The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

I got in touch with him on Instagram
I see he carries that Highland Guerrero blueberry mix. It’s supposed to be fantastic. I can’t wait to start crossing my old blueberry IBL to some of these Mexican varieties


ok nice ill look him up on ig Thanks @Upstate , yes, his selections seem to be a good place for some nice projects in the future.
what is his ig name?


What a lovely looking jungle you have there…

Nice work I can’t wait to hear how it smokes!


Sure been an experience…when I cut on Saturday.

It’s been 11 weeks @ 18-6 hrs in Veg.

Flowering 24 weeks "

= Total 35 weeks …= 8.005 months

Was a long journey LOL



That’s an awful lot of electricity! Man, I can’t even afford to use my indoor atm. I have to do my sativa outside and bring them inside to finish for a couple of months. By then they seem to do okay just being in front of a window and finishing there.


I only veg under lights…and most days the plants go outside …I’m Equitorial.

Then out to greenhouse for flowering.

I think long flowering Sativas grown under lights be totally uneconomical.

Thanks for the responce



Ah, okay, yeah… I wasn’t thinking. I do that here on occasion… inside until it’s warm enough, and then I haul them outside for the whole day, then back under the lights just before they go off in the evening. I’m in southern Colorado. Lots of sun, but the weather is always volatile with cold nights until late spring.


No I understand

One of the good things of retirement in Panama is a 20% discount on electricity.
And it’s pretty cheap, my bills average out $16 a month here. And the gas for cooking is cheap as well.

Compared to the UK I’d be paying my pension on energy, especially in the cold winter.
Ye that’s a big plus to moving here.




Wow, that’s nice. My electricity alone is around $300 a month in the winter. It makes it hard to run a 600w and 1Kw hps light.

How long have you lived there, and do you have any regrets? It sure looks an interesting place to live. I’d keep a bedroom full of plants going if my bill was that low. I bet the fishing is good down there, too?


I just went to CS, and it’s pretty cool. That’s a damn fine price for those genetics.


I live in :canada: and have an electrically heated home… was a good idea in '67 when it was all said and done but now I keep the house too cold to most folks. This is where my electricity gets ballanced with heat usage and lights usage and the bonus for me is that running my lights is cheaper than heating the house. So I make sure these lights are bleeding some heat into the house so they are doing the heaters job when they are on, and then at lights off the heaters do the bulk of the work again. :ok_hand:


No regrets

I do miss my family,but we talk regularly on FaceTime etc and I’m going to visit them soon…they’re grown up and got their own lives.

The beer and spirits here are much cheaper…air is pure.
I live in the bread basket of Panama so my vegetables are real cheap and fresh…Supermarkets here stock lots of imported food…but it’s at a premium price…and there’s also Pricesmart. Though I don’t use that.

Ye it’s a hard decision I made …but not one I regret…

As for fishing…see photo LOLimage image


Is that a “Dorada”? (second picture)


Sure is or as the locals call it mahi-mahi

The other is a Yahoo …it’s a fighter took me over half a hour to land it…but was sure nice on the BBQ



Ooooo that’s good eating right there.


Yep, sounds like me. My house is 135 years old and the lady I bought it from put in the electric heaters and aren’t a good fit for my environment. I used to keep my house colder, but said fuck it this year and have the heaters set to 69ºF.

I just saw my latest bill was right at $250. That’s about $100 lower than average. I haven’t turned any lights on yet and my hot water heater is out atm, so I guess that’s the reason. I find any way to share the resources around the house. I have 3 really large picture windows with 2 facing south on the south side of the house, and one in front of the house facing east.

As soon as the sun comes up over the mountain the house warms up fast. If it’s sunny, I get heat from those windows most all day long.

That is all about to end because I have some seeds I want to start asap. And that means adding a few more plants to take advantage of the lights being on. I’m also about to install a tankless hot water heater and that should be inexpensive compared to the old tank heater that was in the cold basement. Maybe I’ll find some way to grab some LEDs in the future, but I tend to want to mix the lights if I have different kinds, like I used to do with my T5 HO bulbs. My ballast both went out of the fixture and haven’t replaced them, but I loved mixing them with the HPS in flower and they loved it.


My home averages 12-16c (53.6 - 60.8f); the garden basement 18-20c (64-68f) with tents at 21-25c (69.8-77c), our bedroom 18-23c (64-73.4f) and the lizards room: 22-27c (71.6-80f).

It’s all very complicated.


Yes, he is legit, fast delivery, easy transaction. Cant speak to the work as i have not had the chance to grow them yet.


Yes! Im so happy to see that one listed!

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Fish on!

Beautiful fish. I think Panama should hire you to sell the dream to expats… after reading your posts and seeing that quality fish, It would be an easy sell for me.

Tight lines :call_me_hand: