The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

I will later. I’m already kind of impressed with this strain.


Very interesting

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Placebo effect 2 days ago. I never saw it like this before. Up above the normal partly cloudy skies I could see those lines across the whole entire Horizon. Man made rain storm and we didn’t need the rain… maybe it’s dry in the lower elevations I don’t know. ![Screenshot_20240516_130916_Gallery|225x500]
@deeez99 heck yeah brotha! You’ve got yourself an awesome line up there. (upload://7KZCiRg7xft0aYEeUkuHOlhHtE8.jpeg)

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Man you’re going to make me pop some Colombians I don’t have room for🤣.


That’s fibratus clouds over some alto/cumulus clouds.


What’s this one called? Fibratus clouds are an indication fair weather is approaching. Those lines were followed by two days of rain.
Or here’s my favorite for the non-believers . This is a contrail spit out by a jet, myself and my coworker watched it happen. The following pictures are what happened to that same contrail over the next 30 something minutes.

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You can mix and match. Science is fun.

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What kind of clouds are those up above? We witnessed the plane doing it

I don’t know what else anyone would have to see
This is all out and in the open now for anyone that’s interested in finding out the truth. Or one could look up at the sky. That works too


Tennessee can make a law to ban Chupacabra but that doesn’t make it real.


You have to be able to believe your own eyes my friend


It is called solar radiation management, research solar radiation management companies.


I invite you to look into geo-engineering >

The idea of geo-engineering has been seriously discussed on the highest levels, there are several documents reviewing all of the options laid on the table. Including seeding clouds.

It’s illegal for the government to unsuspectingly dose it’s citizens with psychoactive drugs but that didn’t stop Uncle Sam. So if there’s an opportunity to save us from ourselves(pollution/climate change), why wouldn’t Uncle Sam start the process to see what results could be gained?

It’s already out their in the zeitgeist, here’s an interview on TV from 7 years ago , tin foil hats no longer required attire :


This is a short excerpt from the bill. @CocoaCoir I know we’ve all been lied to for a long time about this subject, but to suggest that hundreds of Highly Educated government officials working for the people of Tennessee would waste their time and damage their reputations and draw up a bill and pass it into law for something imaginary is kind of ridiculous, don’t you think? Look into it a little bit for yourself and don’t trust everyone will. tell you the truth. It won’t take you long at all to come across some thought-provoking photos and articles.



My chupacabra reference was even more fitting.


Can I see some plants please? :pensive:


@deeez99 Here ya go


Looking good, thanks for sharing @Grayeyes. Are those also from the landrace team?

Does anyone know if you can get authentic Guerrero Green seeds?

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My apologies. If my thread hadn’t been taken down I would have somewhere to talk about it that would be more appropriate


You mean Highland Guerrero?

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