Sulfur Evaporator Nivola - Dutch solution used for many years to fight Powdery Mildew (very frequent problem in cannabis growroom also).
The problem with PM is that it is type of mold which unlike other molds does like dry environment. (But we usually want low humidity in late flower phase).
You can find more on their website: Nivola B.V. and Specifications PDF
It has 100W heating element and you fill it with sulfur tablet. One vaporizer is per 100m2 so it is probably overkill for all small cabinets and short time exposition would suffice. Nivola offers this as ecological approach (approved by MJP-G - dutch agricultural norms).
From their PDF:
The well-known consultancy for the Dutch agrarian sector, De Landbouw Voorlichting (DLV). makes recommendations for the effective prevention of mildew.
Sulphur vaporization is generally recognized as one of the best methods for the prevention and control of mildew. This solution is moreover in line with the ecological approach taken by the MJPG. The precondition, however, is that the sulphur vapour really reaches every corner, gap and crack. To achieve this, the separate components of the vaporizer must be equal to their job and accurately adjusted to one another. The effectiveness of an electric sulphur vaporizer depends on the interplay of factors which never stand alone. It is only in a sophisticated design that the correct balance can be found between good reach, a high vaporization value per unit of time and in this way, minimal power consumption.