The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

I gotta double check with Kagyu and Bodhi about restrictions, but Im thinking Dolores is a special line and will need to be backed up in a couole peoples’ garden for safe-keeping once that pack is popped :wink::innocent:


So far, looks like its a pure Mexi line the Beatniks brought back to Cali in the 60s or 50s.

Should be perfect to cross with the BOEL Hawaiian


@Upstate, Wow, I’m constantly amazed at the Collection that you have amassed. And many many others here. Truly.
Just a Hats-off to you for the cahones to be in the middle of all this action.

ie: “Colombian Black?…not even a Twitch; got it”

You guys Rock


Colombian gold.

24 weeks on 28th (Saturday)

She is done….( well I think so…plant looks completely done in ( no wonder 24 weeks in flower)
but I will wait till Saturday for the chop.

Regards P J


Does she keep throwing out fresh pistils?
Many of those pistils look a few weeks shy of mature.

Might have to scope the resin to see.

Most lines Ive run that go 16+ weeks will have multiple harvest windows.
Which can mean its harvestable at week 18, but will have fresh pistils and resin at week 20, and can be harvested again at week 22, and again in a couple weeks.
Even shorter flowering lines Ive seen be ready ready around 58 days, not ready at 65 days, but ready again at day 73.


I’m wondering if that was the case with my Iranian x Colombian. Mine looked like they were almost ready at about 13/14 weeks but then they started shooting out a fresh batch of white pistils. I waited for those to mature and it looked like they would over next two weeks, then it did it again so I just chopped since the fan leaves were almost all gone.


We will see how she looks on Saturday…she isn’t putting any new pistils out…ye it’s a long slog…




Great job PJ, hopefully she will give you a magic carpet ride!


Great thread. As a haze lover I’m looking forward to doing some pheno hunting at some point for some special gals. I plan on starting to pickup old mr nice gear. My last indoor years ago I ran sssdh and mango haze. The mango gave me one crazy hazy monster of a gal that I ended up having to bend in half and give its own 4x4 area in my flower room. Went 120-130 days. Huge liter soda bottle sized fluffy foxtail buds. Miss it. I haven’t had any luck finding mango haze from a vendor I can trust but did find a handful of his other haze crosses.


This is one of the only pics I have of the hazy mango haze at day 45 flower


I’ve been hunting the cut of that watermelon hashplant for years , one guy in my town grows it and I love the taste but he never lets it out.


Damn, I was just browsing Instagram and came across someone running a pack Watermelon Hashplant. I thought i took a screenshot but it didnt take.


is there a way to contact them? they dont really answer emails so im curious on to why?
has anyone ever use Colorado sativa to order from?? Im ready to grab some while the sale is going on but right now i feel like im going to miss out as it is like im talking to the walls. so is this place legit?


Big thanks to @deeez99 .
Package landed today.

Well picture trolled me… Upside down :crazy_face:


I have not ordered from them yet so maybe @Upstate can help you with that

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I’ve ordered from Colorado Sativas a couple of times and am getting ready to place another order. I’m not aware of any sale but his prices are extremely reasonable. Gerry seems to have an affinity for Mexican genetics and has recently added a few more selections. I started a CS thread so that people can showcase their CS grows. Gerry always has responded to my emails within a day or two.


ok ive got my fingers crossed cause theres some ones i just need to get. Do you know the payments he takes?


@blendmedmedman He’s old school: cash in an envelope. What are you thinking of getting?


Send me an email with the type of seeds that you want, and how many packs of each you would like. I’ll email you back to confirm availability and where to send your donation.

All seeds are a $25 donation for a pack of 20. Please include $10 for shipping (U.S. only, no international shipping). Currently I’m only accepting cash donations. Send your donation via US Postal Service Priority Mail, you’ll receive a tracking number. Email me your tracking number when you send your donation. When I receive your donation I’ll ship out your seeds and email you with your shipment tracking number. Orders usually go out within three days of receipt of donation.

I send lots of freebies with every order based on what you ordered and/or what I think you might like.“


You must be so excited! I wish I could be there to partake in your 1st smoke! Congratulations on a fantastic job well done


If it’s not making any new flowers I would chop it right now