The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

I’m going to laugh about that all day.


Did you see Tennessee banned chemtrails geo engineering whatever you want to call it. Now people posting on how amazingly clear Tennessee ekys are that haven’t been in years!

Got an Oaxacan and 2 smcg in flower 2nd day hopefully shows sex soon.


They need to do it everywhere!!

Right that would be great. To some it seems that there is no proof that they will believe cause they don’t want to believe it. If the government is openly discussing and making laws it really should fall into conspiracy theories. The Oaxacan from the seeds I made is doing well :crossed_fingers: in a day or 2 will find out if this is a m or a f.


Too easy, too easy. WWJD? :rofl::rofl:

There may still be a few theories out there yet. It’s the ones that are now settled fact that has me unsettled.


Thanks for the good news, its a start!

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Found another Oaxacan pearly pheno. The smells from these are just great, this one leans a bit more towards the sweet fruit side and less wood/incense compared to the previous one I had.


Colombian Black
@Upstate’s repro. The first two labeled as "purple’ and the other two labeled as “Upstate’s favorite”. Only differences right now are the purples seems to have slightly larger leaves that the favorites.

Santa Marta Colombian Gold (Kolby’s Organics)
@YoBigdaddy’s repro. All looking pretty similar and will be ready to pot up soon.

Highland Guerrero
@Cbizzle’s repro. Had six going and then a mouse in the greenhouse decided to eat 3 of them as well as some other vegetable seedlings so 3 plants remain strong.


Found a bag of cobbed Oaxacan that I attempted a while back and had forgotten about in my closet. I don’t think I sweat it properly as it was a bit more dry that it should have been for this method. I haven’t smoked it but I have been eating small pieces here and there, maybe the size of half my thumbnail and wow…what a lovely blissful effect.

Normally edibles have a very heavy feeling but this was not quite like that. Perhaps it has more to do with dosing properly but I’ve really enjoyed eating this one. On an empty stomach it takes exactly an hour before it gently kicks in. Would really like to try and cob one of these pearly phenos now!


Wow I love how Pale the colour is!
Great info on the edible option, may just have to give that a go…

Thats a fantastic looking Cobb @deeez99. Nice work !


Thanks @MissinBissin I know you have plenty of cobbing experience and I’ll have to go back through your thread when I’m ready to attempt this again.


This past Fall, I only allowed Harvested Buds, to hang for 8 days before getting Cobb’d.

That goal was to Harness a bit more R.H. moisture within the Buds, so the finished Cobbs would have more than in previous attempts.

*(Also realized my Temp in the 2nd-stage ie: Ferment, was a bit warm… so there were seemingly beneficial changes in a couple of places)

Regardless, this years Cobbs were still delicious and strong, however they still had that Petrified look lol and were really Crumbly

Going to eat a small piece tomorrow!
Thanks for that @deeez99


I’m not saying you’re wrong or right but placebo effect is real. If people think that suddenly all the “chem trails” stopped then of course they will see “clearer skies,” regardless if they are clearer or not. I think the only way to indicate that is with instruments… unless your area is so polluted that the particulates change the light… and that would affect perceived color.

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Corinto (TLT)
@GREANDAL’s repro. Looking like lots of Colombians this season! Will be interesting to compare the effects of them all at the same time.


What is combing, iv never seen that before. Ill have to look it up.

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Hey welcome @Gho13 here is a run down on the history behind it:

Here are a couple threads of others going through the process:


This season I am growing Corinto out too. We should probably stay in contact and compare notes. Mine are currently on the 5th node and looking a little taller than yours but I also have some that are shooting out secondary shoots.


Sounds good, I’ll be updating pics in this thread. Are you able to post any of your plants?


Looking like some fine nuggage is in your future. TY for the tag bro!