€™s way better then waiting 16 weeks of flowerā€¦ Im gonna be going nutty waiting.


Ya but the wait is worth it to soon and you have ruin it lol. Or not as good as could be at least.šŸ¤¦


I wanted to order their 5 pack mixed seeds on 420 but they were sold out by noon and I wouldnā€™t know what strains I was actually getting.

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Look at the stipules on this nanan.


Funny you mentioned the smell. I just now broke two down into a baggie, and there was a menthol (something I normally hate but not this time) and I kept getting whiffs of flowers. Neither one are anything I remember experiencing with cannabis.


I usually just remove the fans, if Iā€™m being honest. Sometimes I remove the larger sugar leaves. But I donā€™t care about bag appeal.


That gold pheno is where itā€™s at, psychedelic and all.


No, psychedelia in red point I have never found. neither before nor now. At least in Chile, I have never heard that red dot has psychedelia.


According to satva, who had extensive experience with the Punto Rojo (from the other platform), there are some (highland) phenos that can be trippy


I have a mountain phenomenon, very similar in appearance to the satva mountain phenomenon. but so far it is not psychedelic, in any case the plants have not finished the cycle, they lack maturation, I only took a bud early and then they lack curing. It may appear with curing. It runs out so quickly that it was rare for it to prove cured. hehehhehe


The only time I have had something truly psychedelic is a cross I made 20 years ago, of Destroyer by Jamaica Blue Mountain. It was a Jamaica Blue Mountain female by a Destroyer male. The phenotype seemed to be the most sativa that Jamaica Blue Mountain had left from the last reproduction of Kaiki, with the best red point from Destroyer. It smelled like orange peel (naranjina) and it was truly psychedelic, you could see everything, like when Frodo put on Sauronā€™s ring hehehheheheheheh


Jamaica x destroyer psicodƩlico pheno.

It was a very resinous and exquisite plant to smoke, although it was a little annoying it left oil on your lips, it was very resinous and oily when smoking

I donā€™t cut anything when I harvest them, I let them dry with the leaves, because the leaves protect the bud after it dries. It protects it from broken trichomes and extreme dryness. You should think that these flowers are very sparse so they have too much drying time.


Iā€™m on 12 12 and it looks like sheā€™s going to go 16 weeks. Sheā€™s pickable now, but flowering strong. Iā€™ve hammered a couple short branches despite my best effortsšŸ˜ and this stuff is great. On par with Oaxaca and Huixtepec. Iā€™m now sure this is a pure Sativa, too. Seeds shatter and fall out of the buds. I canā€™t wait for you all to try this one. As soon as seeds will germinate Iā€™ll be popping some to see what gems the male side has to offer, and to make sure no faster flowering genes are in this one. If it passes the test, at f3 Iā€™ll offer this one for saleā€¦but of course you all get the OG discountšŸ˜
@TexasTea nice looking Oaxaca. This pheno is best uncured imo. I swear it weakens when cured. Loses a little of its stimulant side. Itā€™s an offspring of Old Silversides, Iā€™m sure. I had the same pheno last summer, red stem, late hermies and all. Itā€™s definitely worth battling bananas for a few weeks to get it finished like you did.

I Remove them after drying if uncured, leave most of them if curing.

The Cali cut drives me nuts. I dislike the fake look of the weed. When trimming out West, I couldnā€™t believe the rough handling of the flowers, in favor of concentrates. Concentrates were great, but the bud suffered. I did enjoy scraping that trimming trayā€‹:yum::grimacing:.

Holy! " youā€™ll poke your eye out"! ( name that movie)
Look at the leaf stem resin on the first leaf set. Sheā€™s a good one. :+1:

People have different standards and our buttons are all pushed in slightly unique ways. @Tejas whatā€™s your version of psychedelic? @Arbac that old cross sounded special. I hope you make it again.


It was a great cross, although well varied, that psychedelic phenotype was spectacular, there were others not so outstanding, but almost everything was very good, I would love to repeat the cross, although neither Destroyer nor Jamaica Blue Mountain are what they were 20 years ago. jamaica blue mountain has been poorly selected for several generations. Out of ignorance, those who raised her have taken her where they did not belong. That is why it is always essential to study the lines. many lines need selection. before open reproductions that continue to spread the incorrect specimens in the lines.

The Jamaican landraces of the 60s are mainly Indian gene pools, perhaps a Nepalese and an African added in a smaller proportion

The Jamaican landraces of the 70ā€™s are the heritage of the Jamaican strains of the 60ā€™s and some Colombian heritage that were introduced after the first eradications of cannabis in Jamaica.

The jamaican landraces of the 80ā€™s are the heritage of the Jamaican ones of the 70ā€™s plus some Mexican acerbs after constant eradication with paraquat of the Jamaican plants.

This is where Jamaica blue mountain is, it is Jamaica 85, a low 80ā€™s Jamaica. Unfortunately JBMā€™s selections were made selecting towards the thickest phenotypes. but if you contextualize that blue mountain may have mexico70ā€™s in its collection, you will realize that this is going to end badly. because Mexico 70ā€™s already contained Lebanon. By knowing this you already understand how Jamaica Blue Mountain became what it is. It is not about contamination, it is about ignorance of the selector.

going back to jamaica/destroyer or Jade as I called my psychedelic sister. I could search lambsbread or double jam for something that represents that motherā€™s phenotype. It was strawberry, floral, mint eucalyptus and in some substrate I added lavender to the mix,.16 weeks of flowering.

but powerful citrus destroyer from destroyer from 2003 you canā€™t find that anymore, unless they were some f2 from the destroyer from that time


Yeah, Upstateā€¦Iā€™m really enjoying this beauty and since I love smoking fresh flowers this is ideal. I just chopped down all the branches but left the bottom half of the stem because the lower fan leaves are still perfect. I will put her outdoors this weekend and see if she will reveg.


Well if leaves are covered with tris then? Maybe trimming so close makes for other products?

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that is @YoBigdaddy nanan looking good. the smcg by him are jumping it went from single finger leaf to 5 the 2 solos on the left are smcg.

here is a third smcg totally different pheno but look at this bunched up


Psychedelic, like visuals racing heart rate. Something I havenā€™t found yet with my sativa experience so far. :grin:


Got 2 females of the Guerrero green x MichoacƔn they both look pretty similar in structure going to run them both I think @Elpolloloco

And turns out I got 2 female of the highland Guerrero too

One real squat thing other is growing a bit more vigorous like the Guerrero green x MichoacƔn females